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Effect of Lallemantia royleana Seeds Extract in Liver Functions Enzymes Levels and in some Mice Activity Features Treated with Rifadin drug
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    This study was aimed to investigate the role of crud alcoholic extract of Lallemantia royleana seeds in reducing the hepatotoxicity and side effect of rifadin drug in liver.                      The animals (40 mice) were divided into four groups, the first group was treated with normal saline (0.9%) for 28 days as a control and the second group was treated with rifadin (1.5 mg/kg/day) for 28 days and third group was treated with acoholic extract of Lallemantia royleana seeds (1% w/v) for 28 days, while the forth group was treated with alcoholic extract of seeds alone for 5 days and with alcoholic extract and rifadin for 28 days, so the total period of this group is 33 days. The blood samples ware collected to measure the liver function enzymes represented by Alkalin phosphatse (ALP), Alanine transaminase (ALT), Aspartate Transaminase (AST), and the animals in experimental groups were observed to investigate the animals activity changes in groups after treated with drug and extract.                                       Significant increases (P<0.05) were found in the levels of liver function enzymes (ALT,AST,ALP) in drug treated group ( 131.575±3.45ØŒ ) 6.58±197.00 ØŒ8.26± 662.04 comparing with control group (33.440±2.27ØŒ 264.10±2.52ØŒ 74.98±1.79) and significant decrease (P<0.05) in ALT,AST levels in extract treated group (47.480±1.93 )4.34±254.18 ØŒ and the extract-drug treated group (85.033±2.33ØŒ 444.86±4.56 ) comparing to drug treated group. The animal activity changes that noted in drug group represented by lethargy, introversion, the tendency to sleep, hyperventilation, in addition to change the faeces color to black and urine color to ruddy, in other hand these behavioral changes were decreased in animals groups treated with extract and extract-drug togather comparing to drug group. 

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Photodegradation of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solutions Using Bimetallic Au–Pd/TiO2 Photocatalyst
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In this study, the photodegradation of Congo red dye (CR) in aqueous solution was investigated using Au-Pd/TiO2 as photocatalyst. The concentration of dye, dosage of photocatalyst, amount of H2O2, pH of the medium and temperature were examined to find the optimum values of these parameters. It has been found that 28 ppm was the best dye concentration. The optimum amount of photocatalyst was 0.09 g/75 mL of dye solution when the degradation percent was ~ 96 % after irradiation time of 12 hours, while the best amount of hydrogen peroxide was 7μl/75 mL of dye solution at degradation percent ~97 % after irradiation time of 10 hours, whereas pH 5 was the best value to carry out the reaction at the highest degradation percent. In additio

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Bridge Engineering
Novel Demountable Shear Connector for Accelerated Disassembly, Repair, or Replacement of Precast Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges
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A novel demountable shear connector for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The connector uses high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the top flange of the steel beam with the aid of a special locking nut configuration that prevents bolts from slipping within their holes. Moreover, the connector promotes accelerated construction and overcomes the typical construction tolerance issues of precast structures. Most importantly, the connector allows bridge disassembly. Therefore, it can address different bridge deterioration scenarios with minimum disturbance to traffic flow including the following: (1) precast deck panels can be rapidly uplifted and replaced; (2) connectors can be rapidly removed and replaced; and (

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering
Transradial Amputee Gesture Classification Using an Optimal Number of sEMG Sensors: An Approach Using ICA Clustering
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Electrolytic removal of zinc from simulated chloride wastewaters using a novel flow-by fixed bed electrochemical reactor
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The cathodic deposition of zinc from simulated chloride wastewater was used to characterize the mass transport properties of a flow-by fixed bed electrochemical reactor composed of vertical stack  of stainless steel nets, operated in batch-recycle mode. The electrochemical reactor employed potential value in such a way that the zinc reduction occurred under mass transport control. This potential was determined by hydrodynamic voltammetry using a borate/chloride solution as supporting electrolyte on stainless steel rotating disc electrode. The results indicate that mass transfer coefficient (Km) increases with increasing of flow rate (Q) where .The electrochemical reactor proved to be efficient in removing zinc and was abl

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 17 2019
Journal Name
Biochemichal And Cellular Archives
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: The terrestrial snail Eobania vermiculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) were collected from three station in Baghdad Al- Karkh, Iraq between the period from June 2016 to July 2017. Then we studied the life cycle from the egg to maturity. We studied and photographed the external morphology of it’s shell to identified the species. This species was recorded for the first time in Baghdad.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 02 2011
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haithem Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On modified pr-test double stage shrinkage estimators for estimate the parameters of simple linear regression model
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
An experimental cross-section measurement of 10B(n,α)7Li reaction on counting alpha particles track density
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The present work determines the particle size based only on the number of tracks detected in a cluster created by a hot particle on the CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector and depending on the exposure time. The mathematical model of the cross section developed here gives the relationship between alpha particle emitting from the (n, α) reaction and the number of tracks created and distribution of tracks created on the surface of the track detector. In an experiment performed during this work, disc of boron compound (boric acid or sodium tetraborate) of different weights were prepared and exposed to thermal neutron from the source. Chemical etching is processes of path formation in the detector, during which a suitable etching solut

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Identification of Enterococcus faecalis Isolated from Infected Human Tooth Root Canals Human by Using Polymerase Chain Reaction
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     One hundred samples of root canal bacteria were isolated  from patients teeth with primary and secondary infected root canal from all the ages . Biochemical and microscopial tests were done for identification of these isolates. Twenty four isolates were confirmed as       E. faecalis species by using these tests. Genetic diagnosis for the all isolates was also done by using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ). Thirty two isolates were confirmed to  belong to E. faecalis species by using this test.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 19 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Serum Chitotriosidase level as a Novel Biomarker for Therapeutic Monitoring of Nephropathic Cystinosis among the Iraqi children
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Background: Cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive lysosomal storage disease with high morbidity and mortality. It is caused by mutations in the CTNS gene that encodes the cystine transporter, cystinosin, which leads to lysosomal cystine accumulation. It is the major cause of inherited Fanconi syndrome, and should be suspected in young children with failure to thrive and signs of renal proximal tubular damage. The diagnosis can be missed in infants, because not all signs of renal Fanconi syndrome are present during the first months of life. Elevated white blood cell cystine content is the cornerstone of the diagnosis. Since chitotriosidase (CHIT1 or chitinase-1) is mainly produced by activated macrophages both in normal and inflammator

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Toxic Effects of Purified Microcystins from Soil Blue-Green Alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata on Tomato Plant Lycopersicon esculentum
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The current study included the isolation, purification and cultivation of blue-green alga Oscillatoria pseudogeminata G.Schmidle from soil using the BG-11liquid culture medium for 60 days of cultivation. The growth constant (k) and generation time (G) were measured which (K=0.144) and (G=2.09 days).

Microcystins were purified and determined qualitatively and quantitatively from this alga by using the technique of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa Kits). The alga showed the ability to produce microcystins in concentration reached 1.47 µg/L for each 50 mg DW. Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) aged two months were irrigated with three concentrations of purified microcystins 0.5 , 3.0 and 6.0

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