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The Effect of the Thickness of Polycrystalline CdS film on the Efficiency of Cu2S/CdS Solar Cell

  In this paper, Cu2S/CdS solar cells were prepared with different thickness of CdS layer, these layers were prepared by using chemical spray pyrolysis technique. The chemical spray solution was prepared by mixing cadmium chloride CdCl2 and thiourea CS(NH2)2 of molar concentration 0.1 M/L, the CdS layer was formed after the solution was sprayed on hot Aluminum substrate at temperature 400°C. Experimentally the type of CdS film was found as n–type depending on the results of Hall Effect, the value of the Hall factor (RH) is about – 1.348 x 10–6 m3/C and the density of the majority charge carriers (N) is about 4.64x1018 cm–3.       The prepared film was tested by using X-Ray diffraction; the result shows that the film was CdS with a polycrystalline structure.       The Cu2S layer was prepared by using Chemical dip process; this layer was formed on the surface of the CdS film and it is always p-type. The heat treatment was utilized to form the p–n junction.      The current-voltage characteristics of p-Cu2S\n-CdS solar cells was studied, the efficiency of the prepared cells of different thickness; (2.19, 2.52, 3.64, and 5.55) μm of CdS layer was calculated at 85.4 mW/cm2 light intensities, the results show that the thickness of the polycrystalline CdS film is an important parameter affecting the cell efficiency.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 06 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advances In Engineering And Management (ijaem)
The makers of sedition in light of Chapters (Al-Baqarah and Yusuf)/An objective study

The makers of strife exist in every era and time. They differ in how these temptations are created and the methods used in doing so. In our modern era, they are more; This is due to the presence of information technology and its easy availability at their fingertips, as well as the spread of social networking sites, which are rapidly spreading among ignorant groups and groups that are deficient in their use. Which led the makers of sedition to exploit these matters and create various temptations and spread them among peoples and societies. Today, we cannot predict the future of humanity in light of this huge amount of temptation. What the Holy Qur’an mentioned about the types of temptations in its noble verses and their embodiment in seve

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 14 2024
Journal Name
Biomedical And Pharmacology Journal
A Summary of the Pharmacological Activity, Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy of Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.): A Review

Historically, medicinal herbs have been utilized as an important origin of chemicals with particular therapeutic potentials, and they continue to be a great place to find new medication candidates. Parthenocissus quinquefolia L. is a member of the grape-growing family Vitaceae. It is indigenous to Central and North America. It is widely dispersed in Iraqi gardens and plant houses from north to south. Traditionally, it has many uses, like relieving constipation, treating jaundice, expectorant, emetic, and others. At the same time, its proven activities include antioxidant activity, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, thrombin inhibitor effect, and medicine for treating eyelid eczema. Parthenocissus quinquefolia contains valuable phytochemicals lik

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-anbar Journal Of Veterinary Sciences
Histo-Morphology Study of the Respiratory Portion of Goat Lung (Capra Hircus) in Baghdad Province

The Histo-mrphology were directed on the pneumonic alveoli of 6 male goats. The respiratory portion is composed of typical cuboidal epithelial cells with Clara cell, however, alveolar ducts are lined by simple squamous epithelium and alveoli were generally circular structures that opened into the alveolar conduits and alveolar sacs or respiratory bronchioles. Alveoli were made out of two kinds of cells for example Type-I pneumocytes and Type-II pneumocytes. Previous framed the mainlining epithelial cells of alveoli which were squamous in sort having noticeable perinuclear territory and central found the core, while the last were cuboidal fit as a fiddle with the midway found core and periodically found among the Sort I cells in the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Percentage Of Success And Failure Of Some Compound Offense Skills In Basketball For Joiners

The aim of the research is to identify the percentage of success and failure of some compound offensive skills in joiner basketball. It was evident that development only occurred though the mastery of the basic single offence skills as well as the ability to perform compound skills accurately and consistently. Not paying enough attention to compound skills leads evidentially to weakness in the athlete's level that in turn leads to mistakes in performance. Six joiner games of the best four teams in Baghdad were filmed and analyzed. The results of analyzing the compound offence skills were as follows:  There was some weakness in the athletes' ability in using compound offence skills specially receiving, dribbling and following through that

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
The dual role of Gentamicin in gene expression of fibronectin binding proteins in Staphylococcus aureus

Objectives: The current work aimed to reveal the impact of gentamicin on the fibronectin binding proteins (fnbp) gene expression and its relation to biofilm and agr type in Staphylococcus aureus. Materials and Methods: A total of 25 S. aureus isolates were enrolled in this study previously isolated from different specimens. Identification confirmation and methicillin resistance were achieved by amplification of 16SrRNA and mecA. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assay was employed to evaluate the agr typing. The gene expression of fnbA and fnbB genes was tested by real-time PCR technique. Minimum inhibitory concentration was estimated by micro broth dilution methodology. Microtiter plate method was performed to determine the a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Biotechnology Research Center
Molecular screening of the entA gene of Enterococcus faecium isolated from Food and clinical sources

Background: The microbial production of substances that have the potency to suppress the growth of other microorganisms is probably one of the prevalent defense strategy developed in nature, microorganisms produce a variable bunch of microbial defense systems, which include antibiotics, metabolic by-products, lytic agents, bacteriocins and others. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to isolate and identify Enterococcus faecium isolates then detecting its ability of carrying the gene responsible for enterocin production in this species. Materials and methods: Out of 50 samples from different sources (food and clinical sources) were collected for the Enterococcus faecium isolation, and the isolated bacteria Enterococ

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Diyala Journal Of Human Research
Stability of the Finite Difference Methods of Fractional Partial Differential Equations Using Fourier Series Approach

The fractional order partial differential equations (FPDEs) are generalizations of classical partial differential equations (PDEs). In this paper we examine the stability of the explicit and implicit finite difference methods to solve the initial-boundary value problem of the hyperbolic for one-sided and two sided fractional order partial differential equations (FPDEs). The stability (and convergence) result of this problem is discussed by using the Fourier series method (Von Neumanns Method).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
Enhancing the Structural Analysis of Rc Piled - Raft Foundation by Actual Behaviour of Supporting Piles
Abstract<p>This paper presents a numerical analysis of the piled-raft foundation (PRF) based on the actual behavior of supporting piles. The raft was modeled as a thin plate, while the piles were modeled as springs in different ways. This research also aims to propose an analytical model of piles based on actual behavior at fieldwork. The results proved that the structural behavior of raft member can be improved through utilizing the actual behavior of supporting piles. When the piles were modeled as non-linear stiffness springs, settlements and bending stresses of raft foundation were reduce marginally as compared with those obtained from piles with linear stiffness springs.</p>
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 09 2024
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
Longevity of hope, its causes, effects, and treatments in light of the Qur'n and Hadith

This study came to show the importance of long hope and its extent on human life, and I found that through the research, the majority of the scholars did not address this topic separately, and did not explain the travails of this situation and the worldly problems it causes to its owner, and the consequences that fall upon it in the hereafter. Most of the studies inside of the books consisted of a simple presentation of this problem and an explanation of the remedies that came to us from the Qur'an and the hadiths and the Sunnah, and on the sayings of the imams of guidance (may the best prayers and peace be upon them), and on the chosen companions and followers, may God be pleased with them, but the length of hope does not stop At a certain

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
Evaluation of anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG level in the serum of patients with Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory chronic disease with an autoimmune pathogenesis. To determine the role of Helicobacter pylori as a trigger agent, twenty five patients with rheumatoid arthritis of ages (15-47) years have been investigated and compared with twenty healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) IgM, anti-CCP antibody IgG and IgA by ELISA test and by measured anti-IgG antibody level of H. pylori by using ELISA and IFAT techniques. The present study showed significant differences (P< 0.05) of anti-H. Pylori in sera of RA patients than control group, this lead to suggest that H. pylori had a role in pathogenesis of RA.