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Bioactivity of Bee Venom on European Foul – Brood Bacteria
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       Laboratory experiments were carried  out in Technical college AL- Mussiab / Babylon during 2005  to study bioactivity of different concentration from ( aqueous , alcohol and hexane) extracts of bee venom collected from different workers of bees against some bacterial types that cause European Foul – brood Melissococcus plutom , Bacillus alvei and B. letrosporus which had been isolated from infected arched with disease . Two diffusion methods (digging and paper discs) were followed for the extraction of the venom . Results showed that digging diffusion method was more efficient for  test of bacterial inhibition which led to increase the activity of bee venom extract with general average 7.90 , 8.85 and 8.19  on M. pluton, B. alvei and B. letrosporus. Alcoholic bee venom extract showed high efficiency in inhibition for the same bacterial species above by digging method too with diameters average 8.15 ,9.76 and 10.59 mm respectively . while aqueous extract was the less efficient in bacterial growth of these bacterial species that reached 7.26 , 7.70 and 6.26 mm respectively in paper discs method  compared with control 6.00 mm. On the other hand 40% concentration of bee venom showed high effect of bacterial growth for  M.pluton , B. alvei and B. letrosporus with averages 10.60 , 15.60 and 15.60 mm respectively while 1% concentration had no effect in growth of these bacteria compared with control treatment 6.00 mm .Ther is an interaction between the diffusion method, concentration and the kind of the extract . The results reflected that Alcoholic extract at 40% con. by digging method gave a higher inhibition of growth 10.60 , 15.60 and 15.60 mm in M. pluton , B. alvei and B. letrosporus respectively.  40% con. of bee venom compounds however was more effective for bacterial species compared with Oxytetracyclin antibiotic that was very effective in B. alvei  and B. letrosporus and less effective in M. pluton bacteria .

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 16 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of information technology on tax evasion
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The research aims at shedding light on the impact of information technology in reducing tax evasion in the General Authority for Taxation. In order to achieve this, the research relied on the analysis of its variables as a main tool for collecting data and information. The results showed that there is a positive and positive effect of information technology on tax evasion. The impact of information technology on increasing tax revenues and reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion In the performance of the research sample, the research sought to highlight the importance of tax information technology through its data and information to the tax administration for the purpose of completing the process Taxpayers for persons subject to income ta

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Classification of fetal abnormalities based on CTG signal
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The fetal heart rate (FHR) signal processing based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),Fuzzy Logic (FL) and frequency domain Discrete Wavelet Transform(DWT) were analysis in order to perform automatic analysis using personal computers. Cardiotocography (CTG) is a primary biophysical method of fetal monitoring. The assessment of the printed CTG traces was based on the visual analysis of patterns that describing the variability of fetal heart rate signal. Fetal heart rate data of pregnant women with pregnancy between 38 and 40 weeks of gestation were studied. The first stage in the system was to convert the cardiotocograghy (CTG) tracing in to digital series so that the system can be analyzed ,while the second stage ,the FHR time series was t

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Doctrinal responses On the fabrications of succor Tamimism
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Doctrinal responses
On the fabrications of succor

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 14 2016
Journal Name
Functional Pavement Design
Effect of different variables on asphalt mechanical properties
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Permanent deformation (rutting) of asphalt mixtures is one of the major forms of distress. Aggregate gradation is one of the most important factors affecting the permanent deformation of asphalt mixtures. Other variables are also important to understand their effects on the mixture such as temperature, binder content and compaction level. For this purpose 6 different aggregate gradations have been chosen and each one of them has been manufactured / tested with different variables. The results showed that at relatively low temperature there is little effect of aggregate packing on the permanent deformation. However, as the temperature increases the effect of gradation becomes apparent, in that the better the packing the better the resistance

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of context on some Quranic methods
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Each book has a specific style in which its author walks on it from its beginning to its end, and the Holy Qur’an is a book that compiled many methods that were indicative of its miracle, and that it is one unit even though it has been astrologer for twenty-three years.
There is no doubt that knowledge of the Qur’anic methods is one of the pillars of the approach that deals with any of the Qur’an, and the multiplicity of Qur’anic methods is a fact that has many causes. It has been expressed by the Qur’anic discharge and the conjugation of verses to bring them to different methods, and on multiple forms such as nominal, actual, singular Qur’an, presentation, delay, deletion, mention, abbreviation and redundancy. The Qur'ani

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Note on the Perturbation of arithmetic expressions
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In this paper we present the theoretical foundation of forward error analysis of numerical algorithms under;• Approximations in "built-in" functions.• Rounding errors in arithmetic floating-point operations.• Perturbations of data.The error analysis is based on linearization method. The fundamental tools of the forward error analysis are system of linear absolute and relative a prior and a posteriori error equations and associated condition numbers constituting optimal of possible cumulative round – off errors. The condition numbers enable simple general, quantitative bounds definitions of numerical stability. The theoretical results have been applied a Gaussian elimination, and have proved to be very effective means of both a prior

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Solution of Regular Singular Initial Value Problems
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    This paper devoted to the analysis of regular singular initial value problems for ordinary differential equations with a singularity of the first kind , we propose semi - analytic technique using two point osculatory interpolation to construct polynomial solution, and discussion behavior of the solution in the neighborhood of the regular singular points and its numerical approximation, two examples are presented to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the methods. Finally , we discuss behavior of the solution in the neighborhood of the singularity point which appears to perform satisfactorily for singular problems.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Antimagic Labeling for Some Families of Graphs
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Antimagic labeling of a graph  with  vertices and  edges is assigned the labels for its edges by some integers from the set , such that no two edges received the same label, and the weights of vertices of a graph  are pairwise distinct. Where the vertex-weights of a vertex  under this labeling is the sum of labels of all edges incident to this vertex, in this paper, we deal with the problem of finding vertex antimagic edge labeling for some special families of graphs called strong face graphs. We prove that vertex antimagic, edge labeling for strong face ladder graph , strong face wheel graph ,  strong face fan graph , strong face prism graph  and finally strong face friendship graph .

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis A Number of Amino Substitutions on Hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene
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(DPA)) 5Cl3N3(NAM)) and compound (2) (P5Cl3N3The preparation of compound (1) ((P ) of the reaction hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (A) and 2(Bc)4Cl3N3and compound (3) ((P Nicotinamide (B), di phenylamine (C) and Benzocaine (D) at different rates and by the frared inIR -presence of triethylamine. The synthe sized compounds were characterized by FT P NMR spectrum. 31H,1 and spectrum

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Visual looting on the covers of international magazines
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The strategy of designing the covers of international magazines emerges as one of the expressive means that reflect the emotional and expressive aspects and employ them according to the spatial transformations and the struggles of globalization to usurp the intellectual, cultural, value and civilizational essence of man, which makes him vulnerable to psychological and spiritual alienation and becomes the abstract meaning of identity and culture, and the empowerment of cultural invasion and the control of consumer thought The contemporary globalist on the largest area and the globalization of the peoples of the world, and the study came in the first chapter: the general framework that includes the problem of the research to raise in our m

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