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Immunization of White Mice against Hydatid Cyst Using Antigen B and Excretion - Secretion Antigen
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      The aim of this study was  toward the possibility of producing antigen that has  the ability to stimulate the immune response against the infection with the  hydatid cyst. To do so antigens were extracted from sheep hydatid cyst fluid of  Echinococcus granulosus .These were: 1- The hydatid cyst fluid called antigen B. 2- Excretion-secretion called ES antigen. 3-B/ES antigen is a mixture (1:1) of the above two antigens. Three concentrations   (15, 30 and 60 µg/ml) from antigen B/ES were prepared to immunize the white mice (males)  with 20 µg/gr body weight and one booster dose  (10 µg/gr) to stimulate immunity.      The efficiency of these antigen concentrations against secondary infections was investigated by the calculation of the reduction in percentage of cysts numbers        The results revealed that the reduction percentages of cyst in immunized group were 91.5% , 92.3% and  100%  for concentration antigen 15, 30 and 60µg/g for    Thr Immunized groups respectively.. There was a significant difference (p≤0.05) between and the positive control group infection. After 45 days of infection, the sensitivity test showed that the highest cellular immune response occurred after three hours of the injection of the B/ES antigen in the left footpad of the animals. This response was measured through the increase in the thickness of the footpad. The reaction was clear in the positive control and in the infected immunized animals. When the test was repeated after 90 days of the infection, the results were similar to the above, but the reaction was more acute than in the first time especially in the positive control groups of mice.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and CD44 adhesion molecules in oral squamous cell carcinoma
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Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is the sixth most common cancer world wide. Despite greater emphasis on multi-modality therapy including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma continues to have poor 5-year survival rates (0-40%) that have not significantly improved in the last (30) years. To improve outcomes for this deadly disease , It is required a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying head and neck squamous cell carcinoma tumor growth, metastasis, and treatment resistance. This study evaluates the Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and CD44 adhesion molecules in OSCC and to correlate the expression of either marker with each other, with lymph node

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
قضايا سياسية
The Iraqi Woman in the Face of Climate Change: Challenges, Obstacles, and Empowerment Strategies
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استهدف البحث تشخيص وتحليل الاسباب التي تجعل المرأة العراقية أكثر تأثراً من الرجل بعوامل التغيرات المناخية، فضلاً عن زيادة الوعي بقضية المرأة في هذا المجال، لأن موضوع دمجها في صياغة السياسات والاستراتيجيات المتعلقة بالتغير المناخي أصبح قضية عالمية، ويحتل مرتبة متقدمة في مؤشرات تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة، وأستخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي والاحصائي في تحليل محاور البحث، وتوصل البحث الى إستن

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Salt Crystallization and Mineralogy of Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, Western Baghdad, Abu Graib, Iraq
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The research aims to study Sabkha mineralogy to determine the mineral types, the nature of the precipitation, and the patterns of salt crystallization. Two Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad, were studied. It was found that the Sabkhas were formed in flat ponds from saturated solutions in a semi-arid to arid climate. Halite predominates, followed by anhydrite and gypsum as evaporite minerals. As for the minerals of the Sabkha soil, it consisted of feldspar, calcite, quartz, and dolomite, in addition to the clay minerals represented by kaolinite, illite, and chlorite. Needle forms, hopper shapes, dendritic crystals, and polygon shapes are the main crystallization patterns dominantly found in the Sabkhas. All these types of crysta

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 04 2021
Journal Name
Transportation Research Record: Journal Of The Transportation Research Board
Gradation Effects on Strength and Deformation Properties of High-Quality Crushed Rock Base Materials
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The importance of specifying proper aggregate grading for achieving satisfactory performance in pavement applications has long been recognized. To improve the specifications for superior performance, there is a need to understand how differences in aggregate gradations within the acceptable limits may affect unbound aggregate base behavior. The effects of gradation on strength, modulus, and deformation characteristics of high-quality crushed rock base materials are described here. Two crushed rock types commonly used in constructing heavy-duty granular base layers in the State of Victoria, Australia, with three different gradations each were used in this study. The gradations used represent the lower, medium, and upper gradation li

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design and implementation of silicon single-photon avalanche photodiode modeling tool for QKD systems
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Single-photon detection concept is the most crucial factor that determines the performance of quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. In this paper, a simulator with time domain visualizers and configurable parameters using continuous time simulation approach is presented for modeling and investigating the performance of single-photon detectors operating in Gieger mode at the wavelength of 830 nm. The widely used C30921S silicon avalanche photodiode was modeled in terms of avalanche pulse, the effect of experiment conditions such as excess voltage, temperature and average photon number on the photon detection efficiency, dark count rate and afterpulse probability. This work shows a general repeatable modeling process for significant perform

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 25 2021
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Serum levels of CXCL-8, IL-10, and TNF-alpha in ankylosing spondylitis patients
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The mean age of AS patients was (35.0 ± 9.8) years.When the patients and control subjects were divided into different age groups (>40, 30-40, <30 years), the differences were not significantin terms of disease prevalence. The results also showed that the percentage of male patients is higher than that of females. There was no significant difference (P?0.05) between patients and controls in the distribution of males and females.Most of the patients had the disease for a period of 5 years or higher, with a disease severity of ? 2.1 and functional disability degree of I, II. The resultsshoweddifferent patterns of distribution for the three tested cytokines. A significant increase in the level of TNF-?, anon-significantincrease i

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 22 2022
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Water, Environment And Pollution
An Ecological Comparison of Benthic Invertebrate Communities Between Sewage and Tigris River Water – Baghdad
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In the current study, two sites were selected from the city of Adhamiya, central Baghdad. The first site is the Adhamiya Corniche, which includes a sample of river water and the second includes domestic sewage in the same area. The total density of benthic invertebrates was 775 ind/m2, which is divided into 15 taxa. Biological indices were found, such as the stability index, the abundance index, the biodiversity index (Shannon’s index), the homogeneity index, and the invader’s guide. The result showed an increase in the density of benthic invertebrates, as well as an increase in the diversity of these organisms.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Congruence between Teachers' Methodological Expectations and Students' Attitudes towards these Expectations
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The aim of this research is to identify the general level of teachers’ curriculum expectations in (geography subject as a model), as well as the significance of the difference in the level of teachers’ curriculum expectations in light of the gender variables (male, female), the years of service (10 years or less - more than 10 years), the level of attitudes of fourth-grade literary students towards geography, the level of congruence between teachers’ curriculum expectations and the attitudes of fourth-grade literary students towards geography in light of the variables, the general level of congruence and the level of congruence between teachers’ curriculum expectations and the attitudes of studen

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of ANFIS and Regression Techniques in Estimating Soil Compression Index for Cohesive soils
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Generally, direct measurement of soil compression index (Cc) is expensive and time-consuming. To save time and effort, indirect methods to obtain Cc may be an inexpensive option. Usually, the indirect methods are based on a correlation between some easier measuring descriptive variables such as liquid limit, soil density, and natural water content. This study used the ANFIS and regression methods to obtain Cc indirectly. To achieve the aim of this investigation, 177 undisturbed samples were collected from the cohesive soil in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Iraq. Results of this study indicated that ANFIS models over-performed the Regression method in estimating Cc with R2 of 0.66 and 0.48 for both ANFIS and Regre

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
On modelling and adaptive control of a linear smart beam model interacting with fluid
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Abstract<p>This paper deals with modelling and control of Euler-Bernoulli smart beam interacting with a fluid medium. Several distributed piezo-patches (actuators and/or sensors) are bonded on the surface of the target beam. To model the vibrating beam properly, the effect of the piezo-patches and the hydrodynamic loads should be taken into account carefully. The partial differential equation PDE for the target oscillating beam is derived considering the piezo-actuators as input controls. Fluid forces are decomposed into two components: 1) hydrodynamic forces due to the beam oscillations, and 2) external (disturbance) hydrodynamic loads independent of beam motion. Then the PDE is discretized usi</p> ... Show More
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