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Enhancing Gas Sensing Performance of TiO2-ZnO nanostructures: Effect of ZnO Concentration

Gas sensors based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanocomposites are considered energy-saving devices that are utilized to find dangerous or harmful gases in an environment. The performance of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas sensors have been improved by spin-coating a TiO2 and TiO2:ZnO nanocomposite with varying concentrations (90TiO2:10ZnO, 70TiO2:30ZnO, and 50TiO2:50ZnO). To correlate structural properties with gas-sensing behavior, structural and morphological characterization has been done using FESEM, XRD, and EDX.  Without any ZnO-specific crystalline phase, TiO2 X-ray diffraction was found to be indexed in the anatase crystalline structure. The ZnO is synthesized in the wurtzite phase with (002) orientation and has a smooth surface, according to the morphologies and crystalline structure of the films, which also indicated the presence of ZnO components with various crystallite sizes and lattice strains. Responses to NO2 are increased by low ZnO content. Additionally, at the average operating temperature of 250 oC, TiO2:ZnO shows a good response.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Theoretical structure of Eco-cities: subject review
Abstract<p>Given the importance of ecology and its entry into various fields in general and the urban environment particularly; ecological cities take wide ranges of application at multiple regional and global levels. However, it repeatedly noted that there was a state of cognitive confusion and overlapping in the term ecology comes from the diversity of implementation within several disciplines. Architects, designers, and planners have instilled biological development directly into the formal principles as well as the social structures of the ecological cities. Therefore, the research presents a rapid review of the most relevant areas that dealt with the ecological cities by research and analys</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 23 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Fabrication and evaluation of CuAlSe2/Si photodetector

In this work, we have examined the spectral response of (p-CuAlSe2/n-Si) detector, (CAS) thin films deposited by thermal evaporation at RT with a thickness (450) nm, and annealing temperature at (473K) for 2 h. Optical transmission measurements displayed reasonably slight transmission besides higher absorbance trendy the visible region, energy gaps were observed by annealing, were found to be direct, and decreased with the effect of annealing. The extreme responsivity value arises at wavelength 459 nm, with improvement value of specific detectivity and quantum efficiency the annealing films be situated originate as greatest suitable aimed at numerous device application.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Validety of total laryngectomy Under local anaesthesia

BackgroundCarcinoma of the larynx represent 10% of head & neck malignancies. The treatment of advanced carcinoma of larynx may include partial or total laryngectomy, with or without laser , radiotherapy,and or chemotherapy . Carcinoma of the larynx usually affect old age , heavy smoker with possible risk of pulmonary diseases & ischemic heart disease , which add risk to the general anaesthetic complication operative & postoperative - Objectives this study was designed to assess the feasibility of total laryngectomy under local anaesthesia in medically unfit patients for general anaesthesia & to re-establish practice doing total laryngectomy under local anaesthesia in those patients.
Methods a prospective study on 12 pa

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Microbiological Study of Male ’ s Urethral Discharge

Objective: To evaluate male patients complaining of
urethritis clinically according to the isolated organisms.
Method: A total of 100 male patients attending to of
Dermatological and Venereal private clinics for the period
April 2003 to November 2003 were included in the study.
Urethral swab was obtained from each male for culture and
direct immunofluorescence examination was done.
Demographic data was obtained, also.
Results: N. gonorrhoea was the predominate cause of
infection in 22%. A peak of infection was reported in the
second decade of age. Highest rate reported among single
males. A significant association was noticed between
profuse discharge and infection with gonorrhoea.
Conclusion: This

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Quality-Cost Analysis of Gasoline Production Process

Process capability provides a quantitative measure for gasoline production conformance to specifications.It was measured throughout four consecutive months of the last quarter of 2011. Results revealed high percentages (up to 44%) of non conforming gasoline blends to Iraqi marketing specifications for petroleum products (2000) by inspecting 122 different samples of Iraqi regular gasoline (RON 85).
Quality cost analysis as an important financial control tool was carried out to evaluate Cost of Quality (COQ) which was large due to non conforming gasoline reached up to (722.8 M.ID) in October. In this research COQ was investigated in order to identify the opportunities of gasoline quality improvements through production process. Also cus

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 12 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
The Development of the US Federal System

Geographical, economic, historical, environmental and security factors play a role in strengthening the drive towards union, as well as addressing the need to express regional and federal identity. This is a clear example of this tendency. One legal or one political system with the parts of this united personality retaining their privacy and identity, and there is a delegation to the central entity of the union with some of the common powers while retaining some powers for these parts or states, which means the availability of autonomy for the constituent states of the union and this is the most important characteristic of the federal states or federations It is the autonomy of each state or country participating in the union. Accordingly,

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Publication Date
Wed May 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Stabilization of Clay Soil Using Tyre Ash

The planning, designing, construction of excavations and foundations in soft to very soft clay soils are always difficult. They are problematic soil that caused trouble for the structures built on them because of the low shear strength, high water content, and high compressibility. This work investigates the geotechnical behavior of soft clay by using tyre ash material burnt in air. The investigation contains the following tests: physical tests, chemical tests, consolidation test, Compaction tests, shear test, California Bearing Ratio test CBR, and model tests. These tests were done on soil samples prepared from soft clay soil; tyre ash was used in four percentages (2, 4, 6, and 8%). The results of the tests were; The soil samples which

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Theoretical structure of Eco-cities: subject review

Given the importance of ecology and its entry into various fields in general and the urban environment particularly; ecological cities take wide ranges of application at multiple regional and global levels. However, it repeatedly noted that there was a state of cognitive confusion and overlapping in the term ecology comes from the diversity of implementation within several disciplines. Architects, designers, and planners have instilled biological development directly into the formal principles as well as the social structures of the ecological cities. Therefore, the research presents a rapid review of the most relevant areas that dealt with the ecological cities by research and analysis at various levels, from the concept and definition of

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Software & Hardware Research In Engineering
Frontal Facial Image Compression of Hybrid Base

Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science And Mobile Computing
Color Image Compression of Inter-Prediction Base