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Dielectric Properties of High Alumina Glass

High   Alumina   Glasses   "Alumina   Silicate   Glasses"   was prepared by utilizing powder technology technique. The starting materials are wasted soda-lime glass from an industrial site, Iraqi­ Duekhla raw kaolin and small amounts of potassium carbonates.

X-ray Diffraction and FTIR analysis show complete vitreous glasses are obtained. Increasing Alumina content plays an obvious role in improving physical and mechanical properties of the prepared high  alumina  glass.   In  addition,  the   increased  alumina  content enhanced the dielectric constant and reduced dielectric loss. These results may be interpreted as due to the bridging bonding of alumina with  both  the   silica  and  the  alkali  oxides;  which  impedes  the alternating electric field.


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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Optical properties of ZnS and PEDOT thin films

Vanadium dioxide nanofilms are one of the most essential materials in electronic applications like smart windows. Therefore, studying and understanding the optical properties of such films is crucial to modify the parameters that control these properties. To this end, this work focuses on investigating the opacity as a function of the energy directed at the nanofilms with different thicknesses(1–100) nm. Effective mediator theories(EMTs), which are considered as the application of Bruggeman’s formalism and the Looyenga mixing rule, have been used to estimate the dielectric constant of VO2 nanofilms. The results show different opacity behaviors at different wavelength ranges(ultraviolet, visible, and infrared). The results depict that th

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials
Structural and optical properties of SnS thin films

Thin films of tin sulfide (SnS) were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrates, with thickness in the range of 100, 200 and 300nm and their physical properties were studied with appropriate techniques. The phase of the synthesized thin films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Further, the crystallite size was calculated by Scherer formula and found to increase from 58 to 79 nm with increase of thickness. The obtained results were discussed in view of testing the suitability of SnS film as an absorber for the fabrication of low-cost and non toxic solar cell. For thickness, t=300nm, the films showed orthorhombic OR phase with a strong (111) preferred orientation. The films deposited with thickness < 200nm deviate

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
D.C. Electrical Properties of MgCl2–Filled PEO Films

The D.C. electrical properties of poly (ethylene oxide)/MgCl2 composites were investigated as a function of different MgCl2 filler concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.%) and different temperatures in the range (276–333)o K at three different polarizing fields. Resistivity: and dc Conductivity: σ dc were measured, and the activation energy: Ea of the thermal rate-process of the electrical conduction was investigated. It was found that the current-voltage measurement results exhibited Ohmic resistance behavior, the composites exhibit negative temperature reliance of resistivity and enhancement in the D.C. electrical conductivity with both temperature and MgCl2 concentration. The determined activation energy was found to

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Morphology and Mechanical Properties of (Epoxy/PVC) Blend


     In this research, the morphology and mechanical properties of (Epoxy/PVC) blend were investigated.  (EP/PVC) blend was prepared by manual mixing of epoxy resin with different weight ratios of (Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) after dissolving it in cyclohexanon). Five sheets of polymer blends in wt% included (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) of PVC were prepared at room temperature. Tests were carried out to study some mechanical properties for these blends and compared with the properties of pure epoxy. The morphology of the prepared materials was examined to study the compatibility nature between the two polymers under work. It was found that the best ratio of addition is (20%) of PVC.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The structural and mechanical properties of ion beam

the structrual and mechanical properties of thin Ni films of different thicknesses deposited on coring glass substrate using lonbeam sputtering(IBS) technique under vacuum torr have been studied the TEM and electron

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical properties of Ternary Se80-xTe20Gex Thin Films

The present paper deals with prepared of ternary Se80-xTe20Gex system alloys and thin films. The XRD analysis improved that the amorphous structure of alloys and thin films for ternary Se80-xTe20Gex (at x=10and 20at.%Ge) which prepared by thermal evaporation techniques with thickness 250 nm. The optical energy gap measurements show that the optical energy gap decreases with increasing of (Ge) content from (1.7 to 1.47 eV)
It is found that the optical constants, such as refractive
index ,extinction coefficient, real and imaginary dielectric
constant are non systematic with increasing of Ge contents
and annealing temperatures

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy-Graphite Composites

This search study the effect of particle size of graphite on the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy composites, where graphite adopted with particle sizes (45,53,75) ?m, respectively, and the percentages by weight (0,1,3,5,7,9)% for each size of this three particle sizes.Mechanical properties represented by the bending (three-point bending) and through which the conclusion is bending stress and modulus of elasticity, thermal properties were either through thermal conductivity tests.The results showed that the ratio(1%) is the maximum value of bending stress at the three particle size and the (45 ?m) is the maximum.Thermal conductivity result show is the maximum value at ratio (1%) of particle size(53 ?m)

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2009
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
Estimation of Reservoir Rock Properties from Well Measurements

Porosity and permeability are the most difficult properties to determine in subsurface reservoir characterization. The difficulty of estimating them arising from the fact that porosity and permeability may vary significantly over the reservoir volume, and can only be sampled at well location. Secondly, the porosity values are commonly evaluated from the well log data, which are usually available from most wells in the reservoir, but permeability values, which are generally determined from core analysis, are not usually available. The aim of this study is: First, to develop correlations between the core and the well log data which can be used to estimate permeability in uncored wells, these correlations enable to estimate reservoir permeabil

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Properties of Connectedness in Grill Topological Spaces

 We use the idea of Grill, this study generalized a new sort of linked space like –connected –hyperconnected and investigated its features, as well as the relationship between it and previously described notation. It also developed new sorts of functions, such as hyperconnected space, and identifying their relationship, by offering numerous instance and attributes that belong to this set. This set will serve as a starting point for further research into the sets many future possibilities. Also, we use some of the theorems and observations previously studied and relate them to the grill and the Alpha group, and benefit from them in order to obtain new results in this research. We applied the concept of Connected to them and obtained

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of optical properties for Ge - GaAs Heterojunction

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