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Study of Cross Sections for 10 Li 10 Reaction From Cross Sections of Li a,n) Reaction Using the Reciprocity Theory for the Ground State
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In this study, light elements Li ,10B for (a,n) and (n,a) reactions
as well as o-particle energy from threshold energy to 10 MeV are
used according to the available data of reaction cross sections. The
more recent cross sections data of (a,n) and (n,a) reactions are
reproduced in fine steps 42 Kev for 10B(n,o) Li in the specified
energy range, as well as cross section (o,n) Values were derived from
the published data of (n,a) as a function of a-energy in the same fine
energy steps by using the principle inverse reactions. This calculation
involves only the ground state of Li OB in the reactions 'Li(a,n) B
B (n,a) Li
When two charged nuclei overcome their Coulomb repulsion, a
rearrangement of the constituents of the nucleus may occur. Similar
to the rearrangement of atoms in reacting molecules during a chemical
reaction this may result a
a nuclear reaction
Nuclear reactions are usually produced by bombarding a or
nucleus with a nuclear projectile in most cases a nucleon (neutron proton) or a light nucleus such as a deuteron or an majority of nuclear
At low excitation energies 10 MeV),the reactions involve the formation of two nuclei
one nearly equal in
charge and mass number to the target nucleus. Such reactions are
represented by an equation of the type
X a
the lab. System)
Where X target (at rest in bombarding particle

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the dielectric Properties of (PPAB) terminated by phenylenediamine doped by Na2[Fe(CN)5.NO].2H2O using Lumped equivalent circuit
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The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of Na2[Fe(CN)5.NO].2H2O impurity (0.1 M) concentration on the dielectrical properties of poly (P-Aminobenzaldehyde) terminated by pheneylenediamine in the frequency and temperature ranges (1-100)KHz and (283-348) K respectively.These properties include dissipation factor, series and parallel resistance, series and parallel capacitance, real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant, a.c conductivity and impedance (real and imaginary) part, that have been deduced from equivalent circuit. The investigation shows that adding Na2[Fe(CN)5.NO].2H2O as additive to the polymer lead to increase of the dielectric constant with increasing temperature and it is decreasing with increasing the freq

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Comparative Evaluation of Using Intranasal Desmopressin, Parenteral Diclofenac or their Combination in the Management of Acute Renal Colic Pain in Iraqi Patients
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         There is a suggestion that an antidiuretic hormone-induced decrease in diuresis might contribute to the rapid relief of the acute pain in renal colic. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of desmopressin nasal spray compared with diclofenac given intramuscularly in patients with acute renal colic. The study included 75 patients randomized into three different groups; group A received desmopressin (40 μg, nasal spray), group B diclofenac (75 mg) intramuscularly and group C, both desmopressin and diclofenac. Pain was assessed using a visual analogue scale (a 10-cm horizontal scale ranging from `no pain' to `unbearable pain') at baseline, 10, 20 and 30 min after administering t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Thickness of Buccal Bone at Various Sites of the Mandible and Its Clinical Significance in MonocorticalScrews Placement Using Multi-Slice Computed Tomography
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Background:Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of using miniplates and screws is the treatment of choice of mandibular fractures. It is important to know both: the region where the bone providesafirm anchorage, andthe topography of the dental apices and inferior alveolar nerve to avoiddamaging them when inserting the screw. The aim of this study is to determine the thickness of buccal cortical plate and that of buccal bone at the parasymphysis and mandibular body, thereby determining the area that provide afirm anchorage and the maximum length of mono-cortical screws that can be safely placed in these regions without injuring the tooth roots or mandibular nerve. Materials and Methods:The sample of the present study was 110 Iraqi sub

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The genetic inhibition of some pathogenic bacterial isolates related to Enterobacteriaceae by using Different leaves extracts of Cider (Nabag) Zizyphus spina-christa
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The plant Zizyphus spina-christa grows wildly in the middle and southern of Iraq locally named Nabag. In this study the antibacterial activity of several different plant extract (alcoholic hot and cold extract 80%, aqueous hot and cold extract) was tested against some gram negative bacteria that related to Enterobacteriacea as follow; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherchia coli Proteus mirabilis, Serratia mercesence,. Aeromonas sp, Klebsiella pneumoniae ,Shigella sp, Salmonella enteritidis (134), S. typhi(97), S. typhimurium (300) , S. typhi, . The results showed that efficient method of extract was alcoholic hot extract from other extract methods that are used in this study. The detection of active compound in crude extracts of the leaves show

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Productivity and Yield of Wheat Cultivated Using Developed Seasonal Schedule Irrigation in the Nineveh Province
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The agricultural lands that depend on supplementary irrigation methods for winter wheat cultivating in wide areas of the Nineveh province are most vulnerable to climate change concerns. Due to frequent rainfall shortages and the temperature increase recently noticed and predicted by the climate scenarios. Hence important to assess the climate effect on the crop response in terms of water consumption during the periods (2021-2040) and (2041-2060) by using high-resolution data extracted from 6 global climate data GCMs under SSP5-8.5 fossil fuel emission scenarios in changing and fixed CO2 concentration. And validate the Aqua-Crop model to estimate the yield and water productivity. And gives the RRSME of 7.1- 4.1

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying of the optical properties of poly (vinyl alcohol) films using Aluminum sulphate as additive by measuring allowed direct transition energy gap
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The change in the optical band gap and optical activation energy have been investigated for pure Poly (vinyl alcohol)and Poly (vinyl alcohol) doped with Aluminum sulphate to proper films from their optical absorption spectra. The absorption spectra were measured in the wave range from (200-700) nm at temperature range (25-140) 0C. The optical band gap (Eg) for allowed direct transition decrease with increase the concentration of Aluminum sulphate. The optical activation energy for allowed direct transition band gap was evaluated using Urbach- edges method. It was found that ?E increases with increasing the concentration of Al2 (SO4)3 and decreases when temperature increases.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Histological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid gland in Caucasian squirrel (Sciurus anamalus) (Gmelin, 1778) by using marker (Anti-Thyroglobulin, Code IR5090)
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The current study is designed to investigate the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the thyroid gland in adult male Sciurus anamalus. This study found that the thyroid gland of the Caucasian squirrel is located in the neck area, below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has two lobes (right and left) with cylindrical shape. The histological studies revealed that the thyroid gland is surrounded by a capsule which consists of connective tissue and forming of two layers which are outer layer and inner layer, and a layer of adipose tissue appears overlapping the outer layer. The inner tissue of the gland consists of follicles with different shapes and sizes, and is lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue (foll

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Histological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid gland in Caucasian squirrel (Sciurus anamalus) (Gmelin, 1778) by using marker (Anti-Thyroglobulin, Code IR5090)
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The current study is designed to investigate the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the thyroid gland in adult male Sciurus anamalus. This study found that the thyroid gland of the Caucasian squirrel is located in the neck area, below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has two lobes (right and left) with cylindrical shape. The histological studies revealed that the thyroid gland is surrounded by a capsule which consists of connective tissue and forming of two layers which are outer layer and inner layer, and a layer of adipose tissue appears overlapping the outer layer. The inner tissue of the gland consists of follicles with different shapes and sizes, and is lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue (foll

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Investigation Study of Tool Geometry in Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) and their effect on Residual Stresses Using ANOVA Model
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Incremental forming is a flexible sheet metal forming process which is performed by utilizing simple tools to locally deform a sheet of metal along a predefined tool path without using of dies. This work presents the single point incremental forming process for producing pyramid geometry and studies the effect of tool geometry, tool diameter, and spindle speed on the residual stresses. The residual stresses were measured by ORIONRKS 6000 test measuring instrument. This instrument was used with four angles of (0º,15º,30º, and 45º) and the average value of residual stresses was determined, the value of the residual stress in the original blanks was (10.626 MPa). The X-ray diffraction technology was used to measure the residual stresses

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte, Issn 1886-8576, Vol. 18, Nº. 3, 2023, Págs. 319-323
The Effect of Using Exercises Associated With Ischemia and Hyperemia on Some Immunoglobulins (Igm - Igg) and White Blood Cells (Wbc) in the Rehabilitation and Treatment of Ankle Sprain Injury Lateral Side of Swimmers
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Autorías: Wafaa Sabah Mohammed Al-Khafaji, Fatimah Hameed Kzar Al-Masoodi, Suadad Ibrahim Suhail Al-Kinani. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 3, 2023. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.

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