Neutral and semi-synthetic hydrophilic polymers are widely used
in pharmaceutical technology to fomlUlate as controlled release drugs
delivery systems ,cellulose derivatives is biocompatibilily, biodegradability , non-toxicity, its is a good candidate as drug carrier. In this study, polymers were used as cellulose derivatives like Methylcellulose (MC) & Soditun Carboxymetl1ylcellulose (NaCMC) as hydrogels for controlled delivery for two kinds of drugs, Cefotaxine
& Amoxycill ine trihydrate i n different media (Distilled water, Normal Saline & Buffer solution PH=2). It has been shown that for sodium Carboxymethylcellulnse the drug release rate is more than the Mcthylcellulose and that the release rate for Amoxycilli ne trihydratc is more than Cefotaxine.