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New Nanocomposite Derivatives From Thiadiazole Polymers /Silica Synthesis and Characterization using Free Radical Polymerization
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A new class of thiadiazole /silica nanocomposites with chemical bonds between thiadiazole monomers and modified nanosilica surface were synthesized by free radical polymerization. Presence silica nanoparticles in the structure of  nanocomposite showed effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of Producing polymers. A nanocomposite material with feature properties comparison with their polymers, The structure and morphology of the synthesis materials were investigated by FT-IR spectrum which display preparation new thiadiazole compounds and polymerization monomers. FT-IR showed disappeared double bond (C=C) of monomers, due to produce long chains of thiadiazole polymers and nanocomposite. X-ray diffraction gave idea about crystalline structure of nanoparticles and nanocomposite , X-ray showed that silica nanoparticles have high intensity at 18000 , due to nanoscale of particles which allowed for particles aggregation together. While nanocomposite show low intensity due to reacted thiadaizole polymer chains with silica nanoparticles surface. The distribution of nanoparticles had characterized by Atomic forces microscopy AFM. AFM results shown roughness in the surfaces of nanocomposites C1 and C2, comparison with silica nanoparticles which gave smooth surface. The roughness attributed to reaction between functionalized surface of silica nanoparticles and chains of thiadaizole polymers, which led to change in size particles distribution and surface of particles that refer to nanocomposite.    

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Towards Accurate Pupil Detection Based on Morphology and Hough Transform
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 Automatic recognition of individuals is very important in modern eras. Biometric techniques have emerged as an answer to the matter of automatic individual recognition. This paper tends to give a technique to detect pupil which is a mixture of easy morphological operations and Hough Transform (HT) is presented in this paper. The circular area of the eye and pupil is divided by the morphological filter as well as the Hough Transform (HT) where the local Iris area has been converted into a rectangular block for the purpose of calculating inconsistencies in the image. This method is implemented and tested on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA V4) iris image database 249 person and the IIT Delhi (IITD) iris

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
Dar Majdalawi For Publication And Distribution
Technology of architecture and Interior Design, تكنلوجيا العمارة والفضاءات الداخلية
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 05 2011
Journal Name
Global Journal Of Health Science
Analysis of Acute Viral Hepatitis (A and E) in Iraq
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Hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, has a number of infectious and non-infectious causes. Two of the viruses that cause hepatitis (hepatitis A and E) can be transmitted through water and food; hygiene is therefore important in their control. First, to assess the importance of HAV and HEV as a possible diagnosis for clinically diagnosed patients with acute viral hepatitis. Second, to assess the prevalence of hepatitis A and E in all provinces of Iraq and study its association with age, gender. This study consisted of two groups: The first group consisted of 2975 patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute viral hepatitis. The second group consisted of a total of 9610 persons, which were recruited by surveying a nationally representative

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Pharmacy Education And Research
Comparative biosimilar quality studies between a rituximab product and MabThera
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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Preparation and Optimization of Olanzapine as Transdermal Nanoparticles Delivery System
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Background: The treatment of schizophrenia typically involves the use of olanzapine (OLZ), a typical antipsychotic drug that has poor oral bioavailability due to its low solubility and first-pass effect.  Objective: To prepare and optimize OLZ as nanoparticles for transdermal delivery to avoid problems with oral administration. Methods: The nanoprecipitation technique was applied for the preparation of eight OLZ nanoparticles by using different polymers with various ratios. Nanoparticles were evaluated using different methods, including particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), entrapment efficiency (EE%), zeta potential and an in vitro release study. The morphology was evaluated by a field emission scanning electron microscope (F

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Effect of traditional and automated sorting on some tomato's properties
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This study was conducted in a laboratory experiment at the University of Baghdad, College of Science, computing Department, 5 km from the center of Baghdad city, in 2021 to evaluate the sorting method for the tomato crop. The experiments were conducted in a factorial experiment under a complete randomized design with three replications and using SAS analysis, artificial neural network, image processing, the study of external characteristics, and physical features; fruit surface area and fruit circumference were 1334.46 cm2,57.53 cm2 and free diseases. The error value was less than zero, while training with outputs recorded the highest value and which was 5. The neural network's performance between the input and the mean square of th

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 02 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Science
preparation and evaluation of meloxicam microsponges as transdermal delivery system
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 16 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Business And Manegement
Causality Relation between FDI Inflows and Economic Growth in Qatar
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These years Qatar has emerged as an important regional destination of foreign direct investment (FDI), which demonstrates the recent success of several smaller economies in attracting FDI. This paper aims to investigate the causal relationships between inward FDI and economic growth in the particular case of Qatar featured as oil production country. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Impulse Responses and Granger Causality Tests were adopted as major research methods. Annual data set was used covering from 1990 to 2010. The main results demonstrated the bi-directional causality and long-run relationships between FDI inflows and economic growth in Qatar. And to attract FDI inflows into Qatar, the government shall continue its efforts in const

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The archaeological and religious sites on the city of Babylon
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The archaeological and religious sites play a prominent role in the rest of the other tourist activities as cultural and spiritual needs that can not be dispensed with. Archaeological sites represent cultural origins of the nation. Religious sites represent the state of man's orientation to God in places of worship . The focus was on the city of Babylon because it is an ancient city and tourist because of its characteristics and elements. The importance of the city of Babylon is illustrated by highlighting its archeological and religious status through its geographical distribution. This gives the subject special importance for the purpose of knowing the city's important sites. And come out with a number of results and a set of recommend

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 23 2010
Journal Name
Arabian Journal Of Geosciences
Climatic prediction of the terrestrial and coastal areas of Iraq
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