This study was undertaken to shed light on the changes of levels of CP
activity, Cu and Fe in sera of .(53) normaJ non-smoker pregnant's without complication, during three1rimestcrs of pregnancy.
G1 inc.l_ude (I 8) pre nants in the 1' 1 tri nester, G2 19) pret:,rp:all.ts _wear
taken m the 2" tnmester and G3 (16) pregnants m the 3rd trunester.
/\nothe.r ('18) ·serum samples were taken from liealthy non-pregnant wqmen
age matched as control·group G4.
Results bowed a significant steady elevation in CP .p:ctivity and senm1
Cu with adv.auccd trimester of pregnancy compand to control. The iron
concentrations in the sera of pregnant women shqwed a s gnilicant reduction compared to control roup also a steady decrease in Fe 1evels with advanced trimester wa.s lound.
The in .reasec..l activities in CP as ·end<.lge11ous antioxidant advanced' pregnancy could be acounter ba1ance to the free· radical gcneral·ion due to the increase in Co eo"ncentration \vilh advance gestation.