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Numerical Solutions Of The Nonlocal Problems For The Diffusion Partial Differential Equations

    In this work, we use the explicit and the implicit finite-difference methods to solve the nonlocal problem that consists of the diffusion equations together with nonlocal conditions. The nonlocal conditions for these partial differential equations are approximated by using the composite trapezoidal rule, the composite Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 rules. Also, some numerical examples are presented to show the efficiency of these methods.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 15 2018
Journal Name
Strojniški Vestnik - Journal Of Mechanical Engineering
Comparative Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Electrical Discharge Drilling of AISI 304 using Circular and Elliptical Electrodes

This work introduces a new electrode geometry for making holes with high aspect ratios on AISI 304 using an electrical discharge drilling (EDD) process. In addition to commercially available cylindrical hollow electrodes, an elliptical electrode geometry has been designed, manufactured, and implemented. The principal aim was to improve the removal of debris formed during the erosion process that adversely affects the aspect ratio, dimensional accuracy, and surface integrity. The results were compared and discussed to evaluate the effectiveness of electrode geometry on the machining performance of EDD process with respect to the material removal rate (MRR,) the electrode wear rate (EWR), and the tool wear ratio (TWR). Dimensional features an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Modeling of Sediment Transport Around A Water Intake In Tigris River – Baghdad Using A Numerical 2d Model

     Understanding sedimentation behavior and its transport capacity in the Tigris River is of significant importance owing to the detrimental consequences caused by it. This study investigates the sediment amounts transported along the reach of the Tigris River in Baghdad. The CCHE2D model which is a common tool developed by the National Center for Computational Hydrological Science and Engineering (NCCHE) was applied to investigate the flow pattern and sediment amounts within 7 km reach. The model was initially calibrated and validated under steady-state conditions at the Sarai gauging station (upstream) and its performance was evaluated around the Abu Nawas water treatment plant (downstream). The result shows that the water surfac

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology

Sheet piles are necessary with hydraulic structures as seepage cut-off to reduce the seepage. In this research, the computational work methodology was followed by building a numerical model using Geo-Studio program to check the efficiency of using concrete sheet piles as a cut-off or reducer for seepage with time if the sheet piles facing the drawdown technique. Al-Kifil regulator was chosen as a case study, an accurate model was built with a help of observed reading of the measuring devices, which was satisfactory and helped in checking the sheet piles efficiency. Through the study, three scenarios were adopted (with and without) drawdown technique, it was found that at the short time there's no effect of the drawdown technique on

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical study of natural convection in an annulus between two concentric cylinders provided with metal foam fins

Natural convection in an annular space provided with metal foam fins attached to the inner cylinder is studied numerically. The metal foam fins made of copper were inserted in different axial sections with three fins in each section. The temperature of the inner cylinder is kept constant while the annular outer surface is adiabatic. The thickness effect of the inner pipe wall was considered. Naiver Stokes equation with Boussinesq approximation is used for the fluid regime while Brinkman-Forchheimer Darcy model is used for metal foam. In addition, the local thermal non-equilibrium condition in the energy equation of the porous media is presumed. The effect of Rayleigh numb

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Thermal Sciences
Experimental and numerical investigations of heat transfer enhancement in shell and helically microtube heat exchanger using nanofluids

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Thermal Pollution at Selected Stretch of Tigris River in Baghdad by Field Observations and Numerical Simulations

Although many technological improvements are occurring in power production worldwide, power plants in third world countries are still using old technologies that are causing thermal pollution to the water bodies. Power facilities that dump hot water into water bodies are damaging aquatic life. In the study, the impact of the Al Dora thermal power plant on a nearby stretch of Tigris River in Baghdad city was assessed by measuring the temperature of the disposed of hot water in various cross-sections of the selected stretch of Tigris River, including measuring the thermal mixing length. The measurements were conducted in winter, spring, and summer. For field measurements, it was found that the impact of recovery distances

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Heat Transfer
Numerical investigation of natural convection in a square enclosure partially filled with horizontal layers of a porous medium
Abstract<p>Two‐dimensional buoyancy‐induced flow and heat transfer inside a square enclosure partially occupied by copper metallic foam subjected to a symmetric side cooling and constant heat flux bottom heating was tested numerically. Finite Element Method was employed to solve the governing partial differential equations of the flow field and the Local Thermal Equilibrium model was used for the energy equation. The system boundaries were defined as lower heated wall by constant heat flux, cooled lateral walls, and insulated top wall. The three parameters elected to conduct the study are heater length (7 ≤ <italic>ζ</italic> ≤ 20 cm), constant heat flux (150 ≤ <italic>q<</italic></p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun May 31 2020
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Experimental and Numerical Study of Behaviour of Reinforced Masonry Walls with NSM CFRP Strips Subjected to Combined Loads

Near surface mounted (NSM) carbon fibers reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement is one of the techniques for reinforcing masonry structures and is considered to provide significant advantages. This paper is composed of two parts. The first part presents the experimental study of brick masonry walls reinforced with NSM CFRP strips under combined shear-compression loads. Masonry walls have been tested under vertical compression, with different bed joint orientations 90° and 45° relative to the loading direction. Different reinforcement orientations were used including vertical, horizontal, and a combination of both sides of the wall. The second part of this paper comprises a numerical analysis of unreinforced brick masonry (URM) wa

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analyzing the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade according to the skills of knowledge economy

The current research aims to identify the extent to which cognitive economics skills are included in the content of the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade, and the research sample was represented in the chemistry textbook for the third intermediate grade. A list of knowledge economy skills was prepared (6) main skills (basic skills, communication skills, thinking skills, work skills Group, information-gathering skill, behavioral skills (and (20) sub-skills) (reading, writing, operations, computer skills and employability, oral expression and written communication, dialogue, persuasion, influence and arousal, analysis, problem-solving, decision-making, suggestions and hypotheses and employing them. Controlling, directing

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of economic development efforts in the structural imbalances of the Iraqi economy for the period (2007-2018)

Sustainable development is launched through the interaction between the economy and natural resources and preserving them from exhaustion as well as the efficient management of natural and social resources and includes a diversified economic condition and thus is the focus of attention to the development of economic structures, which is intended to improve the level of human well-being by increasing its share in the necessary goods and services and their relationship With economic growth, which is the most important driver of economic transformation, because it reflects the ability of society and increasing its productive capabilities and investing in the optimal way Although the Iraqi economy is considered one of the diversified

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