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The Environment Effects of Fish Cages Farming in the Euphrates River at Mysayyib District on Water Quality at the Farms and at the Myssayyib Water Purification Stations-2013
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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of cages of fish farming of Mussayyib district,The fish farming have been selected at Euphrates river with in Mussayyib districtBabylon province the area of study extend 3 Km at the river and includes 541 cages in water with in 46 fish farming . Water samples were taken from 3 stations three times within one month for each two of them were taken from two water purification stations in mussayyib ,physical and chemical examination of water quality were taken ,The results for samples from the fish farming indicated that PH and salinity of water within acceptable levels, high proporation of dissolved oxygen and vital oxygen required were very high while the turbidity was more the permissible limits, the test and oder of water were not acceptable for the resuts for water samples of the water purifications stations which indicated that turbidity was high ,test and oder were not acceptable,pH within the acceptable level the TDS and chlorides were more than permissible limits while the polluted materials were more than acceptable levels. 

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effects of Non-Thermal Argon Plasma Produced at Atmospheric Pressure on the Optical Properties of CdO Thin Films
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In this paper the effect of nonthermal atmospheric argon plasma on the optical properties of the cadmium oxide CdO thin films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis was studied. The prepared films were exposed to different time intervals (0, 5, 10, 15, 20) min. For every sample, the transmittance, Absorbance, absorption coefficient, energy gap, extinction coefficient and dielectric constant were studied. It is found that the transmittance and the energy gap increased with exposure time, and absorption. Absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient, dielectric constant decreased with time of exposure to the argon plasma

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 20 2024
Journal Name
Engineering Reports
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Inverted Wings Modifications on the Stability and Aerodynamic Performance of a Sedan Car at Cornering
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ABSTRACT<p>This research examines the impact of cornering on the aerodynamic forces and stability of a Nissan Versa (Almera) passenger sedan car by introducing novel modifications. These modifications included single inverted wings with end plates as a front spoiler, double‐element inverted wings with end plates as a rear spoiler, and incorporating the ground as a diffuser under the car trunk. The goal is to enhance the performance and stability of conventional passenger cars. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical data, the study utilized multiple methodologies to model the turbulence model, ultimately selecting the most suitable option. This involved comparing numerical data with wind tunnel experimental d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of surface water quality using statistical analysis methods: Orontes River (Case study)
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The study investigates the water quality of the Orontes River, which is considered one of the important water recourses in Syria, as it is used for drinking, irrigation, swimming and industrial needs. A database of 660 measurements for 13 parameters concentrations used, were taken from 11 monitoring points distributed along the Orontes River for a period of five years from 2015-2019, and to study the correlation between parameters and their impact on water quality, statistical analysis was applied using (SPSS) program. Cluster analysis was applied in order to classify the pollution areas along the river, and two groups were given: (low pollution - high pollution), where the areas were classified according to the sources of pollution to w

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fairness in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors
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Having signed my eyes on the manuscript labeled (equity in the ancestral quarrel at the meeting of subordinate and representative metaphors) I was impressed by the process of achieving it; That manuscript came to light; to be seen by specialists in Arabic rhetoric and students of science, and supplement the library of rhetoric one of the sources ..

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hadiths about fasting at the beginning of the months, in compilation and criticism
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This research included the hadiths in which the urge to fast the month of the month, or the beginning of the month, and followed the inductive approach to collecting hadiths, and the critical approach in their studies, and in the weighting of the right from the faces contained in it, and one of the most important results of the research is the agreement of the words of the people On the whiteness, whether it is a little or a lot, the rush of the month will be the first three nights, where the moon white is a little, and they also agreed that the middle three are called the white days, and that the release of the rage on them for the whiteness of its nights, where the moon is complete, and the Prophet has been proven. May God bless him an

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 05 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy (ijep)
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Computational Thinking in Education at University
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This study aims to reveal the role of one of the artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, “ChatGPT,” in improving the educational process by following it as a teaching method for the subject of automatic analysis for students of the Chemistry Department and the subject of computer security for students of the Computer Science Department, from the fourth stage at the College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), and its impact on their computational thinking to have a good educational environment. The experimental approach was used, and the research samples were chosen intentionally by the research community. Research tools were prepared, which included a scale for CT that included 12 items and the achievement test in b

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Adsorption of Tetracycline on the Bauxite and Modified Bauxite at Different Temperatures
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  In this study, bauxite and modified bauxite /polymer, which were prepared as an adsorbent surfaces to adsorption of the tetracycline from aqueous solutions. A series of adsorption experiments were conducted to determine the equilibrium time and temperature effect on the adsorption process. The results showed that adsorption was agreed with the Freundlich equation model for the surface of the bauxite. As for the modified bauxite surface, the results were consistent with the Langmuir equation model. The values of the basic thermodynamic functions of the adsorption process were calculated, so the process of adsorption was founded   spontaneous and endothermi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 18 2022
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
The Effect of Tidal Energies on the Materials Properties of the Soil at Southern Mesopotamia
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The materials of soil were affected by multi reasons; such as human activities, floods, tidal waves, ... etc. The change of the soil contents could be measured through different indexes; such as electric conductivities, salinity, concentration of the heavy elements, and concentration of essential elements ... etc. The land cover is affected by natural influences, like tidal energy, which plays a negative role in the salinization of land adjacent to the coasts, causing a problem for soils in all its details represented in changing of the dissolved elements in soil. One of the most important natural factors that cause soil salinity is human activity in all its forms, and one of the most important causes of salinity is the phenomenon o

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The expression is similar at Explain the gold nuggets
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The expression is a prominent feature of the Arabic language, but it is one of the characteristics that are inseparable from it. The expressive aspects of each other.
The issue of Arab differences and their impact on the divergence of meaning is one of the issues that have preoccupied the minds of the Arabic language owners and their views went to various doctrines. Introduction: (Whenever I finished a question concluded with a verse related to any download, and followed by the need for expressing, interpretation and interpretation) I found him in some of the Aarabip more than the face of some of the vocabulary raised and erected and a jar, when the verses of the Koran, resulting in a research lies between Grammar and the Koran under

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Monitoring Lotic Ecosystem by the Application of Water Quality Index (CCMEWQI)
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Water Quality Index (WQI) as a tool to assess the water quality status provides advice related to the use of water quality monitoring data and it is a way for combining the complex water quality data into a single value or single statement.The present study was conducted on Al- Hilla river in the middle of Iraq from August 2012 to July 2013 at five selected stations in the river, from Al- Musaib city to Al- Hashimya at the south of Hilla to determine its suitability for aquatic environment (GWQI), drinking water (PWSI) and irrigation (IWQI).This index offers a useful representation of the overall quality of water for public or any intended use as well as indicating pollution, water quality management, and decision making. According to th

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