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Construction and Study of Amine Electrodes Based on Membranes Containing Sulfonic Compounds as Active Materials with Different Plasticizers in PVC Matrix Membranes
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Several  amine  liquid selective  electrodes  were prepared based on

two  active   materials,   phenol  sulfonic   acid  and   l ,2-dihydroxy-3,5- disulfonic  acid   disodium   salt   with  several   plasticizers,  di-n-butyl phthalate(ORPH),  tri-n-butyl   phosphate   (TBP)   and  a-nitro   phenyl octyl  ether   (NPOE).   Electrode   parameters   were  studied   including, concentration range,  detection  limit,  slope,  life  time,  response  time and  pH  effect.  Excellent   results  were  obtained   based  on  n-hyptyl

methyl  amine   with  DBPH  and  phenol  sulfonic   acid  as  an active

material.  The  slope  was  56.g  mY/decade,  concentration range  was ranged from  1o·' M to 1o-4  M with correlation coefficient  of 0.9999, detection  limit of 6 x l o-) M and pH ranged from 5.6 to less than one.

Electrode  based on tri-hutyl amine as a secondary  amine gives a slope

48.4 mV/decade   with  good  results  for  the other  parameters, but for dccyl amine  as a  primary  runine give very poor response. Electrodes based  on  secondary   and  tertiat)'  amines  gives  very  poor  response because incompatibility of NOPE  with active  material  and pvc. Also the study  was carried  out for a second  active  material  1,2-dihydroxy-

3,5-disulfonic  acid   disodium   salt   and   also   a  good   results   were obtained.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of thickness on the structure, morphology and A.C conductivity of Bi2S3 thin films
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Thin films samples of Bismuth sulfide Bi2S3 had deposited on
glass substrate using thermal evaporation method by chemical
method under vacuum of 10-5 Toor. XRD and AFM were used to
check the structure and morphology of the Bi2S3 thin films. The
results showed that the films with law thickness <700 nm were free
from any diffraction peaks refer to amorphous structure while films
with thickness≥700 nm was polycrystalline. The roughness decreases
while average grain size increases with the increase of thickness. The
A.C conductivity as function of frequency had studied in the
frequency range (50 to 5x106 Hz). The dielectric constant,
polarizability showed significant dependence upon the variation of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 13 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of tempering on thermal analysis of Al-Ti-Si alloy and its composites
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The investigation of the effect of tempering on thermal analysis of
Al-Ti-Si alloy and its composites with MgO and SiC particles was
performed. Thermal analysis was performed before and after
tempering by DSC scan. Optical microscopy was used to identify the
phases and precipitations that may be formed in base alloy and
composites. X-ray diffraction test indicated that the Al3Ti is the main
phase in Al-Ti-Si alloy in addition to form Al5Ti7Si12 phase. Some
chemical reactions can be occurred between reinforcements and
matrix such as MgO.Al2O3 in Al-Ti/MgO, and Al4C3 and Al(OH)3 in
Al-Ti/SiC composite. X-ray florescence technique is used to
investigate the chemical composition of the fabricated specimens.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Poultry Science
Effect of using ionized water on some productive and physiological performance of Japanese quails
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This study was conducted to explore the effects of using ionized water on the productive and physiological performance of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica). Our study was conducted at a private farm from 20th April, 2016 to 13th July, 2016 (84 d). One hundred 42-day-old Japanese quail chicks were used, divided randomly into 5 groups with 4 replicates. Treatments consisted in a control group (T1 - normal water:), alkaline (T2 - pH 8 and T3 - pH 9), and acidic water (T4 - pH 6 and T5 - pH 5). All birds were fed a balanced diet of energy and protein. The egg production ratio, egg weight, cumulative number of eggs, egg mass, feed conversion ratio, productivity per hen per week, and effects on plasma lipids, uric acid, glucose, calcium, and ph

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Effect of temperature and SiO2 nanoparticle size on wettability alteration of oil-wet calcite
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Nanofluid treatment of oil reservoirs is being developed to enhance oil recovery and increase residual trapping capacities of CO2 at the reservoir scale. Recent studies have demonstrated good potential for silica nanoparticles for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at ambient conditions. Nanofluid composition and exposure time have shown significant effects on the efficiency of EOR. However, there is a serious lack of information regarding the influence of temperature on nanofluid performance; thus the effects of temperature, exposure time and particle size on wettability alteration of oil-wet calcite surface were comprehensively investigated; moreover, the stability of the nanofluids was examined. We found that nanofluid treatment is more efficie

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 05 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Influence of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles on the Enzymatic Activity of Soil-Borne Microorganisms
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Influence of metal nanoparticles synthesized by microorganisms upon soil-borne microscopic fungus Aspergillus terreus K-8 was studied. It was established that the metal nanoparticles synthesized by microorganisms affect the enzymatic activity of the studied culture. Silver nanoparticles lead to a decrease in cellulase activity and completely suppress the amylase activity of the fungus, while copper nanoparticles completely inhibit the activity of both the cellulase complex and amylase. The obtained results imply that the large-scale use of silver and copper nanoparticles may disrupt biological processes in the soil and cause change in the physiological and biochemical state of soil-borne microorganisms as well.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
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In this research the effect of cooling rate and mold type on mechanical properties of the eutectic
and hypoeutectic (Al-Si) alloys has been studied. The alloys used in this research work were (Al- 12.6%Si
alloy) and (Al- 7%Si alloy).The two alloys have been melted and poured in two types of molds with
different cooling rates. One of them was a sand mold and the other was metal mold. Mechanical tests
(hardness, tensile test and impact test) were carried out on the specimens. Also the metallographic
examination was performed.
It has been found that the values of hardness for the alloys(Al-12.6%Si and Al-7%Si) which poured in
metal mold is greater than the values of hardness for the same alloy when it poured in a heated

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Insecticide Dichlorvos on Ovaries of Mosquito Fish Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard)
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The toxicity of insecticide dichlorvos (90%) was tested in ovaries of mosquito fish using three sublethal concentrations (0.3, 0.6, 0.8 µg/L) and studied their effects on the means of body and ovary weights, gonadosomatic index, ovum size and ova number. Results showed that there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in body and ovary weights, ovum size and ova count. However, there was no significant (P<0.05) difference in gonadosomatic index in treated groups with the three concentrations of dichlorvos compared with the control group. This study was added evidence on the ovular toxicity of dichlorvos concerning its effect on fish production as well as reduction in the means of productive offspring and their survival.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Gamma Ray Irradiation on Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films
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In this research, the structural and optical measurements were made on the Zinc oxide (ZnO) films prepared by two methods once by using chemical spray pyrolysis technique, and another by using thermal evaporation technique before and after irradiation by Gamma –Ray (γ – rays) from source type (Cs 137) with an energy (0.611)MeV as a function of gamma dose (0.15,0.3 and 0.45) Gy. The thickness of all films prepared by two method was about (300 ± 50) nm. XRD is used to characterize the structural properties, the results demonstrated that all samples prepared by two method before and after irradiation have polycrystalline structure with a preferred orientation (002).Also it showed that the structural properties are weakly

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Doping Cu on the Structural and Optical Properties of (CdTe) Thin Films
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   In this research we studied  the structural and optical properties of (CdTe) thin films which have been prepared  by thermal evaporation deposition method on the glass substrate at R.T with thickness (450  25) nm., as  a function of doping  ratio with copper element  in (1,3,5) % rate .The structure  measurement  by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses shows that the single phase of (CdTe) with polycrystalline structure with a preferred orientation [111].   The optical  measurement shows that the (CdTe) films have a direct energy gap, and they decrease with the increase of doping ratio reaching to 5% . The optical constants are investigated and calculated, such as absorpti

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Heat Treatments and Carbon Content on the Damping Properties of Structural Steel
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Low- and medium-carbon structural steel components face random vibration and dynamic loads (like earthquakes) in many applications. Thus a modification to improve their mechanical properties, essentially damping properties, is required. The present study focuses on improving and developing these properties, significantly dampening properties, without losing the other mechanical properties. The specimens used in the present study are structural steel ribbed bar ISO 6935 subjected to heating temperatures of (850, 950, and 1050) ˚C, and cooling schemes of annealing, normalizing, sand, and quenching was selected. The damping properties of the specimens were measured experimentally with the area under the curve for the loadi

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