The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of thyroid gland in Herpestes javanicus . The results revealed that thyroid gland in adult Herpestes javanicus is located in the neck region just below the larynx and attached to the trachea . Histological study revealed that thyroid gland in H. javanicus surrounded by a capsule of losse connective tissue and the thyroid gland mainly formed from follicles within different sizes. The results showed that the follicle consists of three compenets represented by follicular lining cells, basal parafollicular cells and the colloid. Microscopical examination revealed that the follicular lining tissue is either to be simple squamous or simple cuboidal epithelial tissue . The results also showed that the parafollicular cells (C-cells) are spherical, oval and even polygonal, and are located either interfollicular or intrafollicular.
The present study aimed to investigate the morphological and histological structure of pancreas in the bat,(Pipistrellus kuhlii). Pancreas was represented by compact pancreatic tissue which is divided into three parts : head , body and tail, its color is whit to yellow. The pancreatic tissue is located in the abdominal cavity near to the mass of intestine in the mesenteric network , which is connected with the coiled region of the duodenum in one side and with the extended mesenteries between the dorsal part of stomach and the abdominal part of spleen from the other side. The pancreas gland is surrounded by a loose connective tissue, the trabeculae are extended from it and divided the gland into many lobules which are different in shape
... Show MoreThis histological study was carried out to compare between the thyroid gland of mice (as a model of the mammals) and the thyroid tissue of fish. Unlike mice, the thyroid gland of fish can't be recognized by naked eye. The present study revealed that the thyroid of mice varied from that of fish by the location and the histological structure. The study classified the physiological state of the thyroid of mice into three states and that of the fish into only two states. Accordingly, the study concluded that the metabolism of thyroid fish was of moderate type.
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is a crucial protein with vital biological tasks in cell continuation of life. The variation of HSP70 activation occurs as a consequence of stress that includes temperature states, toxicity, poisoning with heavy metals, and tumor-related conditions. One of the master jobs of the HSP family is the suppression of caspase-mediated apoptosis signals. A high level of the expression of HSP70 is accountable for tumorigenesis and resistance against chemotherapeutic drugs. For this reason, the detection of HSP70 may help to diagnose cancerous diseases. From the other side, targeting this chaperone might help in treatment by maintaining late caspase-dependent events. This study was conducted to detect the presenc
... Show MoreResearch included the preparation of medicinal substances ( propyl thiouracil). Which is the rule thiourea and related compounds a fundamental rule in preparation fall within the range of drugs of anti-thyroid activity (Antithyroid Drug ) , this drug prevents the thyroid hormone production against excessive activity of the thyroid gland .That the formation of iodine is important for their impact on hormone secretion thyroid , the two types, thyroxin or T4 is the main hormone ,Triiodothyronine or T3, and these hormones released by hormone regulator called (TSH) . Article attend thiourea treatment with an alcohol- soluble sodium and added to the interaction rule b- oxo ester after adjusting the PH=4 output ( propylthiouracil ) the
... Show MoreThe development of thyroid gland in five developmental stages of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. The thyroid originates from the pharyngeal floor as a median ventral keel in late embryos having four pairs of arches. It differentiates into profollicular aggergations and true follicles with flattened walls and empty lumina or with lumina filled with cotton waste-like material in three days-old elvers. Secretion of homogeneous eosinophilic colloid with a limited increase in the height of follicular wall is noted in five days-old elvers. In nine days-old individuals the follicles increase in size due to coallescence. The thyroid gland reaches its maximal activity as judged by its histology in one-two months-old individuals. The gland is of t
... Show MoreMethods: 112 placentae samples were investigated during the period from August 2007 to August 2008 under light microscopefor mother aged 15 - 45 years old.Results: It was found that normal placental shapes had no correlation to mother age, while abnormal shapes were found more inyoung age groups. The better placental measured parameters were found in mother age 20-24 years. The percentages ofabnormal umbilical cord insertion were very high compared to other studies. Babies’ gender had a correlation with theplacental thickness; male babies have thicker placentae than females. Male babies have longer umbilical cords with widerdiameter than females. Light microscope picture showed the chorionic villi with isolated fetal blood vessel were hig
... Show MoreThe present study aims to give some details about the normal anatomical and histological structure of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder in Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 and Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi (Günther, 1874). Anatomical results revealed that the liver of C. carpio is a reddish-brown in color, located in the anterior part of abdominal cavity and dispersed between most of the intestines, which is divided into two lobes; while in M. sharpeyi the liver is light brown in color located in the anterior part of abdominal cavity and extends to the end of the intestinal tract with two lobs. The gallbladder situated in the right side of the liver in both species. Histological results in both species showed that the liver consists
... Show MoreThe current study was designed to investigate the histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog