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Environmental Properties of Tigris River at Al- Kut Dam in Wassit Province
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The physical and chemical parameters of Tigris River water in AL- Kut City have been studied. Three stations have been chosen. . The sampling of study was made monthly and for six months from September 2014 until February 2015.The result of turbidity values showed height mean in summer 84 NTU, The decrease of turbidity was one of the positive results to the effect of AL-Kut Dam on the Tigris River after the Dam and on the total suspended solids. The electrical conductivity was 1340 µs/cm in winter that may be due to the existence of the polluted elements. The river water was fresh (0.48‰ semiebrachish) with a good aerated water and the height of the dissolved oxygen mean value has been noticed 13.1mg/L at many times. Over saturated Oxygen condition was noticed 135 mg/L but the biological demand of oxygen didn,t pass the national specifics with oscillation in some values. The result of hydrogen ion concentration values varied from 7.1 - 8.2 on the weak alkaline side. Height values of total hardness were recorded 600mg/L, Calcium and magnesium were the cause of hardness. The alkaline is caused by carbonate and bicarbonate ions.The present study result showed that the sulphates are more than other ions with average of 148.33mg/L.The phosphate passed the decisions of the surface water in average 0.0388µg/L.The nitrate were in the acceptable ranges in concentration from 0.296-1.75mg/L.

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Transylvanian Review
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 09 2022
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The role of Ag NPs in PVA electrospun NFs for ultra-high sensitivity photodetector
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This work aimed to produce PVA and PVA/Ag nanofibers ultra-high sensitivity photodetector by electrospinning. The electrospinning process was used to successfully prepare PVA nanofibers and a PVA-Ag nanofiber composite. FE-SEM, XRD, UV, I-V characterizations are used to study the morphological, structural, optical, and electrical properties of the material. In contrast, the PVA-Ag nanofiber composite film displayed a cubic structure with favored orientation (200) that indicated the presence of Ag NPs in the PVA-Ag nanofibers film. While the optical energy gap for PVA was 3.96 eV, it was only 2.14 eV for PVA-Ag nanofibers composite film, making this composite sensitive to visible light, particularly green light at 550 nm with a 65% photosens

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sat Oct 06 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Estimation of Some Trace Elements and Antioxidant Status in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy
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Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent tract cancer in the world, including Iraq. The classified breast tumors to benign, malignant, and radiotherapy. Cancer treatment depends on certain stages such as mastectomy then chemotherapy alone or with radiation therapy or endocrine therapy according to the prognostic features obtained from the pathology report. The present study included 100 females. The women were split into two groups, control group that consisted of 50 apparently healthy females and 50 patients with BC group who undergo the radiotherapy. The current study highlighted on some of the anthropometric measurements, including the oxidative stress index malondialdehyde (MDA), the concentrations of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), s

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Babylon University
Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfamethoxazole in Pure and Pharmaceutical Preparations Based on Condensation Reaction Method
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A new, Simple, sensitive and accurate spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) drug in pure and dosage forms. This method based on the reaction of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ) with 1,2-napthoquinone-4-sulphonic acid (NQS) to form Nalkylamono naphthoquinone by replacement of the sulphonate group of the naphthoquinone sulphonic acid by an amino group. The colored chromogen shows absorption maximum at 460 nm. The optimum conditions of condensation reaction forms were investigated by (1) univariable method, by optimizing the effect of experimental variables (different bases, reagent concentration, borax concentration and reaction time), (2) central composite design (CCD) including the effect of

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Correlation of Serum Periostin Level with Disease Severity in Patients with Covid -19
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Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by the new respiratory virus SARS-CoV2. It has a tropism in the lung tissues where excess target receptors exist. Periostin plays a role in subepithelial fibrosis associated with bronchial asthma. Since the Coronavirus's target is the human respiratory system, Periostin has been recently described as a valuable new biomarker in the diagnosis and evaluation of disease in patients with COVID-19 lung involvement. Objectives: To assess the level of Periostin in the serum of COVID-19 patients and to correlate its role in disease severity and prognosis. Subjects and Methods: Periostin serum levels were measured for 63 patients attending three main COVID

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2025
Journal Name
Saudi Medical Journal
Spectrum and classification of ATP7B variants with clinical correlation in children with Wilson disease
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
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Theory And Practice In Language Studies
Prosodic Cues of Narrative Segmentation in Robert Frost’s ‘Mending Wall’: A Phono-Pragmatic Exploration
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There is much research on the syntax-semantics and the syntax-phonology interaction. However, the exact relation between prosodic patterns and informational structure (as part of pragmatics) is still to be investigated. In this empirical study, we challenge the view that prosody and pragmatics are two autonomous levels of grammar. This paper is an analysis of the narrative poem ‘Mending Wall’ recited by Robert Frost to explore the prosodic features and the associated pragmatic meanings. It is proposed that a set of intentionally manipulated suprasegmental features form a prosodic grammar that works in line with syntax and lexical choices to build the narrative discourse and achieve pragmatic meanings. The paper shows that the am

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Emergency Medicine, Trauma And Acute Care
A comparative immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratin 19 in odontogenic keratocyst, dentigerous, and radicular cysts
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Background: Odontogenic cysts are characterized by their sluggish growth and ability to enlarge, primarily affecting the oral and maxillofacial tissues. Timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial to prevent potentially serious consequences. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the immunohistochemical expression of cytokeratin 19 in the epithelium of odontogenic keratocyst, dentigerous, and radicular cysts.

Methods: This study analyzed forty-five formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks containing odontogenic cysts. The sample consisted of fifteen odontogenic keratocysts, fifteen dentigerous cysts, and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 14 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conf. Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Calculating some Powers and Traction Force for Two Plows in Primary Tillage
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Traction force and power requirement when performing primary tillage occupy the minds of almost farmers, this field research had aim to determine and calculate the pulling force of the most commonly used moldboard and chisel plows, the research conducted in silt clay loam for chisel and moldboard plows as the main factor, two depths of tillage 18 and 25 cm as a second factor and three speeds of tractor 2.55, 4.30 and 6.15 km.h-1 as a third factor. Moldboard plow recorded least traction force 7.550 kN, drawbar power 11.583 hp, power losses due to slippage 1.088 hp, power on the rear axle of the tractor 15.770 hp and brake horse power 17.495 hp. Chisel plow recorded best traction efficiency 76.217 % and total traction efficiency 68.659 %. Dep

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 25 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of physical exertion training using a vertimax device in developing the characteristic strength with speed and the skill of shooting by jumping in front - high with the hand ball for youth
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The research problem has crystallized and in light of these capabilities, the level of performance depends on the application of modern training methods based on actual experimentation, and those methods aim to develop the components of achievement in this competition, including the quantities of exerting the distinctive strength with speed for the arms and feet, which reflects on good skillful performance because the skill of shooting by jumping forward and high forms A major role in achieving goals during the competition that qualifies the team to win, and through the follow-up of the researcher in the field and academic field, I noticed that there is a weakness in some physical abilities, which affects performance and skill level

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