Let be any group with identity element (e) . A subgroup intersection graph of a subset is the Graph with V ( ) = - e and two separate peaks c and d contiguous for c and d if and only if , Where is a Periodic subset of resulting from . We find some topological indicators in this paper and Multi-border (Hosoya and Schultz) of , where , is aprime number.
When we try to navigate the experiment in search of the repressed and to find the dream of creativity by changing the modularity of the presentation, and the relationship of the characters with the rest of the elements according to a visual vision that reflects the product of the presentation system through the formation of visions and ideas within the textual structure.
We find that the expression of the theatrical act may need to exclude narrative dialogues and turn them into a tangible visual language. Physical and visual expression, and movement review, thus producing a “picture language” through which it is possible to form a new vision, and this is called (image theater), which translates the language of dialogue through lig
The transition states that Iraq economy lived it after 2003, and the change in tools used by monetary policy based on C.B.I law 56 in 2004, under the especially situation for the economy (structural imbalances and the weakness of banking & financial sector).
The monetary policy adopted the inflation targeting policy to mantain the monetary stability in the economy and considered it an incubator for future growth. It used the exchange rate as a nominal anchor to achieve the goal (because the rentier of economy, finance Shallowness & separation between real sector and finance sector, all this cause the normal channel to transfer the effect of monetary policy (interest rate) ineffective.
... Show MoreDBN Rashid, International Journal of Development in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020
This study examines the opportunity presented by the COVID-19 pandemic for city planners and leaders to learn from the crisis and build resilient cities with long-term societal, economic, and environmental resilience against future disasters. The research focuses on the relationship between urban planning and policies and the extent of their resilience, particularly in response to pandemic-related disasters. The study evaluates the ability of the city of Baghdad to respond to the pandemic and identifies gaps in its resilience. The study uses the scorecard measurement instrument to examine the disaster resilience of cities, with a focus on governance and financial capability, disaster planning and preparedness, and disaster response
... Show MoreThe city of Baghdad underwent various changes and developments, which significantly influenced its urban character. And other urban fabric. The most prominent changes in the architecture of that period characterized by the emergence and spread of modern architecture, it represents the period between the 1940s and the late seventies of the twentieth century, which had its many reasons and various factors that paved and supported, and even encouraged the spread of modern architecture of the world, The advanced world in the adoption of a global architecture spread in the city of Baghdad by a number of international architects and Iraqis, who came from those countries and saturation ideas
... Show MoreZinc sulfide(ZnS) thin films of different thickness were deposited on corning glass with the substrate kept at room temperature and high vacuum using thermal evaporation technique.the film properties investigated include their absorbance/transmittance/reflectance spectra,band gap,refractive index,extinction coefficient,complex dielectric constant and thickness.The films were found to exhibt high transmittance(59-98%) ,low absorbance and low reflectance in the visible/near infrared region up to 900 nm..However, the absorbance of the films were found to be high in the ultra violet region with peak around 360 nm.The thickness(using optical interference fringes method) of various films thichness(100,200,300,and 400) nm.The band gap meas
... Show MoreIntroduction The pathophysiology of appendicitis likely stems from obstruction of the appendiceal orifice leading to an increase in intraluminal and intramural pressure, resulting in small vessel occlusion and lymphatic stasis. Organ supplied by an end artery, such as the appendix, are more prone to the deleterious effects of arterial occlusion. The continuous cigarette smoking might be associated with a greater risk for developing atherosclerosis.
Objectives The aim is to evaluate the effect of cigarette smoking on the incidence of complications of acute appendicitis.
Methods Patients suffered from symptoms and signs suggesting a
الحمدُ للهِ رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الأمين محمد r وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين ، وأصحابه الغر الميامين:
تعد الصورة السمعية مفهوما بيانيا نجده في البلاغة العربية واضحاً مؤثرا، مؤديا دورا جوهريا في إيصال الفكرة التي يروم الأديب إيصالها إلى المتلقي ولا تبدو السمعية واضحة إلاّ إذا نظر إليها في حالة أدبيه تهز كيان الشاعر  
... Show MoreThe global health crisis resulting from the spread of the Corona virus, which the World Health Organization described on January 30, 2020 as a public health emergency of international concern, then returned to describe it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020, and the measures and procedures taken by government authorities in different countries of the world, whether at the highest level of imposing a comprehensive curfew or what is called globally home quarantine and thus disrupting all sectors and activities in the state, whether public or private (with the exception of some sectors such as the health, media and security sectors), or at a lower level than that, such as reducing work rates in different sectors by rates that vary from one country
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