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Extension of Cap by Size and Degree in the Space PG(3,11)‎

A cap of size  and degree  in a projective space, (briefly; (k,r)-cap) is a set of  points with the property that each line in the space meet it in at most  points. The aim of this research is to extend the size and degree of complete caps and incomplete caps, (k, r)-caps of degree r<12 in the finite projective space of dimension three over the finite field of order eleven, which already exist and founded by the action of subgroups of the general linear group over the finite field of order eleven and degree four, to (k+i,r+1) -complete caps. These caps have been classified by giving the t_i-distribution and -distribution. The Gap programming has been used to execute the designed algorithms and computations.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy Dissipation on the Ogee Spillways by Using Direction Diverting Blocks

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the hydraulic performance and efficiency of using direction diverting blocks, DDBs, fixed on the surface on an Ogee spillway in reducing the acceleration and dissipating the energy of the incoming supercritical flow. Fifteen types of DDB models were made from wood with a triangulate shape and different sizes were used. Investigation tests on pressure distribution at the DDBs boundaries were curried out to insure there is no negative pressures is developed that cause cavitation. In these tests, thirty six test runs were accomplished by using six types of blocks with the same size but differ in apex angle. Results of these test showed no negative pressures developed at the boundarie

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 19 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design for Two Electrodes Electrostatic Mirror by using the Bimurzaev Technique

This paper describes theoretical modeling of electrostatic mirror based on two cylindrical electrodes, A computational investigation has been carried out on the design and properties of the electrostatic  mirror. we suggest a mathematical expression to represent the axial potential of an electrostatic mirror. The  beam path  by using the Bimurzaev technique have been investigated as a mirror trajectory with the aid of Runge – Kutta  method. the electrode shape of mirror two electrode has been determined by using package SIMION computer program . The spherical and chromatic aberrations coefficients of mirror has been computed and normalized in terms of the focal length. The choice of the mirror depends on the op

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Optimum Conditions for Pleurotin Production by Pleurotus spp. Local Isolates

The study includ selection of six species of the fungi related to genus Pleurotus were evaluated for their ability to produce of Pleurotin, one of them, Pleurotus ostreatus (P.11) was isolated and identified in the present study. Pleurotin was detected by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The maximum absorption of Pleurotin was 1.6 nm at 250 nm. Pleurotin was purified with two methods using chloroform and ethyl acetate, the results showed the ethyl acetate was more efficient in pleurotin production resulting in 14.6 μg/ml compared to 9.8 μg/ml with chloroform. The local isolate, P. osteratus (P.11) showed significant high Pleurotin production (14.6 μg/ml) when was grown on the modified

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Can diode laser avoid pilonidal sinus excision by the conventional operation?

Background: Pilonidal sinus is a recurrence pathology that affects the gluteal area, cleft part of it.  It affects many parts but mainly the sacral area and may present with various forms; from the asymptomatic cyst to severe infection in a form of painful abscess or sinus. The treatment of pilonidal sinus ranges from observation with good hygiene to excision of the sinus left wide incision. Recurrence may follow the excisional procedure and may need more operations. Many conservative ways had been used for the management of the sinus; laser (phototherapy) is one kind that may use. this paper aims to test the efficiency of the laser (diode 980nm) in the treatment of the sinus. material:

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 30 2016
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Farnesoid X receptor activation increases reverse cholesterol transport by modulating bile acid composition and cholesterol absorption in mice

Activation of farnesoid X receptor (FXR) markedly attenuates development of atherosclerosis in animal models. However, the underlying mechanism is not well elucidated. Here, we show that the FXR agonist, obeticholic acid (OCA), increases fecal cholesterol excretion and macrophage reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) dependent on activation of hepatic FXR. OCA does not increase biliary cholesterol secretion, but inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption. OCA markedly inhibits hepatic cholesterol 7α‐hydroxylase (Cyp7a1) and sterol 12α‐hydroxylase (Cyp8b1) partly through inducing small heterodimer partner, leading to reduced bile acid pool size and al

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Investigation of nanostructured and gas sensing of tin dioxide films prepared by oxidation of Sn

Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
J Bagh College Of Dentistry
Assessment of consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite

Background: Glass ionomers have good biocompatibility and the ability to adhere to both enamel and dentin. However, they have certain demerits, mainly low tensile and compressive strengths. Therefore, this study was done to assess consistency and compressive strength of glass ionomer reinforced by different amount of hydroxyapatite. Materials and Methods: In this study hydroxyapatite materials were added to glass ionomer cement at different ratios, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% (by weight). The standard consistency test described in America dental association (ADA) specification No. 8 was used, so that all new base materials could be conveniently mixed and the results would be of comparable value and the compressive strength test described by

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Images of ruin in "Throne" and " Water stream" by Maysaloon Hadi and "War" by Glezio: A Compartive Study: Les images du débris dans "Le trône et le ruisseau " de Maysaloon Hadi et "La guerre" de Le Glézio (étude comparative)

Our research comes to shed light on Iraqi literature as literature that arose in special circumstances alongside foreign literature. Using comparative research methods, we chose to highlight two distinguished writers, who have their mark in the world of literature. The first is the Iraqi writer Maysaloun Hadi, who is considered an icon of Iraqi feminist literature, and the second is the French writer Le Clézieu, who won the Nobel in 2008. We will see through the research how the two authors expressed their views of modernity and urbanism. And how each of them separately portrayed the psychological and moral projections that formed the essence of man today. 


Notre recherche abord un des points inc

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Science And Technology
Improvement of the Accuracy of the Perturbed Orbital Elements for LEO Satellite by Improving 4th Order Runge–Kutta’s Method

Background/objectives: To study the motion equation under all perturbations effect for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. Predicting a satellite’s orbit is an important part of mission exploration. Methodology: Using 4th order Runge–Kutta’s method this equation was integrated numerically. In this study, the accurate perturbed value of orbital elements was calculated by using sub-steps number m during one revolution, also different step numbers nnn during 400 revolutions. The predication algorithm was applied and orbital elements changing were analyzed. The satellite in LEO influences by drag more than other perturbations regardless nnn through semi-major axis and eccentricity reducing. Findings and novelty/improvement: The results demo

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of anode temperature on the Optical characteristic of Se films prepared by direct current planar magnetron sputtering

This work describes, selenium (Se) films were deposited on clean glass substrates by dc planar magnetron sputtering technique.The dependence of sputtering deposition rate of Se film deposited on pressure and DC power has been studied. The optimum argon pressure has range (4x10-1 -8x10-2 )mbar. The optical properties such as absorption coefficient (α) was determined using the absorbance and transmission measurement from UnicoUV-2102 PC spectrophotometer, at normal incidence of light in the wavelength range of 200-850 nm. And also we calculated optical constants(refractive index (n), dielectric constant (εi,r), and Extinction coefficient (κ) for selenium films.

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