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Cardiovascular Risk Assessement in Osteoporotic Patients Using Osteoprotegerin as a Reliable Predictive Biochemical Marker
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       Some studies indicated a relationship between increased serum levels of osteoprotegerin with arterial calcification and as a result, it leads to the risk of cardiovascular disease. In our study group we selected patients with osteoporosis, with similar age and body mass index for the assessment of the relationship between cardiovascular disease and osteoprotegerin serum level. We took into account the analysis of correlation and association between the presence of distinct patterns of atherosclerosis and associated diseases like high blood pressure,  diabetes mellitus, low HDL cholesterol, increased LDL cholesterol, increased triglycerides and was the case of presence of any type of dyslipidemia, in case of pre-existent treatment.

Objective of study was the assessment of osteoprotegerin value as predictive marker for cardiovascular and metabolic risk in osteoporotic patients.

Our results showed significant correlations of parathyroid hormone, osteocalcin and biochemical markers of bone with glucose metabolism and lipid were found in our research, maintaining crosstalk between calcium and biochemical markers of bone and cardiovascular risk.

The serum level of Osteoprotegerin has been shown to have a large predictive value for the metabolic syndrome as a cardiovascular risk standard in patients with osteoporosis. The osteoprotegerin serum levels were increased in the patients with metabolic syndrome as a protective response facing the atherosclerotic lesions.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The vision of Hebrew writers and critics of the future of the Jews in their writings at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth c: דעותיהם של הסופרים והמבקרים העבריים על עתידם של היהודים לפי כתבותיהם בשלהי המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20
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It is very known  how great is the  role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of  Palestine even though they were not born there.

    On such a  basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?

    Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Exclusion of People Infected with Coronavirus and Its Relationship with the Length of Incubation of the Disease Fatin sabaa khamas
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The importance of social exclusion lies in the psychological problems that cause problems in social relations and mental-physical health. For this reason, the researcher set three goals for the current research: identifying the level of social exclusion among people infected with the Coronavirus. The incubation period of the virus. Social exclusion and its relationship to the duration of incubation of the disease among people infected with the Coronavirus. The result showed that the research sample does not suffer from social exclusion. The mean value for the period from

(8-14) days is the highest value followed by the period (1-7) days and the period

 (14 days or more) comes at the end. There is no statistically sig

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 21 2023
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
New techniques to estimate the solution of autonomous system
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This research aims to solve the nonlinear model formulated in a system of differential equations with an initial value problem (IVP) represented in COVID-19 mathematical epidemiology model as an application using new approach: Approximate Shrunken are proposed to solve such model under investigation, which combines classic numerical method and numerical simulation techniques in an effective statistical form which is shrunken estimation formula. Two numerical simulation methods are used firstly to solve this model: Mean Monte Carlo Runge-Kutta and Mean Latin Hypercube Runge-Kutta Methods. Then two approximate simulation methods are proposed to solve the current study. The results of the proposed approximate shrunken methods and the numerical

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Point of Care testing: The future of periodontal dis-ease diagnosis and monitoring
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Manual probing and periodontal charting are the gold standard for periodontal diagnosis that have been used in practice over a century. These methods are affordable and reliable but they are associated with some drawbacks that cannot be avoided. Among these issues is their reliance on operator’s skills, time-consuming and tedious procedure, lack sensitivity especially in cases of early bone loss, and causing discomfort to the patient. Availability of a wide range of biomarkers in the oral biofluids, dental biofilm, and tissues that potentially reflect the periodontal health and disease accurately encouraged their use as predictive/diagnostic/monitoring tools. Analysing biomarkers during care-giving to the patient using chairside kits i

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Scopus (3)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
COVID-19 and Alimentary Tract: Current Evidence and Recent Recommendations
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The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), first reported in China, in December 2019 and since then the digestive tract involvement of  COVID-19 has been progressively described. In this review, I summed recent studies, which have addressed the pathophysiology of COVID-19-induced gastrointestinal symptoms, their prevalence, and bowel pathological and radiological findings of infected patients. The effects of gut microbiota on SARS-CoV-2 and the challenges of nutritional therapy of the infected patients are depicted.  Moreover, I provide a concise summary of the recommendations on the management of inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, and performing endoscopy in the COVID era. Finally, the COVID pancreatic re

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 04 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Association of Echocardiographic Epicardial Fat Thickness and Carotid Intima Media Thickness with the Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
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Background: Coronary artery disease remains the main cause of death despite several preventive programs. Epicardial adipose tissue is a visceral fat depot of the heart located along the large coronary arteries and on the surface of ventricles and apex. Intima media thickness is commonly recognized as the initial stage in the development of atherosclerosis. The development of ultrasound machines, advances in echocardiographic devices and high resolution transducers facilitate comprehensive analysis of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT).
Aim: To investigate the relationship of echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness (EFT) and carotid –intima media thickness (C-IMT) with the severity of coro

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Use of Logistic Regression Approach to Determine the Effective Factors Causing Renal Failure Disease
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    The main goal of this research is to determine the impact of some variables that we believe that they are important to cause renal failuredisease by using logistic regression approach.The study includes eight explanatory variables and the response variable represented by (Infected,uninfected).The statistical program SPSS is used to proform the required calculations

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some induce chemical and biological agents against (Tilletia tritici (Bjerk) and T.laevis (Kühn) causal agents of wheat Common bunt disease
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This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of some chemicals and biological agents to induce systemic resistance (ISR) against to wheat common bunt disease caused by the two species of fungus Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint (T. caries (Dac.) Tul.) and T. laevis Kuhn (T. foetida (Wall.) Liro. Trails in the efforts to find an alternative, safe and environmentally friendly means to control the disease. Results of this study which carried out during two consecutive seasons for the years 2012 - 2013 and 2013 - 2014 at two different environmental locations. Seed treatment by (SA 100 and 200 mg/L, 500 ?–aminobutyric acid (BABA) and 1000 mg/L, Effective Microorganisms (EM1) 40 and 150 ml/kg seeds) have led to high significant redu

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2009
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Obesity, Glycemic and Hormonal Criteria Of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
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Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy affecting women, at reproductive age. PCOS is a chronic hyperandrogenic state that has many significant short-term and long-term implications for patients such as oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, increased risk of endometrial cancer, and hirsutism. Objectives: To evaluate the obesity and glycemic criteria among women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Method: A case control designed study was carried out at the National Diabetes Center (NDC) / Al-Mustansiryia University; on 50 participants formed the PCOS group and 50 healthy control participants. Data collected about age, age at menarche and BMI. Also, blood sam

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jurisprudence of the narratives Jurisprudence of the narratives of Mother of the Believers “Um Salmah: (may God bless her) agreed upon between Bukhari and Muslm in respect to fasting, Hajj” pilgrimage” and Sharia duration : The life of the mother of the believers, Umm Salamah, the jurisprudence of the narratives of Umm Salamah, agreed upon between Bukhari and Muslim
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This research’s goal is to  restore and to revive the jurisprudence of  Mother of Believers (Um alMuaamineen) “Um Salmah” "may God bless her", and to highlight her outstanding assimilation and understanding of religion and her conscious thought.  The current research is a comparative scientific theoretical study  represented in the comparison of  jurisprudence of “Um Salamah” with Hadiths  of  fasting  and pilgrimage rules as well as the duration  mentioned in jurisprudence  of  for doctrines( 4 schools of thought )to identify these hadiths with the inclusion and discussion of their evidence.

The current research included two topics: the first one is to identify and introduce

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