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Groups Effect of Types 5 D and 5 Α on The Points of Projective Plane Over 31 ,29,F =qq
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  The purpose of this paper is  to find an arc of degree five in 31 ,29),(2, =qqPG , with stabilizer group of type dihedral group of degree five 5 D and arcs of degree six and ten with stabilizer groups of type alternating group of degree five 5 A ,  then study the effect of  5 D and 5A on the points of projective plane. Also, find a pentastigm which has collinear diagonal points.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Macromolecular Symposia
Synthesis of 5‐Fluorouracil–Naproxen Conjugates as a Mutual Prodrug for Targeting Cancer Tissues
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Abstract<p>A new 5‐fluorouracil–naproxen conjugate is synthesized as a mutual prodrug for targeting cancer tissues. The structure of the target compound and their intermediate are characterized by their melting point, IR, <sup>1</sup>H NMR, <sup>13</sup>C NMR, and elemental microanalysis. The cytotoxic activity is preliminarily evaluated using nonsmall lung cancer CRL‐2049, human breast cancer CAL‐51, and one type of normal cell line; rat embryo fibroblast cell line. The synthesized compound shows a good cytotoxic effect at the cancer cell and no significant effect at rat embryo fibroblast cell line.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Water Process Engineering
Antibiotics adsorption from contaminated water by composites of ZSM-5 zeolite nanocrystals coated carbon
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The presence of antibiotic residues such as ciprofloxacin (CIPR) in an aqueous environment is dangerous when their concentrations exceed the allowable. Therefore, eliminating these residues from the wastewater becomes an essential issue to prevent their harm. In this work, the potential of efficient adsorption of ciprofloxacin antibiotics was studied using eco-friendly ZSM-5 nanocrystals‑carbon composite (NZC). An inexpensive effective natural binder made of the sucrose-citric acid mixture was used for preparing NZC. The characterization methods revealed the successful preparation of NZC with a favorable surface area of 103.739 m2/g, and unique morphology and functional groups. Investigating the ability of NZC for adsorbing CIPR antibioti

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Acta Crystallographica Section E
(OC-6-32)-Bis[5-bromo-2-(4-bromophenyldiazenyl) phenyl]dicarbonylruthenium(II)
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The title compound, [Ru(C12H7Br2N2)2(CO)2], possesses a distorted octahedral environment about the Ru atom, with two cyclometallated 4,40-dibromoazobenzene ligands and two mutually cis carbonyl ligands. The donor atoms are arranged such that the N atoms are respectively trans to a carbonyl ligand and an aryl C atom. Comment The title compound, (I), has been prepared as a minor product of the reaction of Ru3(CO)12 and 4,40-dibromoazobenzene in refluxing n-octane; the major product is the cluster complex Ru3(3-NC6H4Br)2(CO)9 (Willis et al., 2005). Two strong (CO) absorptions at 2039 and 1991 cm1 in the IR spectrum of (I) are consistent with the presence of two mutually cis carbonyl groups. The crystal structure was investigated to ascertai

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical & Health Sciences
Protecting Oil Flowlines from Corrosion Using 5-ACETYL-2-ANILINO-4-DIMETHYLAMINOTHIAZOLE
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Oil flow lines are used to transport oil and its derivatives from a well over long distances, and because oil wells produce other potentially corrosive products, such as carbon dioxide and Hydrogen sulfide, it is necessary to take methods to protect the pipeline from corrosion. One of these methods is the use of corrosion inhibitors in this study. Prepare 5-acetyl-2-anilino-4-dimethylaminothiazole and test it as a corrosion inhibitor on a sample of the Rumaila flow line at a constant temperature 25°C in (3.5%) NaCl and (3.5%) KCl solution in the absence and presence of different concentrations of inhibitor (0 mM, 0.01 mM, 0.03 M, 0.05 mM). by using liner polarization (Tafel slope). The inhibiter exhibited the best performance at hi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Possible Cardio-Protective Effects of Ethanolic Artichoke Extract against 5- Fluorouracil Induced Cardiac Toxicity in Rats
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Cardiac toxicity can occur during the therapy with several cytotoxic drugs, including 5- Fluorouracil (5- FU). It is an antimetabolite that acts during the S phase of the cell cycle and is activated by thymidine phosphorylase into fluorodeoxyuridylate (5 fluoro 2'deoxyuridine 5'monophosphate, 5-FdUMP) that inhibits thymidylate synthase, thus preventing DNA synthesis that leads to imbalanced cell growth and ultimately cell death. It is still a widely used anticancer drug, since 1957. The present study aimed to evaluate the possible cardio-protective effects of ethanolic artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus L.) against 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) induced cardio-toxicity in rats by evaluating serum levels of Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate amin

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Study to molecular insight into the role of aluminum nitride nanotubes on to deliver of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drug in smart drug delivery
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The adsorption process of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drugs on Aluminum nitride nanotubes surface (AlNNTs) have been evaluated through density functional theory (DFT). The DFT results show that the interaction of AlNNTs with the F atoms of 5FU drugs is strong due to the fact that the amount of adsorption energy was about − 29.65 kcal.mol−1. Conversely, the interaction of the 5FU through O atoms with the AlNNTs was weaker due to the lower value of adsorption energy. Also, based on the values of Gibbs free energy, the 5FU adsorption on the surfaces of AlNNTs was spontaneous. In addition, based on natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, the direction of charge transfer was from fluorine’s σ orbitals of the drug to nitrogen’s and aluminum’s n*

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Filler Types on Moisture Damage of Asphalt Mixtures
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The filler in the asphalt mixture is essential since it plays a significant role in toughening and stiffening the asphalt. Changes in filler type can lead the asphalt mixtures to perform satisfactorily during their design life or degrade rapidly when traffic and environmental effects are considered. This study aims to assess the impact of filler types such as limestone dust (LS) and hydrated lime (HL) on Marshall characteristics and moisture damage in asphalt mixtures. Three different percentages of HL were employed in this study to partially replace the LS mineral filler: 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5% by aggregate weight. Furthermore, a control mixture was created with 7% LS by overall aggregate weight for the wearing course layer. The Marsha

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of New Heterocyclic Compounds from 2, 5- dimercapto -1, 3, 4-Thiadiazole and Their Resins
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In this research, a new 1, 3, 4-Thiadiazole derivatives have been synthesized by many heterocyclic reactions. Starting from (2, 5 – dimercapto -1, 3, 4-Thiadiazole) a variety of derivatives have been synthesis. Compound (1) was synthesized by the reaction of hydrazine hydrate with carbon disulphide in absolute ethanol. The compound (1) was reacted with 1, 2-dibromoethane in presence of alkali ethanol to give the compound (2). The compound (3) was formed from the reaction of compound (2) with hydrazine hydrate. Schiff base (4) was obtained by reacting of compound (3) with the compound (p-hydroxybenzaldehyde) in absolute ethanol. A variety of phenolic Schiff base (Methylolic, Etheric, and Epoxy) derivatives have been synthesized. Methylol

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On a New Kind of Collection of Subsets Noted by δ–field and Some Concepts Defined on δ–field
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     The objective of this paper is, first, study a new collection of sets such as field and we discuss the properties of this collection. Second, introduce a new concepts related to the field such as measure on field, outer measure on field and we obtain some important results deals with these concepts. Third, introduce the concept of null-additive on field as a generalization of the concept of measure on field. Furthermore, we establish new concept related to - field noted by weakly null-additive on field as a generalizations of the concepts of measure on and null-additive. Finally, we introduce the restriction of a set function  on field and many of its properties and characterizations are given.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Research And Studies
Production Optimization for Natural Flow and ESP Well A Case Study on Well NS-5 Mishrif Formation-Nasriya Oil Field
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As the reservoir conditions are in continuous changing during its life, well production rateand its performance will change and it needs to re-model according to the current situationsand to keep the production rate as high as possible.Well productivity is affected by changing in reservoir pressure, water cut, tubing size andwellhead pressure. For electrical submersible pump (ESP), it will also affected by numberof stages and operating frequency.In general, the production rate increases when reservoir pressure increases and/or water cutdecreases. Also the flow rate increase when tubing size increases and/or wellhead pressuredecreases. For ESP well, production rate increases when number of stages is increasedand/or pump frequency is

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