Zadah in [1] introduced the notion of a fuzzy subset A of a nonempty set S as a mapping from S into [0,1], Liu in [2] introduced the concept of a fuzzy ring, Martines [3] introduced the notion of a fuzzy ideal of a fuzzy ring. A non zero proper ideal I of a ring R is called an essential ideal if I  J  (0), for any non zero ideal J of R, [4]. Inaam in [5] fuzzified this concept to essential fuzzy ideal of fuzzy ring and gave its basic properties. Nada in [6] introduced and studied notion of semiessential ideal in a ring R, where a non zero ideal I of R is called semiessential if I  P  (0) for all non zero prime ideals of R, [4]. A ring R is called uniform if every ideal of R is essential. Nada in [6] introduced and studied the notion semiuniform ring where a ring R is called semiuniform ring if every ideal of R is semiessential ideal. In this paper we fuzzify the concepts semiessential ideal of a ring, uniform ring and semiuniform ring into semiessential fuzzy ideal of fuzzy ring, uniform fuzzy ring and semiuniform fuzzy ring. Where a fuzzy ideal A of a fuzzy ring X is semiessential if I  P  (0) for any prime fuzzy ideal P of X. A fuzzy ring X is called uniform (semiuniform) if every fuzzy ideal of X is essential (semiessential) respectively. In S.1, some basic definitions and results are collected. In S.2, we study semiesential fuzzy ideals of fuzzy ring, we give some basic properties about this concept. In S.3, we study the notion of uniform fuzzy rings and semiuniform fuzzy rings. Several properties about them are given. Throughout this paper, R is commutative ring with unity, and X(0) = 1, for any fuzzy ring.
Research summarized in applying the model of fuzzy goal programming for aggregate production planning , in General Company for hydraulic industries / plastic factory to get an optimal production plan trying to cope with the impact that fluctuations in demand and employs all available resources using two strategies where they are available inventories strategy and the strategy of change in the level of the workforce, these strategies costs are usually imprecise/fuzzy. The plant administration trying to minimize total production costs, minimize carrying costs and minimize changes in labour levels. depending on the gained data from th
... Show MoreLet h is Γ−(λ,δ) – derivation on prime Γ−near-ring G and K be a nonzero semi-group ideal of G and δ(K) = K, then the purpose of this paper is to prove the following :- (a) If λ is onto on G, λ(K) = K, λ(0) = 0 and h acts like Γ−hom. or acts like anti–Γ−hom. on K, then h(K) = {0}.(b) If h + h is an additive on K, then (G, +) is abelian.
In this paper, we study the effect of group homomorphism on the chain of level subgroups of fuzzy groups. We prove a necessary and sufficient conditions under which the chains of level subgroups of homomorphic images of an a arbitrary fuzzy group can be obtained from that of the fuzzy groups . Also, we find the chains of level subgroups of homomorphic images and pre-images of arbitrary fuzzy groups
The concept of fuzzy orbit open sets under the mapping
In this paper the research introduces a new definition of a fuzzy normed space then the related concepts such as fuzzy continuous, convergence of sequence of fuzzy points and Cauchy sequence of fuzzy points are discussed in details.
Fuzzy orbit topological space is a new structure very recently given by [1]. This new space is based on the notion of open fuzzy orbit sets. The aim of this paper is to provide applications of open fuzzy orbit sets. We introduce the notions of fuzzy orbit irresolute mappings and fuzzy orbit open (resp. irresolute open) mappings and studied some of their properties. .
The purpose of this research is to show a constructive method
for using known fuzzy groups as building blocks to form more fuzzy
subgroups. As we shall describe employing this procedure with the
fuzzy generating subgroups give us a large class of fuzzy
subgroup of abelian groups which include all fuzzy subgroup of
abelian groups of finite order.
This paper introduce two types of edge degrees (line degree and near line degree) and total edge degrees (total line degree and total near line degree) of an edge in a fuzzy semigraph, where a fuzzy semigraph is defined as (V, σ, μ, η) defined on a semigraph G* in which σ : V → [0, 1], μ : VxV → [0, 1] and η : X → [0, 1] satisfy the conditions that for all the vertices u, v in the vertex set, μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ᴧ σ(v) and η(e) = μ(u1, u2) ᴧ μ(u2, u3) ᴧ … ᴧ μ(un-1, un) ≤ σ(u1) ᴧ σ(un), if e = (u1, u2, …, un), n ≥ 2 is an edge in the semigraph G
... Show MoreWithin that research, we introduce fibrewise fuzzy types of the most important separation axioms in ordinary fuzz topology, namely fibrewise fuzzy (T 0 spaces, T 1 spaces, R 0 spaces, Hausdorff spaces, functionally Hausdorff spaces, regular spaces, completely regular spaces, normal spaces, and normal spaces). Too we add numerous outcomes about it.