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The Effect of Bromocriptine Injection on Ovarieres and Uteri Through Early Pregnant Stages in Albino Mice
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This study was carried out on 10 adult females of albino mice ,  aged  8 – 10 weeks and      24 – 27 gm weight . In addition to 10 males were used for mating in order to determine the effect of injection of bromocriptine on the early stages of pregnancy and this was observed by measuring the weights of some component of female  reproduction  .                                                    The animals were divided into groups : the first group as the control which were injected subcutaneously with normal saline , while the second group as the treated which were injected subcutaneously with 0.5 mg of bromocriptine throughout the time of the expermint ( 5 days ).            The results showed that there was a significant decrease ( P < 0.05 ) in consumpation of food and boody weight before killing , and also in weights of overies and uteri of treated animals in comparison with control . The result also showed the influence of bromocriptine in inhibiting the levels of prolactin hormone and the appearance of its negative effect on the earlier stages of pregnancy in mice through effect on the ovaries and uteri of these animals . 

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in the Rubidium Vapor
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We have studied theoretically the response of atomic three- level cascade scheme
of rubidium vapor to a strong laser under conditions in which electromagnetically
induced transparency would be induced on a weak probe beam. We show that the
medium that is an opaque to a probe laser can, by applying both lasers
simultaneously, be made transparent.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
political intellectual reading in the esoteric interpretation of Ismailism
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Ismailism is of great importance in Islamic history and Islamic political thought. In different countries of the Muslim world today their presence exists and is active but is confused with mystery and secrecy. The most important characteristic of their political ideology is their dependence on the esoteric exegesis, which they have made an intellectual basis for which their most ideas relate, when they make for everything visible and exposed a hidden matter, not only aware of the esoteric exegesis, which only God knows and entrenched in science, and they mean imams or whoever They are called "(esoteric)" as a result of the Ismaili belief in esoteric interpretation and that everything is apparent inward, as well as they called the ((seven

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Industrial Engineering &amp; Management Systems
Economic Analysis of the Financial Literacy Effects in G20
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ABSTRACT this paper extends the literature on the elements and effect of financial literacy by investigating the elements of financial literacy and the impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion and savings. This research confirms the results of researches of other economies but exposes some dissimilarities as well. The principal factors of financial literacy are discovered to be government efficiency, educational level, income, economic performance and infrastructure. Both education levels and financial literacy are found to be meaningfully and positively linked to financial inclusion and savings in G20 economies

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City
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Evaluating the part of historical center in Baghdad City

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The problem of applying Sharia in contemporary Islamic thought
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The Islamic Issue did not rise the “widespread arguments” in contemporary times, just as the issue of applying Islamic Law.  Just as the Islamic forces used this purpose, or employed it during their march to reach to power by adopting the sacred as motivation towered the power, or control the governance. However, the reality show that this goal remained within the boundaries of slogans in the sense of a teleological slogan, and did not go beyond the limits of advocacy or arrangement as the primary source of legislation with differences of teleological reasoning, in a manner that reflected an intellectual problem about the validity of the use of this concept or the ability to apply and enforce the law in today's world, to impose

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
The Influence of Base Layer Thickness in Flexible Pavements
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Flexible pavement design and analysis were carried out in the past with semi-experimental methods, using elastic characteristics of pavement layers. Due to the complex interferences between various layers and their time consumption, the traditional pavement analysis, and design methods were replaced with fast and powerful methods including the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). FEM requires less computational power and is more appropriate for continuous environments. In this study, flexible pavement consisting of 5 layers (surface, binder, base, subbase, and subgrade) had been analyzed using FEM. The ABAQUS (6.14-2) software had been utilized to investigate the influence of the base layer depth on ver

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting Financial Fraud
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A Forensic Accounting is represent science that deals with the application of knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, tax and audit for the analysis, investigation, inquiry, inspection and testing issues in the civil law and criminal law in an attempt to reach the truth through which enable the Forensic Accountant to provide his Expert opinion , forensic accounting plays a major role by providing a range of important services in the field of investigation for fraud and litigation support, As one of the most important legal and accounting functions is to investigate allegations of alleged by the related parties, especially those allegations related to the existence of fraud, since the goal of judicial accountant will depend

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Developmental Role of Ajloun Forest Reserve in Jordan
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Ajloun reserve is the most important reserved areas set up by the Jordanian government to encourage development and ecotourism, is located on the green mountains of Ajloun north of Jordan, was founded in 1989 and follow The Royal Society for the conservation of the natur, an area of 13 km2, and covered with thick forests of oak trees and Butm, maple and others, characterized by the diversity of vital consists of 319 species of medicinal and aromatic plants and wild flowers, and where there are 40 species of birds, 14 species of mammals, 16 reptiles, 5 species of plants registered in the world. The Reserve has a great importance in Jordan ,it is the most reservations attractive to tourists, both internally and externally, and prov

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Behavioral Approach In Financial Reporting Enhancement
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 This study seeks to highlights on the behavioral approach in organization theory as modern and effective entrance in constructing this theory and reflection extent on the behavior of both the product and the information user (accountant and financial information).

 The study also focus on behavioral approach role in consolidating accounting concepts through making harmony between them so that the accountant can influence the user behavior with the concepts and principles of accounting in an effort to provide quality characteristic of accounting information produced by him in consistent with his behavior and information user and its impact on the decision making process by the latter.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A revision study of the Sphecidae from Iraq is presented. A survey is conducted to collect the specimens from different regions; generally, there were 41 species belonging to 12 genera and 4 subfamilies are revised with synonyms.


    The current investigation included the species previously reported in Iraq, which were not collected during the current investigations; the distribution and other information are also provided.

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