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The Effect of the Thickness of Polycrystalline CdS film on the Efficiency of Cu2S/CdS Solar Cell
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  In this paper, Cu2S/CdS solar cells were prepared with different thickness of CdS layer, these layers were prepared by using chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The chemical spray solution was prepared by mixing cadmium chloride CdCl2 and thiourea CS(NH2)2 of molar concentration 0.1 M/L, the CdS layer was formed after the solution was sprayed on hot Aluminum substrate at temperature 400°C. Experimentally the type of CdS film was found as n–type depending on the results of Hall Effect, the value of the Hall factor (RH) is about – 1.348 x 10–6 m3/C and the density of the majority charge carriers (N) is about 4.64x1018 cm–3.       The prepared film was tested by using X-Ray diffraction; the result shows that the film was CdS with a polycrystalline structure.       The Cu2S layer was prepared by using Chemical dip process; this layer was formed on the surface of the CdS film and it is always p-type. The heat treatment was utilized to form the p–n junction.      The current-voltage characteristics of p-Cu2S\n-CdS solar cells was studied, the efficiency of the prepared cells of different thickness; (2.19, 2.52, 3.64, and 5.55) μm of CdS layer was calculated at 85.4 mW/cm2 light intensities, the results show that the thickness of the polycrystalline CdS film is an important parameter affecting the cell efficiency.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 16 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Peristaltic Flow of the Bingham Plastic Fluid in a Curved Channel
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    In this paper, we study the peristaltic transport of incompressible Bingham plastic fluid in a curved channel. The formulation of the problem is presented through, the regular perturbation technique for small values of  is used to find the final expression of stream function. The numerical solution of pressure rise per wave length is obtained through numerical integration because its analytical solution is impossible. Also the trapping phenomenon is analyzed. The effect of the variation of the physical parameters of the problem are discussed and illustrated graphically.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Accurate Petrophysical Interpretation of Carbonate using the Elemental Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
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Elemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) is an important tool in the petroleum industry for determining the composition and properties of rock formations in a reservoir. Knowledge of the types and abundance of different minerals in the reservoir is crucial for accurate petrophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering practices, and stratigraphic correlation. ECS measures the elemental content of the rock, which directly impacts several physical properties that are essential for reservoir characterization, such as porosity, fluid saturation, permeability, and matrix density. The ability to accurately determine these properties leads to better reservoir mapping, improved production, and more effective resource management. Accurately determi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed May 26 2021
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Modelling and stability analysis of the competitional ecological model with harvesting
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The interplay of predation, competition between species and harvesting is one of the most critical aspects of the environment. This paper involves exploring the dynamics of four species' interactions. The system includes two competitive prey and two predators; the first prey is preyed on by the first predator, with the former representing an additional food source for the latter. While the second prey is not exposed to predation but rather is exposed to the harvest. The existence of possible equilibria is found. Conditions of local and global stability for the equilibria are derived. To corroborate our findings, we constructed time series to illustrate the existence and the stability of equilibria numerically by varying the different values

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Scopus (8)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn: 1683 - 3597 , E-issn : 2521 - 3512)
Assessment of the Clinical Pharmacists' Role by Physicians at Baghdad Hospitals
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In Iraq, there is a limited research work exploring the clinical pharmacists' role from the point of view of other healthcare professionals.  To investigate physicians' assessment of clinical pharmacy services at Baghdad hospitals, and compare junior physicians with senior physicians' point of view. The study was conducted in twelve governmental hospitals in Baghdad, Iraq. Data was collected from a sample of two hundred physicians, and through a validated, self-administered questionnaire, which comprised twenty statements in addition to a non-personal information form that precedes the questionnaire  The study findings reveal a somewhat positive point of view towards clinical pharmacists' performance in Baghdad h

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Aug 10 2024
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Machine Learning and Vision: Advancing the Frontiers of Diabetic Cataract Management
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2024
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مجلة جامعة ذي قار لعلوم التربية البدنية
A historical approach to the games of futsal and blind football
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Futsal and blind football are group games of a competitive nature due to their excitement, excitement, fun, and aesthetic goals with charming artistic touches. This explains the public's passion for these two games, whether healthy people or blind people play them, to expand their vision and knowledge. About these two games, a historical approach is presented about their origins, development, and how they became globally recognized competitive sports with unified rules and world championships at various levels. Studying the origin and global spread of both futsal and blind football and identifying the most prominent developments in the rules and tools for futsal and blind football. The most important findings were that both futsal and footb

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
Onkologia I Radioterapia
The prevalence of HSV1 expression in Iraqi patients with colorectal cancer
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Background: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is one of the most serious health problems and Herpes viridae may hasten the progression of colon cancer. Aim: The purpose of conducting this research is to investigate the existence of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) infection in samples of Colorectal Cancer (CRC) compared with normal tissue. Material and Methods: 40 samples of tissues (30 patients ) with CRC, and (10 samples) of normal tissue (without cancer) were obtained, for immunohistochemically analysis of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) expression Results: The results showed no significant data to justify the link between both Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) and human colorectal cancer. Despite of presence of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV1) found in

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
The College Of Law And Political Science Jornal
Compensation through guarantee funds in the field of promoting extremist ideas
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Compensation is one of the most discussed topics in the arena of civil law that requires research About solutions to the damages that arise from the promotion of extremist ideas, which were imposed by the developments taking place in society and the increasing escalation of accidents and their increasing risks, which now threaten individuals and their property on a daily basis in large numbers, as the injured party always seeks to require quick compensation from the person responsible for the damage that satisfies his desires and removes the effects of the damage caused, The importance of compensation increases if the violation affects a person’s physical integrity or his right to life, which is the highest right recognized for humans in

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Economics And Business
The effectiveness of tax exemption in stimulating industrial projects in Iraq
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Tax is an important financial resource that the state depends on in all its economic, political, and social fields. Nevertheless, the role of the tax is highlighted in raising tax revenues and influencing economic variables, such as savings, consumption, investment, and employment. The tax was taken as an important tool to stimulate investment in industrial projects because of this activity's important role in raising the efficiency of economic development and reviving the national economy, as many industrial investment laws were enacted and the most important thing included was exempting industrial projects from all taxes and fees (5-10) years, and an exemption Profits from income tax for a period of 5 years starting from the year in which

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 14 2014
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia Economics And Finance
Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: The Case of Qatar
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Recently, Qatar, a well-known oil production country, has been convinced as a successful case in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) as a smaller economy. This paper aims to investigate how FDI inflows affect Qatar’s business cycles. Time series data was selected from 1990 to 2010 as available. The VAR Impulse Responses and the Granger Causality test were mainly employed by using Eviews. The derived result shows that the FDI inflows and the economic growth in Qatar interact with each other in a relatively long term.