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External Morphology of Neophilaenus lineatus(Linnaeus 1758) (Homoptera: Cercopidae) in Iraq New Record Species

The work included external morphological study of the frog hopperNeophilaenuslineatus(Linnaeus), 1758 which belongs to the family Cercopidae of order Homoptera. The studied species is regarded as new record to Iraqi funa. The study involved with the most important toxonomic external characters such as the head, thorax, abdomen and some of their appendages in addition to male and female genitalia

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Requirements for achieving financial balance in Iraq

The deficit of the federal budget and the structural imbalances suffered by the Iraqi economy has affected the direction of research towards suggesting steps and mechanisms can be relied upon in the near term to form a broader base of non-oil revenues aimed at achieving a balanced budget, and to proceed to reform the financial situation, In reducing their financial dictates, whether capital or operational, which lead to significant financial and economic consequences. This also requires that the Iraqi political elite have the real will, strategic vision and full awareness that the implementation of these reforms has potential social and economic effects, with long-term measures to be taken. The aim is not only to reform the finan

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine
Neonatal Seizures in Iraq: Cause and Outcome

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Publication Date
Mon May 21 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Towards a decentralized planning policy in Iraq

Iraq is changing from the centralized system of governance to the decentralized system, which assumes devolution of more authorities to the local governments of Iraqi provinces and cities. This puts a responsibility on the academics to produce more research work on the best framework for this change, to ensure the best results. The main objective of this research is to suggest a policy for the decentralized transformation in domain of Urban and Regional Planning in Iraq. A suggested program for the transformation is involved in the paper as well, with analysis for the new relationships between different levels of planning authorities depending on democracy. In addition, a description for planning process flows from bottom to top.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Health System in Iraq Post 2003 War

Background: War represents a major human crisis; it destroys communities and results in ingrained consequences for public health and well-being

Objective: We set this study to shed light on the public health status in Iraq after the successive wars, sanctions, sectarian conflicts, and terrorism, in light of certain health indicators.

Design: The primary source of data for this analysis comes from the Iraqi Ministry of Health, and The World Health Organization disease surveillance.

Results: Most of the morbidity indicators are high, even those that are relatively declining recently, are still higher than those repor

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of monetary policy in the aggregate indicator of banking stability in Iraq: An applied research in the Central Bank of Iraq for the period (2010 - 2017)

The research sought to demonstrate the effectiveness of monetary policy in banking stability by measuring the impact of monetary policy in the composite index of banking stability in Iraq for the period 2010/2017, as the stability of the financial system is one of the main objectives that the Central Bank is keen to achieve along with other objectives to ensure the performance Effective for all economic units, this is what prompted the central banks to give more attention in ensuring the safety, durability and stability of their financial systems, and the increasing interest by the Central Bank of Iraq in the subject of financial stability stems from its responsibility in ensuring a sound and stable financial system. Maintain it and mini

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
He-Ne Laser Irradiation Encourages reparative processes After cartilage loss in New Zealand rabbits

Many therapeutic methods used to encourage reparative processes of cartilage and accelerate their healing such as drugs, magneto-laser and so on. Twenty four adult New Zealand rabbits used in this study. They were divided in to two groups; control and treaded with He –Ne laser. A square skin flap done on the medial aspect of both auricles followed by pealing a square piece of cartilage from the auricle then the flaps sutured .The site of the operation in the rabbits of the treated group were irradiated with He –Ne laser 5mw power for seven days began after the operation directly. 3 rabbits from each group used for collection of specimens for histopathological examination at the 1, 2, 4 & 6 weeks post the operation. Significant

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The new industrial cities and resources sustainability - case study: industrial zone in Ramady city
Abstract<p>The modern industrial projects and complexes that adopt ecological systems, and renewable, clean and environmentally friendly energy, not only contribute to the development of an environmentally friendly production method but can achieve long-term economic and industrial development by preserving environmental resources. The ecological industrial systems and modern industrial technologies are the ideal solutions to rationalize excessive use and preserve the elements of the environment and natural resources, the most important of which is the existence of several methods and programs for the development of industrial sites, and there is important to adopt mechanisms and programs to sol</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Technical Construction of Advertisements in Radio of the Republic of Iraq

Studies and scientific research conducted in the field of communication have shown that broadcasting has a clear impact on the ideas, attitudes and behavior of the masses if it is better used in making the media message studied.

The role of this means is not only to present opinions and ideas, but also to influence trends by supporting or changing them. This is of course a matter for the nature of the content in terms of its formulation and the way it is prepared and presented. The power and appeal of a radio message is not complete by simply creating content without creating a distinctive design; and to what extent this content depends on the logic and psychology of persuasion.

The conviction of the cont

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the role of marketing intelligence in promoting new product policies.a sample survey of workers in a number of mineral water plants in dohuk governorate

Marketing Intelligence is one of the important methods of collecting information about competitors ' products and changes in customers ' tastes and needs that contribute to determining the policies to be followed in product development.

The problem of research, which seeks to be answered by the extent to which the companies in question have the appropriate and effective mechanisms to develop their products, and the nature of the relationship between the components of marketing intelligence and new product development policies. The importance of research is determined by the importance of obtaining important and necessary information to make the appropriate decision on the development of the new product an

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