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Fractional Pantograph Delay Equations Solving by the Meshless Methods

This work describes two efficient and useful methods for solving fractional pantograph delay equations (FPDEs) with initial and boundary conditions. These two methods depend mainly on orthogonal polynomials, which are the method of the operational matrix of fractional derivative that depends on Bernstein polynomials and the operational matrix of the fractional derivative with Shifted Legendre polynomials. The basic procedure of this method is to convert the pantograph delay equation to a system of linear equations and by using, the operational matrices we get rid of the integration and differentiation operations, which makes solving the problem easier. The concept of Caputo has been used to describe fractional derivatives. Finally, some numerical examples are identified to show the utility and capability of the two proposed approaches. Mathematica®12 program has been relied upon in the calculations.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 03 2022
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Developing multiplex PCR for the rapid and simultaneous detection of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae associated with sheep respiratory tract infections

Respiratory tract infections in sheep are among the important health problems that affect all sheep ages around the world. Nine bacterial isolates obtained from sheep with respiratory tract infections were selected to be used in the current study. The isolates included 3 Staphylococcus aureus, 4 Klebsiella pneumoniae, and 2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Following the primers design by the Primer3Plus software tool and optimization of the conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the primers were validated for their use in the multiplex PCR experiments. The MFEprimer program was used to check the suitability of the primer set combinations for multiplex PCR. The MFEprimer software was successful in designing the multiplex-PCR experiments and de

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Diclofenac Sodium Using (2-vinylpyridine and 2-hydroxyethyl metha acrylate) as the Complexing Monomer

Four electrodes were synthesized based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Two MIPs were prepared by using the diclofenac sodium (DFS) as the template, 2-hydroxy ethyl metha acrylate(2-HEMA) and 2-vinyl pyridine(2-VP) as monomers as well as divinyl benzene and benzoyl peroxide as cross linker and initiator respectively. The same composition used for prepared non-imprinted polymers (NIPs) but without the template (diclofenac sodium). To prepared the membranes electrodes used different plasticizers in PVC matrix such as: tris(2-ethyl hexyl) phosphate (TEHP), tri butyl phosphate (TBP), bis(2-ethyl hexyl) adipate (BEHA) and tritolyl phosphate (TTP). The characteristics studied the slop, detection limit, life time and linearity range of DF

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Experimental Evaluation Use of Semifluidized Bed Adsorber for the Treatment of P-chlorophenol and O-cresol in Wastewater using Activated Carbon as Adsorbent

In the present work the performance of semifluidized bed adsorber was evaluated for removal of phenolic compound from wastewater using commercial activated carbon as adsorbent. P-chlorophenol (4-Chlorophenol) and o-cresol (2-methylphenol) was selected as a phenolic compound for that purpose. The phenols percent removal, in term of breakthrough curves were studied as affected by hydrodynamics limitations which include minimum and maximum semifluidization velocities and packed bed formation in the column by varying various parameters such as inlet liquid superficial velocity (from Uminsf to 8Uminsf m/s), and retaining grid (sometimes referred to as adsorbent loading) to initial static bed height ratio (from 3-4.5). In

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 17 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nucleon momentum distributions and elastic electron scattering form factors for 58Ni, 60Ni, 62Ni, and 64Ni isotopes using the framework of coherent fluctuation model

The nucleon momentum distributions (NMD) and elastic electron scattering form factors of the ground state for some 1f-2p-shell nuclei, such as 58Ni, 60Ni, 62Ni, and 64Ni
isotopes have been calculated in the framework of the coherent fluctuation model (CFM) and expressed in terms of the weight function lf(x)l. The weight function (fluctuation function) has been related to the nucleon density distribution (NDD) of the nuclei and determined from the theory and experiment. The NDD is derived from a simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of the states. The feature of the l

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 25 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Serrasentis Sp. Acanthocephalans Parasite of Some Iraqi Marine Water Fishes With Observation of the Pathology, Feeding Habits and Infection of Upeneus Sulphureus Fishes

The genus Serrasentis is one of important acanthocephalan parasites, parasitizing fish, birds and other vertebrates. Twenty two out of 500 fish specimens (4.4%) were found to be naturally infected with adult and cyst of worms of Serrasentis sp. which were collected from the stomach and intestine of Synaptura orientalis; Johnius belangrii, Otolithus ruber and Upeneus sulphureus fish species', from locations of Khor Abdullah, Arabian Gulf, Iraqi marine waters (29°58,33, N48°28, 20E) during the year 2017.The light and SEM study revealed that the adult worm have elongated and cylindrical body, anterior extremity with hooks forming combs arranged on the ven

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 27 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) Technique to Gravity and Magnetic Data to Estimate the Basement Depth in Diyala Area, Eastern Central Iraq

The Bouguer gravity and magnetic RTP data were used to detect the depth of basement rocks in middle and south Diyala Province, east Iraq. The depth of the basement rocks was calculated by using the Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) method. New attempt is achieved to applied the SPI technique to the gravity values to estimate the depth of basement rocks. The depths of basement map derived from gravity data range 8-14 km, the depth of basement map derived from magnetic data range 9-13.5 km and the basement depth prepared by C.G.G, 1974 range 9-11 km. The derived maps from SPI method and that prepared by C.G.G, 1974 show good matching in the distribution of the depths of the study area. This study showed that basement’s depth range from

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Efficiency of Using Ozone Gas and Heat to Control Larvae and Adult Stage of Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

The effect of ozone gas with temperatures 35. 40 and 45 Celsius to control on larval and adult stages of Tribolium castaneum was tested and at time of exposure 1.0, 3.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0, 13.0 hours and the level of relative humidity prevailing during the test 45 ± 1%. Results showed significant differences between the exposure times, when the percentage of mortality 100% between larvae (primary, intermediate and advanced) in the treatment effect at a temperature of 35 Celsius with ozone gas at exposure time to 9.0, 11.0, 11.0 hours for the three ages respectively, and adult (male and female) in the same treatment when the three heat degrees had given ratios the total mortality reached 100% of both males at exposure time to 7.0 ,3

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Interpretation of 3D Seismic Reflection Data to Reveal Stratigraphic Setting of the Reservoir of Mishrif Formation in Dujaila Oil Field, Southeast of Iraq

     This research is an attempt to solve the ambiguity associated with the stratigraphic setting of the main reservoir (late Cretaceous) of Mishrif Formation in Dujaila oil field. This was achieved by studying a 3D seismic reflection post-stack data for an area of ​​602.62 Km2 in Maysan Governorate, southeast of Iraq. Seismic analysis of the true amplitude reflections, time maps, and 3D depositional models showed a sufficient seismic evidence that the Mishrif Formation produces oil from a stratigraphic trap of isolated reef carbonate buildups that were grown on the shelf edge of the carbonate platform, located in the area around the productive well Dujaila-1. The low-frequency attribute illustrated tha

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 27 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Finite strain of the Tertiary rocks and their relation to tectonic deformation at Al-Tib Anticline in Missan governorate, Southeastern part of Iraq

This paper presents the finite strain results from seven oriented samples data on Tertiary sandstone of Muqdadiya Formation and (400) samples of pebbles and conglomerate of Bai –Hassan Formation at the southwestern limb of Al-Tib Anticline in the Southeastern part of Iraq. Measurement and analysis of finite strain are carried out including these rocks at fluvio- lacustrine environment. The present study followed Fry method. The computed strain was, in the form of ellipses, within three prepared perpendicular  planes in a single sample and Center to Center method was used to determine the strain ratio of the these samples. The strain in the studied area is low, this is mainly due to the sampled rocks underwent brittle deformation d

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements of High Performance Work Systems in Achieving the Entrepreneurship in University Field – Analytic Research in College of Business Administration/ University of Baghdad



The resources-based introduction in the study of business organizations is increasingly dealing in the study of the human capacities and the best ways to develop them and changing the resources of the organization to be essential and competent to face the business challenges. Today’s organizations need crucial practices to face those challenges and the influences of those practices which take into consideration the importance of developing the entrepreneurship inside the organization. Those practices are called “High Performance Work Systems” which is denoted by “HPWS” and defined as the practices of human resources management which help in acquiring func

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