ZnxNi1-x-yCuyFe2O4 spinel ferrite were prepared using solid state reaction method with (y=0.1, x=0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 ) . X-ray diffraction with diffractometer CuKα analysis have been carried out and studied showing single phase spinel cubic with space group FDÍž 3m for all prepared samples . Lattice parameters and crystallite grain size and x-ray density(Ïx-ray) bulk density and porosity ratio's were calculated and showed good agreement with the international data reported in the scientific research's.
This research includes depositionof thin film of semiconductor, CdSe by vaccum evaporation on conductor polymers substrate to the poly aniline where, the polymer deposition on the glass substrats by polymerization oxidation tests polymeric films and studied the structural and optical properties through it,s IR and UV-Vis , XRD addition to thin film CdSe, on of the glass substrate and on the substrate of polymer poly-aniline and when XRD tests was observed to improve the properties of synthetic tests as well as the semiconductor Hall effect proved to improve the electrical properties significantly
This research is focusing on finding more effective polymers that leads to enhance the rheological properties of Water Base Muds. The experiments are done for different types of mud for all substances which are Polyacrylamide, Xanthan gum, CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose). This study shows the effect of add polymer to red bentonite mud, effect of add polymer to Iraqi bentonite mud, the effect of add bentonite to polymer mud. The mud properties of Iraqi bentonite blank are enhanced after adding the polymers to the blank mix, CMC gives the highest value of plastic viscosity and Gel strength than others; X-anthan gives the highest value of yield point and gel strength than others. For the red bentonite mud, Polyacrylamide has the highes
... Show MoreIn this paper, chip and powder copper are used as reinforcing phase in polyester matrix to form composites. Mechanical properties such as flexural strength and impact test of polymer reinforcement copper (powder and chip) were done, the maximum flexural strength for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (85.13 Mpa) and (50.08 Mpa) respectively was obtained, while the maximum observation energy of the impact test for the polymer reinforcement with copper (powder and chip) are (0.85 J) and (0.4 J) respectively
These days, the world is facing a global environmental and sustainability problem due to the increasing generation of large amounts of waste through construction and demolition work, which causes a serious problem for the environment. Therefore, this research was conducted to get rid of the waste disposal problems, including old glass and concrete, which were used as recycled fine aggregates. Seven different mixtures were prepared. The first mixture was with the used sand, which is glass sand, and it was adopted as a reference mixture (ORPC), and three mixtures were prepared for each of the recycled materials (waste concrete and glass) and partially replaced by glass sand in different proportions (25, 50, and 75) %. Some
... Show MoreIraqi calcium bentonite was activated via acidification to study its structural and electrical properties. The elemental analysis of treated bentonite was determined by using X-ray fluorescence while the unit crystal structure was studied through X-ray diffraction showing disappearance of some fundamental reflections due to the treatment processes. The surface morphology, on the other hand, was studied thoroughly by Scanning Electron microscopy SEM and Atomic Force Microscope AFM showing some fragments of montmorillonite sheets. Furthermore, the electrical properties of bentonite were studied including: The dielectric permittivity, conductivity, tangent loss factor, and impedance with range of frequency (0.1-1000 KHz) at different temperatu
... Show MoreA progression of Polyaniline (PANI) and Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared by an in-situ polymerization strategy within the sight of TiO2 NPs. The subsequent nanocomposites were analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) taken for the prepared samples. PANI/TiO2 nanocomposites were prepared by various compound materials (with H2SO4 0.3 M and without it, to compare the outcome of it) by the compound oxidation technique using ammonium persulfate (APS) as oxidant within the sight of ultrafine grade powder of TiO2 cooled in an ice bath.
... Show MoreThe influence of silver doped n-type polycrystalline CdTe film with thickness of 200 nm and rate deposition of 0.3 nm.s -1 prepared under high vacuum using thermal co-evaporation technique on its some structural and electrical properties was reported. The X- ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zinc blend structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction. Films doping with impurity percentages (2, 3, and 4) %Ag lead to a significant increase in the carrier concentration, so it is found to change from 23.493 108 cm -3 to 59.297 108 cm -3 for pure and doped CdTe thin films with 4%Ag respectively. But films doping with impurity percentages above lead to a significant decrease in the electrica
... Show MoreIndium doped CdTe polycrystalline films of thickness equals to 300nm were grown on corning glass substrates at temperature equals to 423K by thermal co-evaporation technique. The structural and electrical properties for these films were studied as a function of heat treatment (323,373,423)K. The x-ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zincblende structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction, no diffraction peaks corresponding to metallic Cd, Te or other compounds were observed. It was found that the electrical resistivity drops and the carrier concentration increases when the CdTe film doped with 1.5% indium and treated at different annealing temperatures.
Applications of superconductor compounds were considered as modern and important topics, especially these which are exposures to one of the nuclear radiation kinds. So, we gone to investigate the influence of fast neutrons irradiation on electrical and structural characteristics of HgxSb1-xBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ superconducting compound at (x = 0.7) in ratio. The superconducting specimens were synthesized using solid state technique. Specimens were exposure to the nuclear radiation using fast neutrons with doses (0, 9.06 x1010, 15.3 x 1010 and 18.17 x 1010) n/cm2 respectively. Electrical and X-ray diffraction properties of superconductor specimens before and after irradiation were investigated under standard conditions. Results of X-ray diffraction
... Show MoreThe optical properties for the components CuIn(SexTe1-x)2 thin films with both values of selenium content (x) [0.4 and 0.6] are studied. The films have been prepared by the vacuum thermal evaporation method with thickness of (250±5nm) on glass substrates. From the transmittance and absorbance spectra within the range of wavelength (400-900)nm, we determined the forbidden optical energy gap (Egopt) and the constant (B). From the studyingthe relation between absorption coefficient (α) photon energy, we determined the tails width inside the energy gap.
The results showed that the optical transition is direct; we also found that the optical energy gap increases with annealing temperature and selenium content (x). However, the width of l