In this paper, design computationl investigation in the field of charged-particle optics with the aid of numerical analysis methods under the absence of space charge effects. The work has been concentrated on the design of three-electrode einzel electrostatic lens accelerating and decelerating operated under different magnification conditions. The potential field distribution of lens has been represented by exponential function. The paraxial-ray equation has been solved for the proposed field to determine the trajectory of charged-particles traversing in the lens. From The axial potential distribution and its first and second derivatives, the optical properties such as the focal length and the spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients have been computed, the electrode shape of lens has been determined by using SIMION computer program . In this research , design electrostatic einzel lens three-electrode accelerating and decelerating L=2mm, 20mm operated under different magnification conditions (zero, infinite, finite). The electrode shape of the electrostatic lens was then determined from the solution of the Laplace's equation. The results showed low values of spherical and chromatic aberrations which are considered as good criteria for good design
Mosquitoes like Culex quinquefasciatus are the primary vector that transmits many causes of diseases such as filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile virus, in many countries around the world. The development in the scientific fields, such as nanotechnology, leads to use this technique in control programs of insects including mosquitoes through the use of green synthesis of nanoemulsions based on plant products such as castor oil. Castor oil nanoemulsion was formulated in various ratios comprising of castor oil, ethanol, tween 80, and deionized water by ultrasonication. Thermodynamic assay improved that the formula of (10 ml) of castor oil, ethanol (5ml), tween 80 (14 ml) and deionized water (71ml) was mor
... Show MoreReliability analysis methods are used to evaluate the safety of reinforced concrete structures by evaluating the limit state function 𝑔(𝑋𝑖). For implicit limit state function and nonlinear analysis , an advanced reliability analysis methods are needed. Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) can be used in this case however, as the number of input variables increases, the time required for MCS also increases, making it a time consuming method especially for complex problems with implicit performance functions. In such cases, MCS-based FORM (First Order Reliability Method) and Artificial Neural Network-based FORM (ANN FORM) have been proposed as alternatives. However, it is important to note that both MCS-FORM and ANN-FORM can also be time-con
... Show MoreThe purpose of this experiment was to determine the relationship between the path coefficient and seed rate for four different barley cultivars (Amal, Ibaa 265, Ibaa 99, and Buhooth 244) during the 2019-2020 winter season. The experiment was carried out using a split plot design with three replications according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The highest positive thru effect on grain yield was found for flag leaf area and harvest index at aseeding rate of 130 kg.h-1; the highest positive direct effect on grain yield was found for flag leaf area and plant height at aseeding rate of 160 kg.h-1; and the highest positive direct effe
This paper presents theoretical parametric study of the curvature ductility capacity for reinforced concrete column sections. The study considers the behavior of concrete and reinforcing steel under different strain rates. A computer program has been written to compute the curvature ductility taking into account the spalling in concrete cover. Strain rate sensitive constitutive models of steel and concrete were used for predicting the moment-curvature relationship of reinforced concrete columns at different rate of straining. The study parameters are the yield strength of main reinforcement, yield strength of transverse reinforcement, compressive strength of concrete, spacing of ties and the axial load. The results indicated that hi
... Show MoreFive rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars (N22, Amber, Moroberekan, Kinandang Patong, and Azucena) underwent path coefficient analysis across three plant spacings (15 cm × 15 cm, 20 cm × 20 cm, and 25 cm× 25 cm) in the summer of 2017 at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, Al-Jadriya, Iraq. The experiment proceeded in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with a split-plot arrangement and three replications. The main plots included three planting distances, and the subplot comprised five varieties. The traits studied were plant height, flag leaf area, number of tillers, panicle number, length and branches, grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight, and the percentage of unfilled grains. The results
... Show MoreThe present computational work is focused on investigating some properties of Gabor lens. The Gabor lens under consideration consists of two fields, electrostatic and magnetic. The Glaser field model is assumed to represent each field along the optical axis. Under zero magnification condition the trajectory of charged particles along the axis of Gabor lens has been computed. The results have shown that a lens of short focal length and hence high refractive power can be achieved