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Effect of Extracts from Zygophyllum Fabago on Growth and Activity of Candida Albicans and Aspergillus Flavus
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The study  was conducted to evaluate  the anti fungal activity of

water and alcohol ic  extracts (cold and  hot) and the crude alkaloid

extracts  of  leaves, seeds  and  roots  of  Zygophyllum  fabago  plant against a standard isolate of C. albicans and an isolate of A. jlavus which was proved to produce aflatoxins. Investigation of presence of active antimicrobial compounds in this plant parts was carried out, crude al kaloid extract was also separated using TLC technique. The antifungal activity of all these extracts was estimated against the two fungi.  Results showed  variation  in  anti fungal activity  of  different extracts  against  C. albicans, where  the MIC  values of  the  water extracts (cold and hot) and the alcoholic extracts (cold and hot) from leaves   was  (50)   mg/ml,   (50,40,30,20)   mg!ml                         from  seeds   and (50, 40, 60,60) mg/ml from root, respectively, Whereas the MIC of the crude alkaloid extracts from leaves, seeds and roots were (40,50,50) mg/ml respectively which indicate a higher antifungal activity of the crude alkaloid extract from leaves followed by the same extract from roots  then   seeds.   Additionally,   crude  alkaloid   extracts   showed complete                 inhibition      of                   spores           germination  of                    A.   jlavus             at concentrations (60,70,80)mg/m l,  whereas other lower concentrations delayed spores germination. Various concentrations of seeds alkaloid extracts also inhibit surface growth of A. jlavus colonies at (60,70) mg/ml. Bioautography of seeds alkaloid extracts using TLC technique revealed  the  presence  of   here  compounds  in  the  extract,  these compounds showed a different inhibitory activity on the growth of A. jlavus.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of salinity on survival, development and growth of Artemia sp.
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This study aimed to determine the possibility of culturing genus Artemia in under laboratory conditions for locally culturing and producing. Different salinity concentrations were used, ranging from 5-40g/l . the results showed that the concentration 30g/l is the best for hatching. This concentration recorded hatching efficiency of 68800 nauplii/g cysts and hatching percentage of 45.86%, while the concentration 5g/l recorded less hatching efficiency and hatching percentage of 20266 nauplii/g and 13.5% respectively . Investigating the effect of salinity on individuals survival and growth using saline concentrations ranging from 30to 100g/l, revealed that the best percentage was 75.00% in the first week with 70g/l, whilst the best rates of

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem College
Antimicrobial effect of Trigonella foenum graecum Seed Extracts against Tested Bacteria Isolated from Meat and Fish
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A qualitative chemical test was performed on functional groups extracted from fenugreek plant and its extracts (aqueous, alcoholic and volatile oil). Results revealed that fenugreek seeds contain the main functional groups, while extracts are varied accorodihg to their content of functional groups qualitatively and quantitively. Moreover, inhibition activity was tested for extracts of fenugreek seeds (aqueous, alcoholic and volatile oil). against gram negative (Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) by the ager well diffusion method. Data have revealed that inhibition activity was different in accoradance with extract solvent and the tested microorgan. Oil extract (15)%

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of The Effect of Aqueous Extracts of two Plants, Origanum Vulgare L. and Fenugreek Seeds with Anticancer Drug Cis-Platin on the Growth of Cancer Cell Lines
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This study involved the effect of the aqueous extracts of two plants, Origanum vulgare L.(1), Trigonella Foenum Graecum L. (Fenugreek) seeds(2) on the growth of cancer cell lines. Rhabdomyo sarcomas (RD) of human cell line and female intestine cells of Albino mice (L20B) in vitro System. These extracts were compared with the known anticancer drug Cis-platinum(Cis-Pt) as a positive control. The phytochemical tests were used for screening the active compounds in plants. The inhibition activity assay was used as a parameter of the cytotoxic effect of these extracts. Cancer cell lines were treated with four concentrations of Cis-platin, 31.25, 62.5, 125 and 250 ?g/ml for 72 hour exposure time. The same concentrations were used for the other ext

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Density on Yield and Growth of Sunflower
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The effect of nitrogen fertilizer and the planting distance on growth and yield of the sunflower cultivar (Taka) was investigated. The experiment was conducted in the field using five nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200) kg/donum and three planting distances (10, 20, 30) cm/plant. The experiment design was split-plot by using RCBD with four replicates. The level of fertilizer as the main plot, while the planting distance as the sub plot. Plant high and yield components were measured. Results indicated that using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen and 30 cm/plant of planting distance gave the highest rate of 1000 seeds weight and the number of seeds/ head. While using 200 kg/donum of nitrogen fertilizer with 10 cm/plant of planting dista

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Intracellular and Extracellular extracts activity of Oscillatoria limnetica and Chroococus minor against some Bacteria and Fangi
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In this study Oscillatoria limnetica and Chroococus minor were isolated ?purified and identification from water canal around Baghdad University Campus. The water of this canals originally from Tigris River. BG-11 culture media was used for their cultivation in suitable laboratory conditions (25c°, 200µE/m2/sec) for 16:8 hrs. Light: dark. Each culture was harvested at the end of exponential phase .Organic solvents used for extraction were Ethanol? Hexane and Methanol 95% to extract the crude active Intracellular and Extracellular substances, and evaporated down to dryness .Antibacterial and antifungal activity of these different extracts were evaluated against 6 strains of gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria in additi

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Corynebacterium glutamicum and Plant Extracts
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           Biosynthesis of nanoparticles has received considerable attention due to the growing need to develop environmentally benign nanoparticle synthesis processes that do not use toxic chemicals. Therefore, biosynthetic methods employing both biological agents such as bacteria and fungus or plant extracts have emerged as a simple and a viable alternative to chemical synthetic and physical method .It is well known that many microbes produce an organic material either intracellular or extracellular which is playing important role in the remediation of toxic metals through reduction of metal ions and acting as interesting Nano factories. As a result, in the present study Ag NPs were syn

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2024
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Life And Social Sciences
Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared from Camellia Sinensis Extracts in Multi-Drug Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
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The purpose of this study to synthesize and characterize silver nanoparticles using phenolic compounds obtained from Camellia sinensis, to test the antibacterial properties of biosynthesized nanoparticles on the formation of biofilms in multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ten isolates of P. aeruginosa were obtained from the Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute laboratories of the University of Baghdad. By using the VITEK-2 system and culturing the isolates on cetrimide agar, the diagnosis was confirmed. Camellia sinensis silver nanoparticles (CAgNPs) were created using an extract of the plant's aqueous and methanolic leaves. Based on the results of the nanoparticle synthesis, spherical nanoparticles that may be single or

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 15 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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One hundred and eighty five urine samples were collected eight isolates (4.3%) were obtained and diagnosed as Staphylococcus aureus. Among 8 isolates, 5 (62.5%) S. aureus isolates were found to be enterotoxigenic, most of isolates produced at least two types of Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs). The production of enterotoxins in the presence or absence of Thymol extracts (aqueous and alcoholic) were estimated using a reversed passive latex agglutination (SET-RPLA) kit. The extracts reduced enterotoxin production compared with the control. Enterotoxin inhibition was observed for enterotoxin C production at minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) at 400 µg/ml, whereas production of enterotoxins A, B, and

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluating the Inhibitory Activity of Apigenin Extracted from Salvia officinalis leaves on the Growth of L20B Cancer Cell Line
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The study aimed to evaluating the inhibitory activity of apigenin extracted from Salvia officinalis leaves on the growth of L20B cancer cell in vitro, and through two incubation periods; 48 and 72 hours. Accordingly, eight concentrations (1.56, 3.13, 6.25, 12.5, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0 and 200.0 micromol) of apigenin and similar concentrations of vitamin C and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) were tested. The apigenin revealed its significant inhibitory potentials against the growth of L20B cell line, especially at the low concentrations (1.56, 3.13 and 6.25 micromol) and at 72 incubation period in comparison with vitamin C and CCl4.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 05 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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A field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of botanical garden, faculty of science, university of Baghdad, in order to study the effect of plant density on growth and yield of two local cultivars of sunflower (Sin Althieb and Shumose). The densities used were 4.4 and 8.8 plant/m2. The results showed difference between cultivars in their agronomic traits and their yields. There was a significant increase in plant height and leaf area index by increasing the plant density, while head diameter, number of seeds and leaf area decreased. But the most significant effect was the increasing in yield and biological yield by increasing the plant density. There was an increase by 72% and 58% in the yield and 79% an

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