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Theoretical Evaluations of Probability of Photons Yield Depending on Quantum Chromodynamics Theory
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      Aim of this research is the description with evaluation the photons rate probability at quark-gluon reactions processes theoretically depending on quantum color theory. In high energy physics as well as quantum field theory and quantum chromodynamics theory,they are very important for physical processes. In quark–gluon interaction there are many processes, the Compton scattering, annihilation pairs and quark–gluon plasma. There are many quantum features, each of three  and systems that taken which could make a quark–gluon plasma in character system. First, electric quark charge and color quantum charge that’s satisfied by quantum number. Second, the critical temperature and photon energy. Moreover, for such three systems have variety quantum flavor numbers: 2, 3 and 4, the photons rate are evaluated at system energy limited  with critical temperature: 144 MeV. However, due to the quark–gluon plasma producing in heavy ions collisions, the photons rate is   increasing with decreasing of coupling constant and photons energy in quark-quark interaction systems.


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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Theoretical calculations involving a standard neutron yield distribution for the T-T nuclear fusion reaction
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A standard theoretical neutron energy flux distribution is achieved for the triton-triton nuclear fusion reaction in the range of triton energy about ≤10 MeV. This distribution give raises an evidence to provide the global calculations including the characteristics fusion parameters governing the T-T fusion reaction.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 02 2024
Journal Name
Anggaran Jurnal Publikasi Ekonomi Dan Akuntansi
Do Iraqi Ceo Depending On Strategic Planning In The Face Of Crises
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Abstract.The goal of this article is to find the CEO of Iraqi companies that use strategic planning and determine if they are capable of diagnosing the traits of strategic planning systems that improve these companies' capacity to successfully address crisis-related needs. The capacity of the company to successfully react to crisis needs and demands is enhanced by the use of strategic planning, according to a review of data from 64 enterprises utilizing statistical analysis. Furthermore, top and division or unit managers must be involved and committed for strategic planning to be successful. It also has to be planned with an external orientation and get more than just lip service from top and unit or division level managers. In other words,

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Al-mustansiriyah Journal Of Science
Study of Photons Emission Rate of Quark-Antiquark at Higher Energy
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In this paper, the dynamic of quark and anti-quark interaction has been used to study the production of photons in the annihilation process based on the theory of chromodynamic. The rate of the photon is to be calculated for charm and anti-strange interaction c→γg system with critical temperature 113 and 130 MeV and photon energy GeV/c. Here the critical temperature, strength coupling and photons energy are assumed to be affected dramatically on the rate of photons emission of state interaction c, which can form gluon possible structures and photon emission state. The decreased photons emission yields with increased strength couple of quarks reaction due to increase critical temperature from 113 MeV to 130 MeV were predicted. We

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Brain Research Bulletin
A note on the probability distribution function of the surface electromyogram signal
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Theoretical Study and calculation The cold Reaction Rate of Deuteron Fusion In Nickel Metal Using Bose–Einstein Condensate Theory
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In this paper, we focused on the investigated and studied the cold fusion reaction rate for D-D using the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation and depending on the quantum mechanics consideration. The quantum theory was based on the concept of single conventional of deuterons in Nickel-metal due to Bose-Einstein condensation, it has supplied a consistent description and explained of the experimental data. The analysis theory model has capable of explaining the physical behaviour of deuteron induced nuclear reactions in Nickel metals upon the five-star matter, it's the most expected for a quantitative predicted of the physical theory. Based on the Bose-Einstein condensation theorem formulation, we calculation the cold fusion reaction rate fo

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Generation of entangled photons by short coherence length violet diode laser
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Pumping a BBO crystal by a violet diode laser with a wavelength of (405 nm) output power of (24 mW) and a line width of (3nm) was employed to generate entangled photons with a wavelength of 810 nm by achieving type II phase matching conditions.The coincidence count rate obtained in this experiment was in the range of (18000) counts/s. Two BBO crystals with different thicknesses of (4 mm and 2 mm) were tested, where maximum count rates of about (18000) counts/s was obtained with a (5*5*2) mm BBO crystal where the short coherence time for the pumping source was tolerated by using shorter BBO crystals. Also, the effect of compensating crystal on the walk-off effect was studied. The coincidence count rates were increased by using these crystal

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
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Study and Investigation of Hard Photons Emission in Heavy Ion Collisions
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This work involves hard photon rate production from quark -gluon plasma QGP interaction in heavy ion collision. Using a quantum chromodynamic model to investigate and calculation of photons rate in 𝑐𝑔 → 𝑠𝑔𝛾 system due to strength coupling, photons rate, temperature of system, flavor number and critical. The photons rate production computed using the perturbative strength models for QGP interactions. The strength coupling was function of temperature of system, flavor number and critical temperature. Its influenced by force with temperature of system, its increased with decreased the temperature and vice versa. The strength coupling has used to examine the confinement and deconfinement of quarks in QGP properties and inf

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Small Binary Codebook Design for Image Compression Depending on Rotating Blocks
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     The searching process using a binary codebook of combined Block Truncation Coding (BTC) method and Vector Quantization (VQ), i.e. a full codebook search for each input image vector to find the best matched code word in the codebook, requires a long time.   Therefore, in this paper, after designing a small binary codebook, we adopted a new method by rotating each binary code word in this codebook into 900 to 2700 step 900 directions. Then, we systematized each code word depending on its angle  to involve four types of binary code books (i.e. Pour when , Flat when  , Vertical when, or Zigzag). The proposed scheme was used for decreasing the time of the coding procedure, with very small distortion per block, by designing s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 08 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of Different Nitrogen Management on Yield and Some of the Yield Components of Rice (Shiroudi cultivar)
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Nitrogen (N) is a key growth and yield-limiting factor in cultivated rice areas. This study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of different conditions of N application on rice yield and yield components (Shiroudi cultivar) in Babol (Mazandaran, Iran) during the 2015- 2016 season. A factorial experiment executed of a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) used in three iterations. In the first factor, treatments were four N amounts (including 50, 90, 130, and 170 kg N ha-1), while in the second factor, the treatments consisted of four different fertilizer splitting methods, including T1:70 % at the basal stage + 30 % at the maximum tillering stage, T2:1/3 at the basal stage + 1/3 at the maximum ti

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Unit Plan Based Upon The MI Theory: A theoretical study with an application Inside The Classroom
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This research basically gives an introduction about the multiple intelligence
theory and its implication into the classroom. It presents a unit plan based upon the
MI theory followed by a report which explains the application of the plan by the
researcher on the first class student of computer department in college of sciences/
University of Al-Mustansiryia and the teacher's and the students' reaction to it.
The research starts with a short introduction about the MI theory is a great
theory that could help students to learn better in a relaxed learning situation. It is
presented by Howard Gardener first when he published his book "Frames of
Minds" in 1983 in which he describes how the brain has multiple intelligen

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