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On Antimagic Labeling for Some Families of Graphs

Antimagic labeling of a graph  with  vertices and  edges is assigned the labels for its edges by some integers from the set , such that no two edges received the same label, and the weights of vertices of a graph  are pairwise distinct. Where the vertex-weights of a vertex  under this labeling is the sum of labels of all edges incident to this vertex, in this paper, we deal with the problem of finding vertex antimagic edge labeling for some special families of graphs called strong face graphs. We prove that vertex antimagic, edge labeling for strong face ladder graph , strong face wheel graph ,  strong face fan graph , strong face prism graph  and finally strong face friendship graph .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Iraqi stock market structure analysis based on minimum spanning tree

tock markets changed up and down during time. Some companies’ affect others due to dependency on each other . In this work, the network model of the stock market is discribed as a complete weighted graph. This paper aims to investigate the Iraqi stock markets using graph theory tools. The vertices of this graph correspond to the Iraqi markets companies, and the weights of the edges are set ulrametric distance of minimum spanning tree.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Consumption of Dried Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) on Level of Hemoglobin and Uric Acid for Sample of Women.

This study been conducted and applied in Alrashed Health Center/Mahmodia Sector/ kerigh Sector/Ministry of Health/Baghdad City, and conducted on samples of women who are suffering from iron deficiency (Hemoglobin%) in blood for the year 2013. Fifty women been selected (married, unmarried), their ages ranging between 19-40 years old, they been given dried grinding spinach tablet. The dose been given was 3 tablet/day/4-6 weeks, after taken the percentage of Hemoglobin and Uric acid for all studied samples before and after dried spinach tablet given. It was appeared from samples analysis primarily and statically for 50 women, that 4% upon them only suffering high Iron deficiency (8.0-9.9 mg/100ml), 38% upon them suffering from middle iron def

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
The antimicrobial activity of salvia pratensis extracts against some microbial agent

The effectiveness inhibitory to extract alcohol for the leaf and flower to plant sage Salvia pratensis each of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus epidermidis, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans whom had any inhibition to aqueous extracts of the parts itself species bacterial and fungal. The study also demonstrated that the extract of plant containing compounds chemical such as tannins, Alkaloids, Flavonoieds, and saponins, which owns effectiveness of medical. The MIC, MBC and inhibition zones for crud extract were determinated for microbial agents.

Publication Date
Mon Aug 08 2022
Journal Name
Indian Ecological Society
Study the Epidermis features of Some Iraqi Veronica L. Species (Plantaginaceae)

Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2006
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
perparation and Comparison Study of Some New bis (Arylimido) Triruthenum Complexes‏

A comparison study was made for the reaction of triruthenium carbonyl Ru3(CO)12 with azoarene ArN=NAr . This reaction was monitored in two kinds of solvents , toluene , and n- octane , which yielded new triruthenium carbonyl complex Ru3(μ3-NAr)2(CO)9 . The reactions of azoarenes ArN=NAr with Ru3(CO)12 formed the following trinuclear compound of Ru3((μ3- NAr)2(CO)9 (Ar-C6H4Br-4) in law yield . In addition , to new isomers species of mononuclear cyclometallated of Ru(BrC6H4N-NC6H4NBr-4)2(CO)2 in different percentages . The mechanism of the reaction domenstrates that the formation of trinuclear bis arylimido complexes , and ortho metallated was , the result of cleavage of nitrogen –nitrogen bond . Monitoring this gave evidence that the rea

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
The role of some cytokines in diabetic patients infected with toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is the term for infection and disease in man and animal caused by a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. The more susceptible to infect with toxoplasmosis is the Diabetic patients, due to low level of immunity response. The aim of current study is to investigate the immune status of diabetes mellitus type 2. One hundred and seventy five samples of both diabetes mellitus type 2patients and controls which had been tested by ELISA technique to detect anti-Toxoplasma Abs (IgG and IgM). The positive toxoplasmosis samples were tested to detect the level of TNF alpha and MIG. Results for all samples clarified that seronegative for IgM antibodies while 53 (53%) diabetic patients were seropositive for IgG antibodies and for toxoplasmosis

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Determination of moisture content in some materials using linear attenuation coefficient

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)

Although the term' tautology' predicts negative connotation, it is often employed by poets and lyric writers to communicate more implied meanings. Through the use of tautological expressions, they exchange ideas, give more possibilities to readers to detect the meaning behind the tautological words and thus suggest details not openly communicated in the poem. Ten American song lyrics and ten American poems have been selected to be the data for the study. Data analysis is conducted on the basis of three steps:(i) identifying the type of tautology used ,(ii) detecting the syntactic realization of the tautology  and (iii) finding the functions of the use of tautology in these lyrics and poems. The study concludes that song lyrics and p

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Some Novel Oxazine, Thiazine and Pyrazol Derivatives

In this paper, some chalcone derivatives (C1, C2) were synthesized based on the reaction of equal amount of substituted acetophenone and substituted banzaldehyde in basic medium. Oxazine and thiazine derivatives were prepared from the reaction of chalcones (C1-C2) with urea and thiourea respectively in a basic medium. Pyrazole derivatives were prepared based on the reaction of chalcones with hydrazine mono hydrate or phenyl hydrazine in the presence of glacial acetic acid as a catalyst. The new synthesized compounds were identified using various physical techniques like1 H-NMR and FT-IR spectra.

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