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Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing Submodules and Some Related Concepts
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Let R be a ring and let A be a unitary left R-module. A proper submodule H of an R-module A is called 2-absorbing , if rsa∈H, where r,s∈R,a∈A, implies that either ra∈H or sa∈H or rs∈[H:A], and a proper submodule H of an R-module A is called quasi-prime , if rsa∈H, where r,s∈R,a∈A, implies that either ra∈H or sa∈H. This led us to introduce the concept pseudo quasi-2-absorbing submodule, as a generalization of both concepts above, where a proper submodule H of an R-module A is called a pseudo quasi-2-absorbing submodule of A, if whenever rsta∈H,where r,s,t∈R,a∈A, implies that either rsa∈H+soc(A) or sta∈H+soc(A) or rta∈H+soc(A), where soc(A) is socal of an R-module A. Several basic properties, examples and characterizations of this concept are given. Moreover, we investigate relationships between pseudo quasi-2-absorbing submodule and other classes of submodules.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing Submodules (II)
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Let  be a module over a commutative ring  with identity. Before studying the concept of the Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule, we need to mention the ideal  and the basics that you need to study the  concept of the Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule. Also, we introduce several characteristics of the Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule in classes of multiplication modules and other types of modules. We also had no luck because the ideal  is not a Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing ideal. Also, it is noted that  is the Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing ideal under several conditions, which is this faithful module, projective module, Z-regular module and content module and non-si

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On 2-Absorbing Submodules
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 Let R be a commutative ring with 10 and M is a unitary R-module . In this paper , our aim is to continue studying 2-absorbing submodules which are introduced by  A.Y. Darani and F. Soheilina . Many new properties and characterizations are given .

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
J-Prime submodules and some related concepts
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Suppose R has been an identity-preserving commutative ring, and suppose V has been a legitimate submodule of R-module W. A submodule V has been J-Prime Occasionally as well as occasionally based on what’s needed, it has been acceptable: x ∈ V + J(W) according to some of that r ∈ R, x ∈ W and J(W) an interpretation of the Jacobson radical of W, which x ∈ V or r ∈ [V: W] = {s ∈ R; sW ⊆ V}. To that end, we investigate the notion of J-Prime submodules and characterize some of the attributes of has been classification of submodules.

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Essentially Quasi-Invertible Submodules and Essentially Quasi-Dedekind Modules
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        Let R be a commutative ring with  identity . In this paper  we study  the concepts of  essentially quasi-invertible submodules and essentially  quasi-Dedekind modules  as  a generalization of  quasi-invertible submodules and quasi-Dedekind  modules  . Among the results that we obtain is the following : M  is an essentially  quasi-Dedekind  module if and only if M is aK-nonsingular module,where a module M is K-nonsingular if, for each  , Kerf ≤e M   implies   f = 0 .

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Pure Maximal Submodules and Related Concepts
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      In this work we discuss the concept of pure-maximal denoted by (Pr-maximal) submodules as a generalization to the type of R- maximal submodule, where a proper submodule  of an R-module  is called Pr- maximal if  ,for any submodule  of W is a pure submodule of W, We offer some properties of a Pr-maximal submodules, and we give Definition of the concept, near-maximal, a proper submodule  

 of an R-module  is named near (N-maximal) whensoever  is pure submodule of  such that  then K=.Al so we offer the concept Pr-module, An R-module W is named Pr-module, if every proper submodule of  is Pr-maximal. A ring  is named Pr-ring if whole proper ideal of  is a Pr-maximal ideal, we offer the concept pure local (Pr-loc

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing Submodule(I)
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Let  be a module over a commutative ring  with identity. In this paper we intoduce the concept of Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule, where a  proper submodule  of an -module  is said to be Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semi-2-Absorbing submodule of   if whenever , for implies that either  or , this concept is a generalization of 2_Absorbing submodule, semi 2-Absorbing submodule, and strong form of (Nearly–2–Absorbing, Pseudo_2_Absorbing, and Nearly Semi–2–Absorbing) submodules. Several properties characterizations, and examples concerning this new notion are given. We study the relation between Strongly Pseudo Nearly Semei-2-Absorbing submodule and (2_Absorbing, Nearly_2_Absorbing, Pseudo_2_Absorbing, and Nearly S

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Quasi-primary Submodules
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      In this paper, we introduce and study the notation of approximaitly quasi-primary submodules of a unitary left -module  over a commutative ring  with identity. This concept is a generalization of prime and primary submodules, where a proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly quasi-primary (for short App-qp) submodule of , if , for , , implies that either  or , for some . Many basic properties, examples and characterizations of this concept are introduced.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 12 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
W-Closed Submodule and Related Concepts
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    Let R be a commutative ring with identity, and M be a left untial module. In this paper we introduce and study the concept w-closed submodules, that is stronger form of the concept of closed submodules, where asubmodule K of a module M is called w-closed in M, "if it has no proper weak essential extension in M", that is if there exists a submodule L of M with K is weak essential submodule of L then K=L. Some basic properties, examples of w-closed submodules are investigated, and some relationships between w-closed submodules and other related modules are studied. Furthermore, modules with chain condition on w-closed submodules are studied.   

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 13 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
St-Polyform Modules and Related Concepts
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In this paper, we introduce a new concept named St-polyform modules, and show that the class of St-polyform modules is contained properly in the well-known classes; polyform, strongly essentially quasi-Dedekind and ?-nonsingular modules. Various properties of such modules are obtained. Another characterization of St-polyform module is given. An existence of St-polyform submodules in certain class of modules is considered. The relationships of St-polyform with some related concepts are investigated. Furthermore, we introduce other new classes which are; St-semisimple and ?-non St-singular modules, and we verify that the class of St-polyform modules lies between them.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Min - Cs Modules and Some Related Concepts
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Our aim in this paper is to study the relationships between min-cs modules and some other known generalizations of cs-modules such as ECS-modules, P-extending modules and n-extending modules. Also we introduce and study the relationships between direct sum of mic-cs modules and mc-injectivity.

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