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The Mann-Kendall Test for Temperature Trends in Some Selected Stations in Iraq
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   In this paper, Mann-Kendall test was used to investigate the existence of possible deterministic and stochastic climatic trends in (Baghdad,Basrah,Mosul,Al-Qaim) stations. The statistical test was applied to annual monthly mean of temperatures for the period (19932009). The values of S-statistic were (62, 44, 52, 64) by comparing these values with the table of null probability values for S we get a probability of (0.002, 0.026, 0.010, 0.002) this result is less than α for the 95% confidence level (α = 0.05) indicating a significant result at this level of confidence. Concluded that an increasing trend in concentration is present at the 95% confidence level and the variance of the S-statistic is calculated and it is compared to the table of null probability values for Z and our conclusion reject the null, there is an increasing of trend.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Proposed Introduction to Activate the Role of Accounting System for Political Parties in Iraq
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     Purpose - The study aimed at evaluating the accounting system of the Iraqi political parties, which is applied according to legislative texts, and then the ability to provide accounting information to evaluate the strategic performance and control of the party's operational and financial performance.
Findings- The research found that the unified accounting system applied to political parties does not provide relevance informations to judge the performance of the political party, the researcher a proposal for an accounting system that provides the necessary information to measure and monitor the performance of Iraqi political parties can be presented. The

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study for evidence of bacteria contamination in the southern part of the Diyala River / Iraq
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Were studied some bacteria evidence of pollution as well as the total number of live bacteria in the waters of the Diyala river and selected five stations within the 17 km final Diyala River before its mouth in the Tigris River was the first before the new bridge of the Diyala River about 4 km and the second after the mouth of the water purification plant Rustumiya suit inverselywith temperatures

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Assessment of the Quality of Drinking Water for Plants in the Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq
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     The study aims to assess some physical, chemical, and bacterial characteristics of two drinking water treatment plants of Al- Dora and Al-Qadisiya in the area of ​​Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq. The areas covered by each plants and these sites of areas selected as the nearest and the farthest point from plants, for winter and summer season. Some physicochemical parameters of water quality were taken in this study and these parameters were temperature water, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, free residual chlorine, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and heavy metals (lead). In addition to four bacterial indicators of drinking water pollution (APC, Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2003
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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The abdominal nerve cord of some species of Iraq Carabids has been studied to evaluate
the variation in the number of the abdominal ganglia among the species and to find out
relation of these variations with the classical taxonomy of the family Carabidae into tribes.

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
A review of ultra-high temperature materials for thermal protection system
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Abstract<p>Ultra-High Temperature Materials (UHTMs) are at the base of entire aerospace industry; these high stable materials at temperatures exceeding 1600 °C are used to manage the heat shielding to protect vehicles and probes during the hypersonic flight through reentry trajectory against aerodynamic heating and reducing plasma surface interaction. Those materials are also recognized as Thermal Protection System Materials (TPSMs). The structural materials used during the high-temperature oxidizing environment are mainly limited to SiC, oxide ceramics, and composites. In addition to that, silicon-based ceramic has a maximum-use at 1700 °C approximately; as it is an active oxidation process o</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Carbon-13 Characterization and Modelling for Temperature Measurement-Based Proton Frequency
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The physical substance at high energy level with specific circumstances; tend to behave harsh and complicated, meanwhile, sustaining equilibrium or non-equilibrium thermodynamic of the system. Measurement of the temperature by ordinary techniques in these cases is not applicable at all. Likewise, there is a need to apply mathematical models in numerous critical applications to measure the temperature accurately at an atomic level of the matter. Those mathematical models follow statistical rules with different distribution approaches of quantities energy of the system. However, these approaches have functional effects at microscopic and macroscopic levels of that system. Therefore, this research study represents an innovative of a wi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Analysis study for some offensive plans for Iraqi Duhok participated in Asian club in Basketball 2011
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The tactical side in application of offensive plans in basketball did not take a large in scientific research because it always change because it related in mental ability of players and for the condition of the game and researchers notice that from their followed a lot of games for Duhok basketball club in Iraq league. There is a problem that connected in games results it clears in weakness in application of offensive plans in all kind (man to man & zone defense & side ball plans & under basketball and half court). The goal of study concentrate by designing a sheet for som offensive plans for study and analysis to Duhok club on Asian Championship 2011 at the base the sample contained (Iraq Duhok & application science Jordan & Lebanon sport

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 26 2021
Journal Name
Solidification Enhancement in a Multi-Tube Latent Heat Storage System for Efficient and Economical Production: Effect of Number, Position and Temperature of the Tubes
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Thermal energy storage is an important component in energy units to decrease the gap between energy supply and demand. Free convection and the locations of the tubes carrying the heat-transfer fluid (HTF) have a significant influence on both the energy discharging potential and the buoyancy effect during the solidification mode. In the present study, the impact of the tube position was examined during the discharging process. Liquid-fraction evolution and energy removal rate with thermo-fluid contour profiles were used to examine the performance of the unit. Heat exchanger tubes are proposed with different numbers and positions in the unit for various cases including uniform and non-uniform tubes distribution. The results show that

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Scopus (11)
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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Product development For Use Some Of The Lean Production Tools A Practical Research in the General Company for the automotive industry
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     This research aims to analyze the reality of the production process in an assembly line Cars (RUNNA) in the public company for the automotive industry / Alexandria through the use of some Lean production tools, and data were collected through permanence in the company to identify the problems of the line in order to find appropriate to adopt some Lean production tools solutions, and results showed the presence of Lead time in some stations, which is reflected on the customer's waiting time to get the car, as well as some of the problems existing in the car produced such as high temperature of the car, as the company does not take into account customer preferences,

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 10 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    Two dwarf snakes were discovered, Eirenis thospitis Schmidtler & Lanza from Sereen mountain, north east of Arbil  and E. rothii Jan from Saffin mountain North of Arbil  city  North of Iraqi Kurdistan. Supported by description and important notes on variation. In addition summarized list for 9 species of the genus Eirenis Jan in Iraq is also presented.  

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