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Dielectric Properties of High Alumina Glass

High   Alumina   Glasses   "Alumina   Silicate   Glasses"   was prepared by utilizing powder technology technique. The starting materials are wasted soda-lime glass from an industrial site, Iraqi­ Duekhla raw kaolin and small amounts of potassium carbonates.

X-ray Diffraction and FTIR analysis show complete vitreous glasses are obtained. Increasing Alumina content plays an obvious role in improving physical and mechanical properties of the prepared high  alumina  glass.   In  addition,  the   increased  alumina  content enhanced the dielectric constant and reduced dielectric loss. These results may be interpreted as due to the bridging bonding of alumina with  both  the   silica  and  the  alkali  oxides;  which  impedes  the alternating electric field.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effect of TNF-Alpha Gene Polymorphisms At -376 G/A, -806 C/T, and -1031 T/C on The Likelihood of Becoming a Non-Responder to Etanercept in A Sample of Iraqi Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists’ therapy are expensive and has a non-responsive rate between 30% to 40% in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Genetic variation plays a vital role in the responsiveness to this type of therapy.The aim of this study is to investigate if the presence of genetic polymorphism in the TNF-α gene promoter region at locations -376 G/A (rs1800750), -806 C/T (rs4248158), and -1031 T/C (rs1799964) affects rheumatoid arthritis patient's tendency to be a non-responder to etanercept.

Eighty RA patients on etanercept (ETN) for at least six months were recruited from the Rheumatology Unit at Baghdad Teaching Hospital. Based on The European League Against Rheumatism response (EULAR) criteria, patient

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Scopus (7)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Molecular Cloning of large DNA Fragments of The Sal t Tolerant wild Tetra ploid bermudagrass Cynodon Dactylon L. Using A Bacteriophage Cloning Vector 2. Ligation a nd in vitro packaging of The Recombinant Phage DNA Molecules

This  paper represent  the second  step  i n  a molecular clon i ng program ai ming to clone large DNA  fi·agmen ts of the sal t tolerant  bermudagrass (Cyrwdon  dactylon  L.)  DNA  usi ng  the  bacteriophage  (EM13L3) as    a vector.

In th is  work, a yield of about  I 00  g bacteriophage  DNA  per one  liter culture.was obtained  with.a  purity ranging between (1.7-1.8). The vector JJNA  completely   double   digested   with  the  restriction   enzymes llamHI   and  EcoRI,  followed  by  pu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Geochemical Exploration
Geochemical exploration using surveys of spring water, hydrocarbon and gas seepage, and geobotany for determining the surface extension of Abu-Jir Fault Zone in Iraq: A new way for determining geometrical shapes of computational simulation models

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Crossref (34)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the performance of some r- (k,d) class estimators with the (PCTP) estimator that used in estimating the general linear regression model in the presence of autocorrelation and multicollinearity problems at the same time "

In the analysis of multiple linear regression, the problem of multicollinearity and auto-correlation drew the attention of many researchers, and given the appearance of these two problems together and their bad effect on the estimation, some of the researchers found new methods to address these two problems together at the same time. In this research a comparison for the performance of the Principal Components Two Parameter estimator (PCTP) and The (r-k) class estimator and the r-(k,d) class estimator by conducting a simulation study and through the results and under the mean square error (MSE) criterion to find the best way to address the two problems together. The results showed that the r-(k,d) class estimator is the best esti

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study the effect of ozone gas and ultraviolet radiation and microwave in the degredation of aflatoxin B1 produce by Aspergillus flavus on stored Maize grains.: Study the effect of ozone gas and ultraviolet radiation and microwave in the degredation of aflatoxin B1 produce by Aspergillus flavus on stored Maize grains.

This study was conducted in the plant protection department/ College of Agriculture/ University of Baghdad to evaluate the efficiency of physical agents ozone, ultraviolet radiation, microwave for destroying afla produced in corn seeds. An isolate af A.flavus producing Aflatoxin B1 was obtained from plant protection dept. college of Agric. University of Baghdad. Results showed destroy toxin AFLA B1 the effect of radiation microwave in the media of Japex degree 80 and 100 co 57.14% and 85.71%, respectively, and for 20 sec, compared to the treatment comparison 0.00% as found significant differences were apparent between transactions and the treatment of comparison, as and notes the existence of a significant dif

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection

This study aimed to improve the microencapsulation technique using a type coating the encapsulation Layer by Layer, which provide the best protection for life Lactobacillus casei in the extrusion method and use the microencapsulation of materials of the protein concentrated by protein 80% and the coating with alginate and chitosan have the results showed the variation in the difference of the binding process encapsulation yield among the types of coating through. by studying of these the effect o stability of the bio probiotic free cell and the three types coated towards three different concentrations from bile salts 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7% when the periods of time different of zero and two and three hours at incubation the recorded

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
Attenuation Coefficient of Reactive Powder Concrete Using Different Energies.

Linear and mass attenuation coefficient of reactive powder concrete (RPC) sample ( of compressive strength equal to 70 Mpa) using beta particles and gamma ray with different energies have been calculated as a function of the absorber thickness and energy. The attenuation coefficient were obtained using NaI(Tl) energy selective scintillation counter with 90Sr/90Y beta source having an energy rang from (0.546-2.274) MeV and gamma ray energies (0.569, 0.662, 1.063, 1.17 and 1.33) MeV . The attenuation coefficient usually depends upon the energy of radiations and nature of the material. The result represented in graphical forms. Exponential decay was observed. It is found that the capability of reactive powder concrete to absorber beta particle

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Biological Sciences (ijarbs)
The effect of obesity on the periodontal health status

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science
Study of Two Types Finite Graphs in KU-Semigroups

In this ˑwork, we present theˑ notion of the ˑgraph for a KU-semigroup as theˑundirected simple graphˑ with the vertices are the elementsˑ of and weˑˑstudy the ˑgraph ofˑ equivalence classesˑofˑ which is determinedˑ by theˑ definition equivalenceˑ relation ofˑ these verticesˑ, andˑ then some related ˑproperties areˑ given. Several examples are presented and some theorems are proved. Byˑ usingˑ the definitionˑ ofˑ isomorphicˑ graph, ˑwe showˑ thatˑ the graphˑ of equivalence ˑclasses ˑand the ˑgraphˑof ˑa KU-semigroup ˑ areˑ theˑ sameˑ, in special cases.

Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Solid State Technology
Durability Of Gypsum Soil Treated By Using Polyurethane Polymer

Gypseous soils represented one of the most complex salty soils that faced the geotechnical engineers. Structures that built on gypsum soil will undergo unexpected distortions that will eventually contribute to catastrophic failure. The purpose of this article is to understand the durability of gypsum soil against wetting drying cycles after improvement with polyurethane polymer especially investigate the effect of the wetting-drying cycle on collapsibility. The soil was brought from Sawa lake in AL-Muthanna Governorate in Iraq, with gypsum content 65.5%,  A set of Odometer tests were performed to determine the collapsibility potential (CP) for treated and untreated gypsum soil.  The result shows that adding a different per

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