The study includes histological structure of digestive tract of Liza abu , Anatomical results found that the digestive tract occupied the largest part of abdominal cavity , the mean gut length was (45.5) cm and relative gut length was (2.9) . esophagus was a muscular tube length (1.5) cm , esophagus wall containing longitudinal straight unbranched folds numbering (9) . Histological study results found that the esophagus composed of four tunica : mucosa , submucosa , muscularis and serosa . The results found that the mucosa consists of three layers : epithelium , lamina propria and muscularis mucosa . The epithelial layer was stratified squamous epithelium thickness (139.1) µ containing big size mucous cells strongly staining with PAS and AB .Lamina propria under epithelial tissue thickness(148.3) µ composed of irregular dense connective tissue and does not contain esophageal glands . Muscularis mucosa composed of smooth muscle fibers thickness(10) µ. Submucosa was irregular dense connective tissue enriched with blood capillaries thickness(30) µ . Tunica muscularis composed of bundles of stri ated skeletal muscle fibers thickness(220.5) µ arranged in two layers internal longitudinal layer thickness(73.5) µ and external circular layer thickness (147) µ . Serosa was thin layer of loose connective tissue thickness (21) µ .
Cerebellum is the most important and critical part of the central nervous system, cerebellum is very sensitive to the abnormal changes during the embryological development in its histological structure, the exposure to any infection during embryogenesis produce abnormalities in the cerebellum and behavioral of offspring. In this study we tried to study the ontogenesis of the cerebellum in the embryos of the albino rats and detection the effect of the AgNPs on the ontogenesis of the rat cerebellum after exposure of AgNPs during pregnancy. we used 60 female pregnant rats divided in to three group, each contain 20 female, (G1) treated with 2mg/kg /day suspension of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) (G2) treated with 20mg/kg/day AgNPs from first da
... Show MoreAbstract The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of thyroid gland in Herpestes javanicus . The results revealed that thyroid gland in adult Herpestes javanicus is located in the neck region just below the larynx and attached to the trachea . Histological study revealed that thyroid gland in H. javanicus surrounded by a capsule of losse connective tissue and the thyroid gland mainly formed from follicles within different sizes. The results showed that the follicle consists of three compenets represented by follicular lining cells, basal parafollicular cells and the colloid. Microscopical examination revealed that the follicular lining tissue is either to be simple squamous or simple cub
... Show MoreBackground: Whey protein is the green-yellow colored, liquid portion of the milk, and it is also called the cheese serum, it is obtained after the separation of curd, during the coagulation of the milk. It contains a considerable amount of α-helix pattern with an evenly distributed hydrophobic and hydrophilic as well as basic and acidic amino acids along with their polypeptide chain. The major whey protein constituents include β-lactoglobulin (β-LG),α-lactalbumin (α-LA), immunoglobulins (IG), bovine serum albumin (BSA), bovine lactoperoxidase (LP), bovine lactoferrin (BLF) and minor amounts of a glycol macro peptide (GMP). Osseointegration can be defined as a process that is immune driven which leads to the formatio
... Show MoreMorphological and histological study was conducted to examine the structure of prosencephalon (Cerebrum) in Columba oenas (Linnaeus, 1758). Thirteen animals of C. oenas were used in the present study. The brains were excised, fixed and recessed for the preparation of microscope slides and used hematoxylin-eosin stain, methylene blue and Bielschowsky’s stain. The result of morphological study showed that the cerebrum is apportion of the prosencephalon and the largest part of the brain and the dorsal surface was smooth and convex and composed of two cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral hemisphere contains the cavity which called lateral ventricle. The hemispheres were connected by the anterior commissure. Histologyically the cerebral hemisphe
... Show MoreThe present study showed that the branchial arch is characterized by the presence of
irregular black line along its length. This line is condensations of melanocytes . The branchial
arch bears two rows of gill rakers at its anterior (internal) side whereas its posterior (external)
side bears two rows of gill filaments. Histologically, the gill arch is composed of hyaline
cartilage surrounded by mixed bone ,which is covered by a mucous membrane. Its epithelium
contains mucous cells and taste buds, whereas its loose connective tissue contains blood
vessels and skeletal muscles. The histological structure of gill raker is similar to that of the
gill arch except the absence of cartilage and muscles .The present st
The present study aimed to investigate the morphological description and histological structure of thyroid gland in Herpestes javanicus . The results revealed that thyroid gland in adult Herpestes javanicus is located in the neck region just below the larynx and attached to the trachea . Histological study revealed that thyroid gland in H. javanicus surrounded by a capsule of losse connective tissue and the thyroid gland mainly formed from follicles within different sizes. The results showed that the follicle consists of three compenets represented by follicular lining cells, basal parafollicular cells and the colloid. Microscopical examination revealed that the follicular lining tissue is either to be simpl
... Show MoreABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Estrogens has traditionally been known as the female hormone, but this idea has been challenged in early 1990’s and an essential physiological role for estrogen in male fertility was identified. Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring non-steroidal plant chemicals that can act like the female hormone estrogen. The herbs ( anise alfalfa and vervain ) chosen in this study contain phytoestrogens. OBJECTIVE: Previous studies demonstrated controversy of the effects of phytoestrogens on the rat testes .Hence, the present investigation was undertaken to investigate the influence of typical dose of herbs containing phytoestrogen on the rat testis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-four apparently normal mature male rats we
... Show MoreThis research aimed to use eggshell powder as a lithtripsian for different types of urinary stones and determine the efficiency of these preparations against different types of stone. The grounded and sterilized eggshell was dissolved in fresh lemon juice .The treatment was orally given for successive 7 days before breakfast. Eighty five patients with different types of urinary stone were participated in this research. All patients were subjected to Ultrasonography and intravenous pyelography examinations to localize the position and detect diameter of the stone. The above examination and also biochemical tests for diagnosis of stones in
... Show More