Serum and hone marrow levels 0f ptostatic specific antigen a!ld prostatic
acid phosphatase were- analyzed n .d q !antUI·ed by Glottble antibody
.raqioimrrumoa,ssay in 3.6 _pros·tatic cance-r , patietll$inc!udlng 2'3 with metaStatic There was :a s·· cotneJa·,ion betw¢en· th.e 'Setl;liD a,n,d bope
mat::tow: levels of Jlrostatic· ·s, pecific antigen and prqstati'c acid pho phata.Se
jndependently of the ta:st;s (p< .QO: O 1 ).. Np p·ath;nt ·willprqsta,ticancer
:and posiriY:e bohe .matrW pros.tatJc spec:ifk .an.tif?;en or p_rostati acid pbos:pbatase l vels lla:d QQnna·l serum level$. Qwintl'fication of bone: marrow: ptostatit specific antigen and .prostati-c acid phosp'ha't s"'dees.Jlot prov,id'e 1');1Qre infgrmation· thah. does s rum deterritination.