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Measurement and Characterization of Natural Radioactive Contaminants and Industrial for the Sediments Diyala River Basin with Using Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
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    In this research, we have achieved the description of radionuclides that exist in the samples of Diyala river sediments as well as to measure the specific activities using gamma-ray spectroscopy. The eleven samples were collected among the length of Diyala River starting from Al- Rustumiya and finishing at the point where Diyala River meets Tigris which is in Baghdad.      Gamma-ray spectrometry system consists of high-purity germanium detector (HpGe) with 50% efficiency and resolution (2.2 keV) for the energy (1332 keV) was used for standard source 60Co.     Card spectrum analyzer connected to the PC type Pentium 4 was used to view the spectrum. And  rates of the specific activity for the radionuclides, (214Bi) Equivalent to the specific activity of 238U and (228Ac) Equivalent to the specific activity of 232Th and (40K) in these sediments are (29.997 Bq / kg) and (13.74 Bq / kg) and (839.85 Bq / kg), respectively.In addition to that (4.85 Bq / kg) for nuclide 137Cs. Calculations showed that hazard index  (H) for these radionuclides was (0.389 Bq / kg), which is within the allowable limit being less than 1, and approach to recorded some international organizations such as the (WHO) , (ICRP) , (NCRP) and (EPA ) which are within maximum allowed.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Characterization of Alginate with Natural Polymers Combination for Drug Encapsulation
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Alginate is one of the natural biopolymers that is widely used for drug formulations, combination of alginate with other polymers, such as gum acacia, pectin, and carrageenan can increase mechanical strength, therefore, can reduce leakage of the encapsulated active pharmaceutical ingredient from the polymer matrix. Interaction of alginate and these polymers can occur via intermolecular hydrogen bonds causing synergism, which is determined from the viscosity of polymer mixture.

Alginate was combined with gum acacia/pectin/carrageenan in different blending ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) with and without addition of CaCl2. The synergism effect is obtained from the design of experimental (DoE), and calculati

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Scopus (8)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Characterization of smoker and non smoker human teeth using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
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In this work, the elemental constituents of smoker and nonsmoker
teeth samples of human were analyzed by Laser induced breakdown
spectroscopy method (LIBS). Many elements have been detected in
the healthy teeth samples, the important once are Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Pb
and Na. Many differences were found between (female and male)
teeth in Ca, P, Mg, Na and Pb contents. The concentrations of most
toxic elements were found significantly in the smoker group. The
maximum concentrations of toxic elements such as Pb, Cd and Co
were found in older male age above 60 year. Also, it was found that
the minimum concentrations of trace elements such as Ca, P and Na
exist in this age group. From these results it is clear that the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Check List of the algae in Diyala River, Iraq
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A total of 722 algal taxa are recorded in Diyala River by different authors. Most of the identification algae belong to three Divisions: Bacillariophyceae (367, 50.8%), Chlorophyceae (179, 24.8%), and Cyanophyceae (126, 17.5%).

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 15 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية-المؤتمر العلمي التخصصي لكلية التربية
Investigation the Effect of Irradiation by Gamma-Ray on the Structural and Optical Properties of (CIGS) Films
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluating the Recharge of Ground Water within Al-Wand River Basin
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The estimation of recharge to ground water is the important basics to improve the use of ground water with other available resources, and to save ground water resource from depletion, especially when using large quantity of ground water during a long time such as for agricultural purposes. Al-Wand River Basin in Iraq suffers from water shortage of its requirement of Blajo–Al-Wand Project, and to cover this shortage, the ground water plays a good role to overcome this problem. In this study, three methods were used to estimate the recharge and ground water storage for Al-Wand Basin, these methods are: Water Table Fluctuation (WTF), Water Balance of Climatic for Basin, and Water Table Balance for Basin. The results showe

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Gamma Ray Attenuation Coefficients for Lead Oxide and Iron Oxide Reinforced In Silicate Glasses as Radiation Shielding Windows
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     In this work, the mass attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number and half value layer parameters were calculated for silicate (SiO2) mixed with various levels of lead oxide and iron oxide as reinforced materials. SiO2 was used with different concentrations of PbO and Fe2O3 (25, 50 and 75 weight %). The glass system was prepared by the melt-quenching method. The attenuation parameters were calculated at photon energies varying from 1keV to 100MeV using the XCOM program (version 3.1). In addition, the mass attenuation coefficient and half value layer parameters for selected glass samples were experimentally determined at photon energies 0.662 and 1.28 MeV emitted from radioactive sources 137Cs and 22Na respe

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measurement of background radiation, cosmic ray flux and their hazard parameter of Baghdad city districts
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The aim of this work was directed to measure the cosmic ray (CR)
flux and the background (BG) absorbed dose rate for districts of
Baghdad city. The maximum values of CR flux was 2.01
(particle/cm2.s) registered for several Baghdad districts and the
minimum was 0.403 (particle/cm2.s) belonging to Al-kadhimiya
district, whereas the overall average value was 1.24 (particle/cm2.s).
The BG measurements showed that the maximum absorbed dose was
25 nSv/h belonging to Noab AL-Dhbat district and the minimum
absorbed was 19.01 nSv/h observed in Al-Ghadeer district, while
the overall average was 22.56 nSv/h, and this value is small than the
Iraqi permissible limit, which is restricted by Iraqi Center of
Radiation Pr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study for evidence of bacteria contamination in the southern part of the Diyala River / Iraq
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Were studied some bacteria evidence of pollution as well as the total number of live bacteria in the waters of the Diyala river and selected five stations within the 17 km final Diyala River before its mouth in the Tigris River was the first before the new bridge of the Diyala River about 4 km and the second after the mouth of the water purification plant Rustumiya suit inverselywith temperatures

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Gamma Ray Effect on the Properties of Coumarin C47 Laser Dye
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The research is concerned about studying the absorption spectrum of the solution coumarin dye C47. The chloroform solvent was used with C47 dye in three different concentrations 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6 M. The laser dye solution was prepared by dissolving the required amount of dye in chloroform alcohol, while studying absorption spectrum before and after irradiation with gamma ray by cobalt-60 source 60Co at exposure time, which are 0, 4, 6 and 18 hours with different absorbed doses 0, 136, 204 and 612 Gy. The results show that red shift in the absorption spectrum was increased by increasing the concentration of laser dye solutions , while the increase of gamma dose led to increase the red shift after irradiation, as the exposure period and irr

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of the Concentrations of Depleted Uranium in The Diyala River Sediment Samples Using The Nuclear Track Detector CR-39
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   In this study,  depleted uranium concentrations were calculated  in  sediments  Diyala River samples , where 14 samples of sediment along the Diyala River were collected , starting from the Rustumiya area and ending with the Tuwaitha area after its confluence with the River Tigris , using the solid - state nuclear track detectors technique (SSNTDs).        We found that the highest concentration of depleted uranium was in the sample (A-13), and was taken from the Tuwaitha area with the specific activity of the amount (78.1 ± 8.5 Bq/kg ) and the lowest concentration of the depleted uranium was in the sample  (A-7), and was taken from the Azwaip area with  the

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