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Study the Interaction Adsorptive Behavior of Sunset Yellow Dye and Loratadine Drug: Kinetics and Thermodynamics Study
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The performance of drug treatment and assessments of different drugs' side effects both can be affected by the interaction between food additives and drugs. Organic compounds such as food colorants dyes are utilized as additives in a wide range of foods. In this study, the adsorption interaction behavior between the colorant food dye sunset yellow (SY) and the drug loratadine was examined. The adsorption procedure is conducted at different drug dosages, various SY dye concentrations, and different temperature (288-318K). The equilibrium data were explained by using Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption isotherms, but Langmuir offering the best fit model. Kinetics adsorptive behavior of sunset yellow on loratadine matched pseudo-second order kinetics. Thermodynamics study show that the process is exothermic, spontaneous and the disorder at the solid-solution interface was proven from the negative entropy (-140.556 J/ K.mol) of adsorption process.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Verses of Monks in the Holy Quran Study and Analysis
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Tafsir, ‘interpretation’ is one of the most important sciences the Muslims need. Because Allah, Almighty, revealed the Qur’an to be a way of life for the Muslims in which the healing of what is in the chest, including their goodness and their peasant. Allah says:
“O people, an admonition has indeed come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.”
In order to achieve the goal for which God revealed the Quran must be understood and managed verses:” This is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those who have understanding may be mindful.”
The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions understood t

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study The Structural And Electrical Properties Of CdTe:In Thin Films
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 Indium doped CdTe polycrystalline films of thickness equals to 300nm were grown on corning glass substrates at temperature equals to 423K by thermal co-evaporation technique. The structural and electrical properties for these films were studied as a function of heat treatment (323,373,423)K. The x-ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zincblende structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction, no diffraction peaks corresponding to metallic Cd, Te or other compounds were observed. It was found that the electrical resistivity drops and the carrier concentration increases when the CdTe film doped with 1.5% indium and treated at different annealing temperatures.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hearing and indoctrination of the deceased, an analytical explanatory study
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The study aims to clarify the truth of hearing the dead, and then the statement of the legitimate judgment of the indoctrination, by reference to the evidence contained in that regard, and try to combine and reconcile those evidence, and the study finds that the most correct in the matter of hearing is to say hearing the dead in the will of God and how Almighty teaches , As up to that indoctrination of the dead is permissible, so as to combine evidence.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Evaluation of Liquid and Solid Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery System of Mebendazole
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The aim of present study was to develop solid and liquid  self-microemulsifying drug  delivery system of poorly water soluble drug mebendazole using Aerosil 200 as solid carrier.  Microemulsions are clear, stable, isotropic liquid mixtures of oil, water and surfactant, frequently in combination with a co-surfactant having droplet size range usually in the range of 20-250 nm. Oleic acid, tween 80 and polypropylene glycol were selected as oil, surfactant and co-surfactant respectively and for preparation of stable SMEDDS, micro emulsion region was identified by constructing pseudo ternary phase diagram containing different proportion of surfactant: co-surfactant (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1), oil and water. In brief S/ CoS mix means su

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The problem and its manifestations with the modernists through the Iberissian systems in modern terminology (applied study): (Applied study)
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Islamic law has relied on a number of sources in order to denote the rulings issued by them, including what is original and what is sub, and it is known to all scholars, that the Prophet's Sunnah is the second major source after the Koran, which separated the overall and devoted its year and restricted absolute. God Almighty obeyed the owner and his followers, and that his obedience of obedience to God Almighty said: (Who obeys the messenger has obeyed God) (women: 80), and then between the peasant who believes in him and his victory and follow him, he said: (and he said: And the one who was revealed with them were the successful ones (al-A'raf: 157).
     It is known that the Sunnah commanded to follow is the

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Textual jurisprudence and jurisprudence of the science of the text: Linguistic study
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The modern textual study researched the textuality of the texts and specified for that seven well-known standards, relying in all of that on the main elements of the text (the speaker, the text, and the recipient). This study was to investigate the textuality of philology, and the jurisprudence of the science of the text.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the genesis of the Moons of Jupiter and their Physical Properties
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A developed model has been put for the hypothesis of capturing moons in explaining the origin of Jupiter moons, and study the change of the orbital properties of these satellites as well as the distance from the planet. Jupiter moons were divided into two types according to their physical and orbital properties, they are the moons , which are formed from the same material as the planet, so it was named the original moons ,while the moons that have been captured from the surrounding space was renamed exotic moons . And the moons of exotic origin asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt in the region which is behind Neptune, the origin of each clique of moons is an asteroid fragmented after colliding previously with another body and

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 06 2008
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
Study of Comets Composition and Structure
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The present paper focuses on the nature of the different interactions between cometary nucleus and tail with solar wind. The dynamics of the comet will impose many features that provide unique behavior of the comet when entering the solar system. These features are reviewed in this paper and few investigations are made. The calculations made in this work represent the analysis and interpretation of the different features of the comet, such as perihelion and eccentricity dependence on the gas production rate, and the dependence of the latter on the composition of the comet nucleus. The dependences of the heliocentric, bow shock, contact surface, and stand-off distances with gas production rate for many types of comets that cover linear and n

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 25 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
Synthesize of New Ibuprofen and Naproxen Sulphonamide Conjugate with Anti-Inflammatory Study and Molecular Docking Study
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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) contain free –COOH which thought to be responsible for the GI irritation associated with all traditional NSAIDs. The esterification of this group is one of an approach to ultimate aim for reduce the gastric irritation; so in this study we synthesized and preliminarily evaluated new ester compounds as new analogues with expected selectivity toward COX-2 enzyme. Synthetic procedures have been successfully developed for the generation of the target compounds (III a and b). The synthetic approach involved multi-steps procedures which include: Synthesis of 4-hydroxy benzene sulphonamide ( I b ), synthesis of Naproxen and Ibuprofen acyl chloride and then reacting them with 4-hydroxy benzene sulphon

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Scopus (4)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 10 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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In this paper, a harvested prey-predator model involving infectious disease in prey is considered. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are discussed. The stability analysis of all possible equilibrium points are carried out. The persistence conditions of the system are established. The behavior of the system is simulated and bifurcation diagrams are obtained for different parameters. The results show that the existence of disease and harvesting can give rise to multiple attractors, including chaos, with variations in critical parameters.

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