The research aims to propose a plan to reduce the waiting times in the Multiple Server queuing model (M, M, C) (FCFS, ∞, ∞), and adopt this plan, mainly on the arrival rate (λ), some process have been achieved in order to reduce the arrival rate per service channel that should reduces the overall waiting time in the system. This research is on two sections where the first deals with theory and how it has been approved the proposed method in theory and in mathematical equations as well as the second section, which dealt with the practical goal of applying the proposed method and comparing it with the traditional way, which was followed in calculating the performance measures in this model.
Identifying people by their ear has recently received import attention in the literature. The accurate segmentation of the ear region is vital in order to make successful person identification decisions. This paper presents an effective approach for ear region segmentation from color ear images. Firstly, the RGB color model was converted to the HSV color model. Secondly, thresholding was utilized to segment the ear region. Finally, the morphological operations were applied to remove small islands and fill the gaps. The proposed method was tested on a database which consisted of 105 ear images taken from the right sides of 105 subjects. The experimental results of the proposed approach on a variety of ear images revealed that this approac
... Show MoreIn this work, we study two species of predator with two species of prey model, where the two species of prey live in two diverse habitats and have the ability to group-defense. Only one of the two predators tends to switch between the habitats. The mathematical model has at most 13 possible equilibrium points, one of which is the point of origin, two are axial, tow are interior points and the others are boundary points. The model with , where n is the switching index, is discussed regarding the boundedness of its solutions and the local stability of its equilibrium points. In addition, a basin of attraction was created for the interior point. Finally, three numerical examples were given to support the theoretical results.
In this study, we propose a suitable solution for a non-linear system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the first order with the initial value problems (IVP) that contains multi variables and multi-parameters with missing real data. To solve the mentioned system, a new modified numerical simulation method is created for the first time which is called Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta (MLHRK). This method can be obtained by combining the Runge-Kutta (RK) method with the statistical simulation procedure which is the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method. The present work is applied to the influenza epidemic model in Australia in 1919 for a previous study. The comparison between the numerical and numerical simulation res
... Show MoreOil sector is one of the most important sectors affecting the ecological balance, as activity contributes to the oil companies to influence their working environment, both during the oil exploration and extraction process or during transfer from one place to another process. We will try through this research put an environmental audit program proposal takes into account all the financial aspects, commitment and performance, according to the laws and regulations and agreements as well as relevant international standards, was based on research on the premise that the development of an environmental proposal auditing program that includes environmental controls on oil industry phases which helps reduce or minimize environmental pollutants B
... Show MoreThis paper treats the interactions among four population species. The system includes one mutuality prey, one harvested prey and two predators. The four species interaction can be described as a food chain, where the first prey helps the second harvested prey. The first and the second predator attack the first and the second prey, respectively, according to Lotka-Volterra type functional responses. The model is formulated using differential equations. One equilibrium point of the model is found and analysed to reveal a threshold that will allow the coexistence of all species. All other equilibrium points of the system are located, with their local and global stability being assessed. To back up the conclusions of the mathema
... Show MoreThe interplay of predation, competition between species and harvesting is one of the most critical aspects of the environment. This paper involves exploring the dynamics of four species' interactions. The system includes two competitive prey and two predators; the first prey is preyed on by the first predator, with the former representing an additional food source for the latter. While the second prey is not exposed to predation but rather is exposed to the harvest. The existence of possible equilibria is found. Conditions of local and global stability for the equilibria are derived. To corroborate our findings, we constructed time series to illustrate the existence and the stability of equilibria numerically by varying the different values
... Show MoreLocal and global bifurcations of food web model consists of immature and mature preys, first predator, and second predator with the current of toxicity and harvesting was studied. It is shown that a trans-critical bifurcation occurs at the equilibrium point
In this paper, we made comparison among different parametric ,nonparametric and semiparametric estimators for partial linear regression model users parametric represented by ols and nonparametric methods represented by cubic smoothing spline estimator and Nadaraya-Watson estimator, we study three nonparametric regression models and samples sizes n=40,60,100,variances used σ2=0.5,1,1.5 the results for the first model show that N.W estimator for partial linear regression model(PLM) is the best followed the cubic smoothing spline estimator for (PLM),and the results of the second and the third model show that the best estimator is C.S.S.followed by N.W estimator for (PLM) ,the
... Show MoreIn this paper, the general framework for calculating the stability of equilibria, Hopf bifurcation of a delayed prey-predator system with an SI type of disease in the prey population, is investigated. The impact of the incubation period delay on disease transmission utilizing a nonlinear incidence rate was taken into account. For the purpose of explaining the predation process, a modified Holling type II functional response was used. First, the existence, uniform boundedness, and positivity of the solutions of the considered model system, along with the behavior of equilibria and the existence of Hopf bifurcation, are studied. The critical values of the delay parameter for which stability switches and the nature of the Hopf bifurcat
... Show MoreAn ecological model consisting of prey-predator system involving the prey’s fear is proposed and studied. It is assumed that the predator species consumed the prey according to prey square root type of functional response. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are examined. All the possible equilibrium points are determined. The stability analysis of these points is investigated along with the persistence of the system. The local bifurcation analysis is carried out. Finally, this paper is ended with a numerical simulation to understand the global dynamics of the system.