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Fabrication and study the effect of the laser on the properties of the compound Tl2-xHgxBa2-ySryCa2Cu3O10+δ superconductor

This study included the fabrication of    compound (Tl2-xHgxBa2-ySryCa2Cu3O10+δ) in a manner solid state and under hydrostatic pressure ( 8 ton/cm2) and temperature annealing(850°C), and determine the effect of the laser on the structural and electrical properties elements in the compound, and various concentrations of x where (x= 0.1,0.2,0.3 ). Observed by testing the XRD The best ratio of compensation for x is 0.2 as the value of a = b = 5.3899 (A °), c = 36.21 (A °) show that the installation of four-wheel-based type and that the best temperature shift is TC= 142 K  .When you shine a CO2 laser on the models in order to recognize the effect of the laser on these models showed the study of X-ray diffraction of these samples when preparing models with different concentrations of the values ​​of x, the best ratio of compensation is 0.2 which showed an increase in the values ​​of the dimensions of the unit cell a=b = 5.3929 (A °), c = 36.238 (A°). And the best transition temperature after shedding laser is TC=144 K. 

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Political Marketing and the Formation of Trends in Public Opinion on Social Networking Sites: An Analytical Study of the Two F.B. Pages: the Prime Minister and the Parliament President

The social networking sites have become one of the most important promotional instruments for their characteristic of facilitation of communication and the creation of public platform for discussion and formation of new points of view. These sites were used in the political marketing process where politicians use Facebook pages to promote their ideologies and spread their programs for the purpose of an influencing public opinion.
This research deals with the way by which political products are the Iraqi parliament. We adopt the methodology for analyzing the contents of these pages during three months starting from September,12 2016 to March 1, 2017 characterized by a lot of changes and events, in particular the beginning of the war o

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Properties for Phoshours dioxide PO2 Molecular and Influence Study of Bond ( P-O ) on Spectroscopy Properties

In This research a Spectroscopic complement and Thermodynamic properties for molecule PO2 were studied . That included a calculation of potential energy . From the curve of total energy for molecule at equilibrium distance , for bond (P-O), the degenerated of bond energy was (4.332eV) instate of the vibration modes of ( PO2 ) molecule and frequency that was found active in IR spectra because variable inpolarization and dipole moment for molecule. Also we calculate some thermodynamic parameters of ( PO2 ) such as heat of formation , enthalpy , heat Of capacity , entropy and gibb's free energy Were ( -54.16 kcal/mol , 2366.45 kcal/mol , 10.06 kcal /k/mol , 59.52 k

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Inhibitory effect of Rose and blossom bitter orange flowers extracts against different types of bacteria isolated from the oral cavity

The study in duded isolation and identification of microbial isolates from oral cavity to 10 volunteers, diagnosed within the three groups: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus spp. and Candida albicans . The sensitivity test of all isolates bacteria Streptococcus spp. , S. aureus and S. epidermidis showed high resistance to Ampicillin(100)%,followed Methicillin (88.88)% and Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid(77.77)%, while the resistance for each of Vancomycin and Amoxicillin were (66.66)%, and the resistance to Erythromycin and Pencillin (55.55)% to each of them. The results showed less resistance to Trimethoprim (22.22)% and Cefalotine (11.11)% of all bacteria isolate. Investigation of the pre

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Analytical Study of the Impact of Military Spending on the Chinese Economy Growth for the Period (1990-2018)


     The increase in military spending has become a feature of the times for many countries, including China. They have sought to increase their defence spending, not with the aim of domination and possession, but rather to protect their economic interests and to secure their foreign trade. The research aims to identify the impact of military spending by studying the nature of defence spending and its role in providing security. And stability and facilitating foreign investment in it, as well as storming the military industry, securing some humanitarian supplies, and participating in a variety of public works that can be used in the civil and military fields, and the aim of the research is to id

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Adoption of IAS.1 on Improving the Qualitative Characteristics Using Financial Indicators - An Applied study

The international financial accounting and reporting standards IFRS/IAS represent the set of rules and foundations that the economic entity must follow in the measurement, presentation, and disclosure of the elements of the financial statements, the implementation of adopting the international financial reporting standards contributes to improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, so the current research aims to explain the role of adopting the International Accounting Standard (IAS) in improving the qualitative characteristics as well as analyzing the impact of the adoption of IAS.1 in improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information within the financi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of canal dryness and flaring on the accuracy of two electronic apex locators

Background: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of canal dryness and flaring on the accuracy of two electronic apex locators for working length (WL) determination. Materials and methods: Sixty extracted teeth were used, after access opening was done, the occlusal surface was flattened to create stable reference point. The teeth were randomly divided into two equal main groups of flared and unflared group each one of 30 teeth. The flaring was done with Gates Glidden drills. The two main groups were further subdivided into two subgroups: dry canal and wet canal using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite groups, Electronic WL of each sample was determined using both Root ZX and i-Root apex locator. Consequently, histologic WL was determined by shav

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Thickness on Electrical Conductivity and Optical Constant of Fe2O3 Thin Films

   In this research the electrical conductivity and optical measurements were made on the Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) films prepared by chemical spray pyrolysis method as a function of thickness (250, 350, 450, and 550)  20 nm.    The measurements of electrical conductivity (σ), activation energies (Ea1, Ea2),and optical constant such as absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient and the dielectric constants for the wavelengths in the range (300-900) nm have been investigated on (Fe2O3) thin films as a function of thickness. All films contain two types of transport mechanisms, and the electrical conductivity (σ) increases whereas the activation energy (Ea) would decrease as the films thi

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of gender diversity of board directors and accounting conservatism on firm value

The study aims to investigate the relationship between the gender diversity of board director, the accounting conservatism and firm value in Iraqi firms. The sample was represented by 30 Iraqi firms listed on the Iraqi market over the period 2017. The research was based on the main hypothesis that gender diversity has a positive relationship with conservatism and firm value, that conservatism as an intermediate variable will enhance the positive relationship between gender diversity and firm value. The study reached results that support the research hypotheses. The appointment of females to the board helps improve the provision of conservative accounting information and avoids overstate when reporting earnings. Based on these res

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Apr 21 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences

The experiment was conducted under shading (with the aid of Saran) condition on a nursery managed by the Baghdad Mayoralty during the season of 2014-2015 to study the effect of composed sheep manure extract on the growth and leaf nutrients content of tomato seedlings var. Wijdan. The experiment was composed of 6 treatments included the extract of sheep manure by hot (425C)and lmbient(205C) temperature water .The extract was diluted to the half by water and foliar applied to seedlings (multible application) or to the soil . Treatments also included the application of NPK chemical fertilizers as recommended and a control treatment through applying distilled water as foliar .The experiment was designed according to the randomized compl

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
Effect of sheep manure extract on the growth and nutrients content of tomato seedlingss