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Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi from Aloe vera Leaves and Chemical Analysis of the Alcoholic Extract of the Leaves Using HPLC, GC, and GC-Mass Devices

The study's goals were to separate and identify endophytic fungi from Aloe vera leaves by looking at their morphology and molecules, as well as to find the chemical compounds in the leaf extract by using HPLC, GC, and GC-Mass instruments. The results showed that 53 endophytic fungi were isolated from a total of 120 pieces of A. vera leaves, with a total colonization rate of 44.16%. The fungus Aspergillus terreus had a colonization rate of 14.16%; Aspergillus niger had a colonization rate of 13.33%; Penicillium chermesinum demonstrated a colonization rate of 6.66%; Paecilomyces variotii had a colonization rate of 2.5%; Talaromyces radicus; and Aspergillus flavus achieved a colonization rate of 1.66%. Finally, the fungi Aspergillus quadrilineatus, Talaromyces verruculosus, Neoscytalidium dimidiatum, Alternaria solani, and Aspergillus niveus achieved a colonization rate of 0.83%. The results of examining the alcoholic extract of the leaves using the HPLC device showed the presence of the chemical compounds aloin at a concentration of 125.39 ppm and aloe emodin at a concentration of 66.59 ppm. We looked at the leaf alcoholic extract with a GC machine and found a group of fatty acids. These included linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and stearic. The GC-MS test revealed a group of active compounds, including Heptane, 1-(ethenylthio), Ethanedicarboxamide, N-allyl-N'-(2,5-dimethylphenyl), 2H-Pyran, 2-(3-butynyloxy) tetrahydro, 1,2-Cyclobutanedicarboxylic acid, 3-methyl-dimethyl ester and 4 (1H)-Pyrimidinone, 2-(propylthio). The presence of endophytic fungi from which effective enzymes or compounds can be isolated could probably have an important role in future medical and therapeutic uses. Also, the leaves of the A. vera plant have medicinal and therapeutic uses for many diseases.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Ag-ZnO Nanocomposite Using Aloe-vera, Hibiscus Sabdariffa Plants and Their Antibacterial and Anti-fungi Activities

The current study used extracts from the aloe vera (AV) plant and the hibiscus sabdariffa flower to make Ag-ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) and Ag-ZnO nanocomposites (NCs). Ag/ZnO NCs were compared to Ag NPs and ZnO NPs. They exhibited unique properties against bacteria and fungi that aren't present in either of the individual parts. The Ag-ZnO NCs from AV showed the best performance against E. coli, with an inhibition zone of up to 27 mm, compared to the other samples. The maximum absorbance peaks were observed at 431 nm and 410 nm for Ag NPs, at 374 nm and 377 nm for ZnO NPs and at 384 nm and 391 nm for Ag-ZnO NCs using AV leaf extract and hibiscus sabdariffa flower extract, respectively. Using field emission-scanning electron microscopes (FE-

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Isolation, Structural Characterization and Identification of Major Constituents in Ephedra foliata Naturally Growing in Iraq by TLC, GC-MS and UPLC-ESI-MS/MS


   The aerial part of Ephedra foliata Family Ephedraceae have long been used in traditional medicine and now Ephedra species have medicinal, ecological, and commercial value. The variety of pharmacological actions of this plant is due to its chemical constituents. Ephedrine and
related alkaloids; are the newly potential medicinal value of Ephedra supplements for weight loss or performance improvement. Other pharmacological actions like antibacterial and antifungal effects of the phenolic acid compounds, the immunosuppressive action of the polysaccharides, and the antitumor action of flavonoids. The genus of this plant wildly distributed t

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 03 2024
Journal Name
Functional Foods In Health And Disease
A comparative study of the effect of extracts extracted from Ocimum basilicum leaves using organic extract and essential oil

Background: Medicinal plants that possess antimicrobial and antioxidant properties have garnered significant attention for their role in maintaining food quality, improving safety, and impeding spoilage. They also can aid in controlling food contamination risks and augmenting the nutritional value of foods. Objective: The study aimed to obtain botanical extracts possessing antimicrobial capabilities and use them to inhibit the growth of molds and yeasts. Additionally, these extracts are aimed at prolonging product shelf life by harnessing their antioxidant attributes. Methods: Several microorganisms, including E. coli and Pseudomonas, were subjected to testing. Ethanolic alcohol, chloroform, and essential oil extracts were prepared;

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and Identification of Fungi from Clinical Samples of Diabetic Patients and Studying the Anti-Fungal Activity of Some Natural Oils on Isolated Fungi

Isolation of fungi was performed from February to July, 2019. One hundred clinical specimens were collected from King Abdullah Hospital (KAH) Bisha, Saudi Arabia. Samples were collected from twenty patients of different ages (30 - 70 years old) ten males and ten females. The samples were collected from patients with the two types of diabetics. Specimens included blood, hair, nail, oral swabs and skin.  Specimens were inoculated on Sabourauds Dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol. Thirteen fungal species were isolated and identified. The isolated species were: Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. terrus, A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. Tropicalis, Curvularia lunata, Fusarium solani, Penicill

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Screening of Petroleum Ether Fractions by GC/MS and Isolation of Lupeol from Two Different Parts of Iraqi Leucaena leuco-cephala. (Conference Paper )#


This work is considered the first study for the components of the Iraqi Leucaena leucocephala plant, where the different phytochemical compounds that present in the aerial parts were identified by using the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique (GC/MS). The type of the components and their concentration will differ according to the part of the plant used and the method of extraction (hot and cold). This study made a comparison in lupeol concentration that was identified and isolated from petroleum ether fractions of Leucaena leucocephala by using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC), and Preparative High-Performance Li

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of crude alcoholic celery (Apium graveolens) leaves extract on fertility in albino female mice

Sixty albino female mice were used in this experiment to study the possible effect of the crude alcoholic extract of the celery leaves on their fertility. These animals were randomly and equally divided into three experimental groups (20 females/group). The first and second groups were orally given a daily dose of 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight, respectively, of the crude alcoholic extract, while the third group (control) was similarly treated, at the same time, with 0.1 ml/gm body weight of physiological saline for comparison. The treatment, however, lasted for 25 consecutive days. On day 26, after treatment was stopped, the life body weight of all animals was recorded before sacrificing the animals. Thereafter blood

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and identification of fungi which associated with animal's leather

The study included the investigation of fungi which associated with heavy animal's leather (Cows and Buffalos) and light (Sheep’s and Goats )through different processing stages (raw hides ,dehairing ,pickling,chrome tanned and stainning or finished stages)there were 10 genera and 25 species in addition to sterile fungi associated with animal leathers which included Alternaria ,Aspergillus,Cladosporium,Fusarium, Mucor , Penicillium , Rhizopus , and Trichoderma .Aspergillus and Penicillium have observed in all leather samples and different processing stages, and that the first time isolate two genera Helminthosporium , Stemphylium form leather for staining stage.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of alcoholic extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves on some biological performance of Ceratitis capitata larvae

Many biological tests were done to study the effect of the crude alcoholic leaves extracts on the biological characteristics at the larvae fruit fly Ceratitis capitata with different concentrations of the extracts exposed 1,2,3,5 and 7.5 % at constant laboratory conditions includes the temperature and the relative humidity (27±2C0&70±5 % respectively). The results of the experiments showed that the alcoholic extracts of the plant effected the growth and the development of the larvae and pupae according to the concentrations . The alcoholic extracts proved to have the highest mortality tend to 66.76 % in larva treated with alcoholic at concentration 7.5 % the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Isolation and identification of the Myxobacterium Myxococcus fulvus from the Farms and study the inhibitory effect of cells and filtrates against pathogenic fungi

The study was performed to isolate and identify the Myxococcus fulvus from the one hundred samples of soils of farms. Special growth conditions had been used to support the growth of M.fulvus local isolates and suppressed the growth of other microorganisms like (Drying , High Temperature , High concentration of antibiotics and specific growth media ) M.fulvus isolates had been subjected to the morphological, cultural , biochemical examination for identification , as well as , study the inhibitory activites of cells and filtrates of localized isolates against some pathogenic fungi include (Trichophyton mentagrophytes , Microsporum gypseum , Aspergillus niger and Fusarium oxyporum ) by using three methods :- Cup assay , well diffusio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
Isolation and identification of fungi from fish feedstuff of cyprinus carpio and detection of aflatoxin b1 and ochratoxin a using ELISA technique

This study was conducted at the College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad. The aim of this study was to isolate and diagnose fungi from fish feedstuff samples, and also detection of aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A in fish muscles and feedstuffs. Randomly, the samples were collected from some fish farms from Baghdad, Babil, Wasit, Anbar, and Salah al-Din provinces. This study included the collection of 35 feedstuff samples and 70 fish muscle samples, and each of the two fish samples fed on one sample of the feedstuff. The results showed the presence of several genera of different fungi including Aspergillus spp, Mucor spp., Penicillium spp., Yeast spp., Fusarium spp., Rhizopus spp., Scopiolariopsis spp., Ep

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