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Morphological Features of Tongue in Domestic Cat Felis Catus
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The current study aimed to identify the morphological description of the domestic cat tongue; thus for this purpose, five domestic cats of both sexes were collected from the local markets of Baghdad governorate, and then the animals were anesthetized and the tongue was removed from them. Fresh tongue samples were fixed using formalin (10%), and the preserved samples were dyed with methyl blue. The results showed that the tongue is an elongated organ divided into three regions: a somewhat flat rounded apex, this region contains a central depression called the middle groove. The second region is the lingual body region represents the largest region of the tongue, whereas its last region, called the root which has a lingual prominence on its dorsal surface. In addition, the dorsal surface of the tongue is covered by five types of lingual papillae, the most common of which are filiform papillae that spread over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue, while the presence of cylindrical papillae is limited to a specific area of the lingual body close to the apex. Moreover, the fungiform papillae spread between the filiform papillae and gradually increase in size towards the lingual root, while the presence of circumvallate papillae is limited to the lingual root and its number is 5 papillae. Finally, the foliate papillae are located on both sides of the lingual root, while the ventral surface of tongue is smooth without lingual papillae. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that the distribution pattern of the lingual papillae in the domestic cat differs from the rest of the other mammalians.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
Genetic confirmation for morphological identification of Stilesia globipunctata in camel in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the impact of the age structure of the population on the gross domestic product in Iraq
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   يهدف البحث إلى التعرف على The research aims to identify the effect ofاثر التركيب العمري للسكان على الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في العراق وتحديد الفئات العمرية من أطفال ومنتجين أي من هم في سن العمل والمسنين لأهمية ذلك لإغراض التخطيط الاقتصادي.إنeffectofeee age structure of the population on GDP in Iraq and determine the age groups of children and any of the producers wham are of working age and the elderly of the importance for the purposes of economic planning. نسبة الفئة العمرية Proportion of the age group (00- -4 4سنوات اقتربت من

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Limnological features Diwanyia River, Iraq
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Monthly water samples from three stations in Diwanya river at Diwanyia city were collected during December 1999 to June 2000. Variables from each stations were determined including ; temperature, pH ,dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon dioxide , alkalinity ,total hardness, calcium ,magnesium , phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, chlorophyll-a , and total number of phytoplankton .The river considered as fresh water , alkaline ,very hard .The parameters recorded at different values from up and down stream.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety
Biochemical and molecular alterations in freshwater mollusks as biomarkers for petroleum product, domestic heating oil
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Structural Features of Psychopathic Personality in Cinematographic Discourse: مها فيصل احمد
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The dramatic personality represents the most important nerve in the cinematographic discourse due to what it represents of a permanent presence in various types of TV and cinematic stories. That is what makes the cinematographic discourse always seek to introduce the human personality in multiple methods. The psychopathic personality is a type of the personalities that got distinguished presence in the TV and cinematic productions. This is what drew the researcher's attention for the topic of the research for which she used title: structural features of the psychopathic personality in the cinematographic discourse.
The theoretical framework included the research problem which is determined by the following question: what are the stru

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of (Possible for Itself) in the (Alashaira) opinion – Spoken Study
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My study here is about the (possible for itself) features especially in the (Alashaira) opinion, also I touch to the other logicians opinions, I clarified these features concisely in the preface to be clear in front of the reader, I made it in two studies and five subjects.I talked about the meaning of the existence in the ((possible for itself) theme, and I clarified its types in the logicians and the philosophers' opinions, through which the existence and the nonexistence are equal in it, as it cannot be existed nor be nonsexist unless with a separated reason, and there is no necessity to oblige its existence, or its nonexistence is impossible.Then I talked about the outweighing of the (possible for itself) as one side  of the exi

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Histological Structure of the Liver in Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus )
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 Morphological description and histological structure of the liver have been studied in Durra bird Melopsittacus undulatus. The liver is a bilobed organ , the left lobe with three secondary lobes and slightly larger than the right lobe which is elliptical in shape. Liver is surrounded by a capsule that consists of thin layer of connective tissue with no distinction between interlobular septa . The parenchyma tissue consists of hepatic cells arranged with thickness 2_1 cell. Portal area appears within the liver parenchyma tissue composed of hepatic artery, portal vein and bile duct and supported by connective tissue. A gallbladder was not noticed in this species.             

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics Conference Series
Morphological and histological study of trachea in Iraqi Weasel, Herpestes Javanicus
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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Description Of Inner Ear In Barbus luteus Heckel (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
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The morphological description of inner ear in Barbus luteus have been investigated.
The results of the present study revealed that the fish under investigation has a pair of
inner ears which are embedded in two otic capsules of the skull. The inner ear contains two
main structures, the first is the Osseous Labyrinth (OL), and the second is the Membranous
Labyrinth (ML).
Both of (OL) and (ML) consist of three semicircular canal (SCC). These are anterior,
posterior and horizontal semicircular canals (ASCC, PSCC and HSCC).
The (OL) contains three chambers while the (ML) contains saccular structures which
are called otoliths organs represented by utriculus (U), sacculus (S) and lagena (L). Each of
the saccu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Morphological, Molecular and Pollen Grain Investigations of Salix Species in Egypt
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Genus Salix is among family Salicaceae, distributing in the northern hemisphere. It is represented in Egypt by two species (Salix mucronata and Salix tetrasperma). The classification of Salix at the generic and infra-generic levels is still outstanding. We have agreed to list the Egyptian species of this genus. We collected them during field trips to most Egyptian habitats; fresh and herbarium specimens were subjected to taxonomic revision based on morphological characters; scanning electron microscope (SEM) for pollen grains; isozyme analysis using esterase and peroxidase enzymes and genetic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). We recorded that both sexes of S.

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