During the period from September 2013 till the end of July 2014 ,a total of 340 birds Passer domesticus were collected from Tikrit city . The study revealed the infection of birds with seven species of cestoda helminthes , belonging to the genus Raillietin . These species included R. tetragona , R. echinobothrida , R. cesticellus and R. ransomi with prevalence infection of 36.1% , 30.1% . 15.0 % and 1.8 % respectively . And the genus Choanotaenia . These species included C. infundibulum and C. passerine with pervatence infection of 15.0% and 0.6% respectively . And the genus Anonchotuenia . The species included A.globate with prevantence infection 1.2% . Among of these parasites R. ransomi , C. passerine and A. globate were reported here for the first time in Iraq , in addition , P. domesticus is considered as a new host in Iraq for R. tetragona , R. echinobothrida , R. cesticellus and C. infundibulum .
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