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The e.ffect of simultaneous doping . of Pll in TJ..Q,6 htyer of 'T'lJ-xPb. Ba2Ca2Co_309- o s perconductors
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Tn   t·  p.a,p r        We hae  reported it;vestigations O:U   the·  effeot of

simtHtaneous s·ubs'tituti9n   of  :Pb . a;t tbe,1'1-based .IJPercqndl,lctor was·

prepar.d by adcling; an .amoun· 0f Pb t. the TIJ-PbxBa;iCa2CuaOo'ti cor:npound. The: usu;d solid'7state  teactin  meJ;}Jo.d                                                             haS be:eu. applied t:mdr optimum  co_nditjon..· auJk po.lycrys.talline sari;lples.  hf!ve -been

p.reparQ by  the  tWo step .soli_d   tate  re.ctip:n  proeess;  It  has  bee 1

  • ohsewedthat the gj'own Il1-xPh.x.BaiGa2Cu30:6(with x = <.tbo,· O.'l 0 •

0_:49 'Q.$Q. atld . Q.40) CO(Ie$pQnds to the t 2J phase. Thl X"' ay da:ta Â·of:

the Sa.mple showe4  tetragonal >Stmciture  ith high  ratio .afTI.-1223

SQpeFCO!lductiti,g ph e. r·e Â§aptpls .show.ed  a transitjort tertljn.etatutes

Ti?<\\'IIJSCI)W ic.h were  ti6 .K.. 12'3 K,_ 1"29.  J<_, 131 ' L34 K  at  {x = 0.,0,.

O.JO,   .0.20.  .0, 30'     <tn   Â·  .4-0.) tespectivdy,   and  the  ttansiti:on:

temperatures at zero resistance  Tc(otn   were          lOl , HIS,. H)112 a,n-d

ns K_,,'.tiv ly;.   R.esistivitie's.   were         m asure4   at   cliffetr¢.nt

.  tempeta:tures unde11 zero magn tic .fields and 'the data w t hl erp:tetea.

Alrthe S41TIPleS pr.eparation wi;;o2 f19w' we fCtun-d Jhat the 0:;! fl9W  in

our:sanipi.e.S prgdQcd high-: Pha;se s.uperco"nducto.r .

X-Tay di:ftract1oh aQaly$is, showed an ·incr.ease .of :the c-'axis. lat!iioe

eorutlli)t fQr tile :san1p.hS' doped with ph as c.ompared  with. fu s<Z have

:no t;Jb contentIt was found Â· that be chan.g. of  the pb concentrations

of all our s:amp'le.s . Produeed ·     a ¢hangNil  the density    Pilh ·Cfa a;nd

volume 'fractiPJi V t'il(1 22-3>.



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Publication Date
Mon Jul 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Performance of Two Species of Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) and (Nigella arvensis L.) Under Different Sowing Dates in Spring and Autumn at hallabja Governorate /Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
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     Two field experiments were performed to study the response of two species , Nigella sativa L. and Nigella arvensis L. within different sowing dates at spring and autumn seasons which included 1st and 20th March, 10th April and 1st May for spring season, while the sowing dates for the autumn season were, 2nd November, 21st November, 11th December, 31stDecember and 20thJanuary. Both experiments conducted according to the Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) within three replications at hallabja/Kurdistan Region, located [35°12'48.7"N; 45°57'34.4"

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Peculiarity of Colloquial and Popular Vocabulary in a Collection of the Poet Alexi Kaltsof's Letters: Varonech Bazars: Специфика просторечной и диалектной лексики в эпистолярном дискурсе «воронежского прасола» Алексея кольцова
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The paper studies the description of the colloquial and popular vocabulary  used by wholesales tradesmen in Varonech before the Bolshevik Revolution . The vocabulary were used in the personal letters written by the poet and sent to famous poets and critics like Belenisky, kryvesky and Malsheve. And some were sent to his father and his sister. Not only did these letter bear the personal taste, but they represented a literary product reflecting on the poet's impressions, views, ambitions, and opinion in arts, poetry, prose, and theatre. The researcher used about thirty instances of various levels of grammar, style and phonology, all representing colloquial vocabulary used commonly at the time of Alexi&nbsp

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers between Communication and Pragmatics:Qualitative Approach in Light of the Common European Framework of Reference for Teaching Foreign Languages: هداية تاج الأصفياء حسن البصري
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This research is qualitative in nature. It aims to investigate descriptively, analytically, and comparatively the modern AK model represented by the Sudan Open University Series, and the European framework, the common reference for Teaching Foreign Languages, to uncover what was achieved in them in terms of communication and language use. Accordingly, an integrated, multi-media approach has been adopted to enable the production and reception activities, and the spread of Arabic in vast areas of the world. Such a spread helps Arabic language to be in a hegemonic position with the other living languages. The study is based on getting benefit from human experiences and joint work in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers to mee

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Human capital and its role in achieving the underwriting policy: Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The insurance companies are one of the organizations that rely mainly on human capital to underwriting to insurable risks because most of risks have many variables, so the aim of the research is to show the level of interest of the researched company in human capital, the reality of the underwriting policy in it, and the relationships of correlation and effect between them, and the approach has been used Analytical descriptive, as books, research and other related sources were used for the purpose of completing the theoretical side, on the practical side, a questionnaire was prepared, which represents the main tool for collecting data and distributed to a random sample of 64 people from underwriting managers and employees in spec

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A study to determine the most important factors affecting student performance In the secondary school in Diwaniya
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Student performance may influence by several factors in all his study levels such as primary school, intermediate school and even in his college; some of these factors are psychological factors, social factors, and the factors which correlate with student environment.

In this paper we study some of these factors to discover their influence by using canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data. Many conclusions are discovered to help who focuses student performance or to make it pest in future.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Doctrinal Complication in Al-Ash'ari’s Doctrine and its Role in Managing the Doctrinal Disputes: محمد أَرَارُو
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This research aims to clarify the concept of doctrinal rules and adjust its basic terminologies. It further aims to lay down a map for the method of rooting this science by mentioning its rooted sources, in addition to drawing a miniature picture of its history, origin, formation and development. The paper ends with practical models to highlight its importance in rooting the science of nodal rules and facilitating the mentioning of its scattered discussions in a short and comprehensive phrase. The study further illustrates the pioneering role of doctrinal rules science in managing the doctrinal disputes, combining multiple sayings, and in bringing together opposing opinions. The study follows the inductive, descriptive and analytical app

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2022
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Effect of Using Grids On the Behaviour of Portland Limestone Cement Self Compacted Concrete.
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The civil engineering field currently focus on sustainable development. It is important to develop new sustainable and economic generations of concrete, using eco-friendly materials in the construction industry with a fair amount of costs and minimizing the impact upon the environment by reducing CO2 emissions from the cement industry as a whole while still obtaining high cement quality and strength. The main objective of this research is to clarify the mechanical behavior and ability to use Portland limestone cement in producing self compacted concrete, due to the beneficious effec of the limestone cement economically and enviromently. The research investigates the effect of using steel and polymer meshs as reinforcement, where the results

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Advances In Bioresearch
Comparative Evaluation of Alkaloids Extraction Methods from the Root Bark of Punica granatum Linn
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A comparative study was carried out to evaluate alkaloid antibacterial activity which was extracted from the root bark Punica granatum L. by liquid membrane techniques (SA) and organic solvent traditional techniques (SB). The screening of the antimicrobial activity was conducted by agar well diffusion method against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis at three concentration levels (5, 10 and 15 mg/ml). Alkaloid extracts were analyzed by a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Among the tested extractions, SB showed the highest antibacterial activity against all five bacterial strains, especially at 15 mg/ml concentration. However, all the B type solution

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 07 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology
Effect Of thickness On The Structure And Electrical Conductivity Properties Of CuInSe2 Thin Films
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The influence of different thickness (500,750, and 1000) nm on the structure properties electrical conductivity and hall effect measurements have been investigated on the films of copper indium selenide CuInSe2 (CIS) the films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique on glass substrates at RT from compound alloy. The XRD pattern show that the film have poly crystalline structure a, the grain size increasing with as a function the thickness. Electrical conductivity (σ), the activation energies (Ea1,Ea2), hall mobility and the carrier concentration are investigated as function of thickness. All films contain two types of transport mechanisms of free carriers increase films thickness. The electrical conductivity increase with thickness

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Pollution Research Journal
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A water resources management for earthen canal/stream is introduced through creating a combination procedure between a field study and the scientific analytical concepts that distinguish the hydraulic problems on this type of stream with using the facilities that are available in HECRAS software; aiming to point the solutions of these problems. Al Mahawil stream is an earthen canal which is subjected to periodic changes in cross sections due to scour, deposition, and incorrect periodic dredging processes due to growth of the Ceratophyllum plants and weeds on the bed and banks of the stream; which affect the characteristics of the flow. This research aims to present a strategy of water resources management through a field study that conducte

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