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The impact of Glucose and Sodium Chloride on the Biofilm Formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa & Staphylococcus aureus
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The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of glucose and sodium chloride on biofilm formation by bacteria causing wound infection. For this purpose, 1% and 2% concentration of each of glucose and sodium chloride were used to test the biofilm formation potential of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which were the most common abundant bacteria that cause infection by biofilm. Each of the concentrations was kept in contact with the pathogenic bacteria for 24 hours. After the period of incubation, the concentration of 1% of glucose enhanced moderate biofilm formation capacity for (66% and 80%) on both bacteria respectively. The concentration of 2% glucose, on the other hand, led to a weak biofilm for 33% and 20% on both bacteria isolates respectively. In respect to the effect of sodium chloride, no isolate was able to form neither moderate nor strong biofilms. Nonetheless, all isolates succeeded in forming weak biofilms at 2% sodium chloride, while treatment with a concentration of 1% sodium chloride led to inhibited biofilm formation for 43% of isolates. Besides, Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were able to form moderate biofilms in the presence of 1% concentration of glucose, and weak producers in the presence of 2% glucose concentration. The isolates succeeded in forming strong biofilms at both 1% and 2% sodium chloride.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Optics
Studying the effect of cadmium chloride and thiourea concentrations on the structural and optical properties of CdS films deposited using the spray pyrolysis technique
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of SOLO and Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfectant on Some Properties of Different Types of Dental Stone
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Dental casts come into direct contact with impression materials and other items that are contaminated by saliva and blood from a patient's mouth, leaving the casts susceptible to cross-contamination. The disinfectant solutions of the impression materials cause various adverse reactions. Therefore, disinfection of dental casts may be effective in preventing cross infection. This study was carried out to evaluate the surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity of type III, type IV and type IV extra hard dental stone after immersion in and spray by using SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant solutions. Materials and methods: 240 Stone samples were prepared in rubber rings, A total of 60 test block w

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of SOLO and sodium hypochlorite disinfectant on some properties of different types of dental stone
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Background: Dental casts come into direct contact with impression materials and other items that are contaminated by saliva and blood from a patient's mouth, leaving the casts susceptible to cross-contamination. The disinfectant solutions of the impression materials cause various adverse reactions. Therefore, disinfection of dental casts may be effective in preventing cross infection. This study was carried out to evaluate the surface hardness, dimensional accuracy, reproduction of details and surface porosity of type III, type IV and type IV extra hard dental stone after immersion in and spray by using SOLO and Sodium hypochlorite disinfectant solutions. Materials and methods: 240 Stone samples were prepared in rubber rings, A total of 60

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Effect of Arabidopsis thaliana Extract on Reducing Blood Glucose Level in Diabetic White Albino Mice
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This study was designed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Arabidopsis thaliana seeds on reducing glucose level for white albino mice. Twenty adults mice were used, divided randomly into four groups (five mice per each group). The first group (normal mice) was administrated with 0.1 ml of distilled water as a control, the second group (normal mice) was administrated with 0.1 ml of the plant extract, whereas the third and fourth groups (diabetic mice) were administrated with single dose of alloxan (150 mg/kg of the body weight) to induce diabetes, and the fourth group was administrated with 0.1 ml of the plant extract for 10 days, then blood glucose level was measured for all of the experimental animals (diabetic and no

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Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Acut Effect of sodium chlorid on the crustacean Acanthocyclops bicuspidatus (Claus) (Copepoda: Cyclopoida)
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The present study deals with the effect of acute exposure of different salt concentrations of NaCl on male and female of                     IU.FOBRJMOPNARJ, which belongs to Class Copepoda, Order Cyclopoida by calculating lethal concentration killing 50% (LC50), lethal concentration killing 100% (LC100) and safe concentration (LC0).     The results showed that LC50 values were 3.80ppt, 2.75ppt and 2.29 ppt for males during 24,48 and 72 hrs. exposure respectively while LC50 values were 2.45ppt, 2.18ppt and 1.77ppt for females for the same periods of exposure.      The lethal concentration (LC100

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Csasc English Ver., 4th Scientific Conference; College Of Science; Babylon University
Effect of NaCl on the cresyl violet( CV) –sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) complex
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Abstract: In this research we study the of added NaCl with concentration (0.2, 0.02)M on the spectral of cationically charged dye (cresyl violet) and anionically charged surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate) with different concentration, the result show two peaks appearance the first attributed to micelle and the other formation of dye surfactant complex, in addition to the increase in the quantum efficiency of emission spectrum and shifted toward long wavelength (λmax=692.5nm-626nm).

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Dental And Medical Sciences (iosr-jdms)
Inhibitory Effects of Nickel Chloride on Bone Composition
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Abstract: To study the effect of nickel chloride on bone composition of mice, a number of biophysical and biochemical parameters have been made use. The animals were divided into control and experimental and further subdivided into three groups I, II and III according to the dose of nickel chloride (NiCl2) administered to them i.e. 5.8, 12.8 and 28.2 mg/kg body weight, respectively. Femur bones were obtained by sacrificing the animals three weeks after weaning them once a week. The percentage loss between the wet weight and dry weight of femur in control animals was found to be 32.5+1.5 .In the three experimental groups I,II and III, the percentage loss was 30.4+1.4, 35.3+2.3 and 38.9+2.2 respectively. The percentage loss between the wet we

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Colonization of Staphylococcus xylosus in the kidneys and bladder of mice
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Two isolates of Staphylococcus xylosus (urease producer and non urease producer) were injected in mice at a dose of 2 × 108 colony-forming units (CFU) intraurethrally. Results showed that both isolates were able to colonize kidney and bladder of the injected mice, regardless of their urease production. Moreover, there were insignificant differences between the two groups. These results emphasized the pathogenicity of this bacteria in UTI.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection a New Antiseptic Resistant Variant of qac Gene in Some Multi Drug Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Clinical Sources
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The increasing use of antiseptic compounds creates selective pressure cause emergence of antiseptic resistance among Staphylococcus aureus .Resistance mechanism of antiseptic is driven mainly by multi drug resistant (MDR) efflux protein.Sixty five isolates of S.aureuswere collected from different clinical sources and subjected to 11 antibiotics most of them are recognized by efflux systems as extruded substrates. Range of efflux activity was estimated using cartwheel method. Simultaneous discrimination of antiseptic coding genes (qacA/B, smr and norA)as well as nuc and mecA genes among multidrug resistantS.aureus(MRSA) isolates was preformed using multiplex PCR assay

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The novel of the innovator and its impact on the differences of jurists
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Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our master and beloved Muhammad, the wise guide and great teacher, the guide to a straight path, the one sent as a mercy to the worlds, and upon his good and chosen family, his chosen companions, the working scholars, and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.

And after:

One of the important controversial topics shared between the sciences of the Noble Hadith and the Fundamentals of God is the issue of the innovator in terms of accepting and rejecting his narration and testimony, and the difference in it leads to disagreement in many branches of jurisprudence that were based on texts narrated by innovated narrators or those accu

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