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A Space of Fuzzy Orderings

In this paper the chain length of a space of fuzzy orderings is defined, and various properties of this invariant are proved. The structure theorem for spaces of finite chain length is proved. Spaces of Fuzzy Orderings Throughout X = (X,A) denoted a space of fuzzy orderings. That is, A is a fuzzy subgroup of abelian group G of exponent 2. (see [1] (i.e. x 2 = 1,  x  G), and X is a (non empty) fuzzy subset of the character group  (A) = Hom(A,{1,–1}) satisfying: 1. X is a fuzzy closed subset of  (A). 2.  an element e  A such that (e) = – 1    X. 3. X :={a  A\ (a) = 1    X} = 1. 4. If f and g are forms over A and if x  D( f  g) then  y  D( f ) and z  D(g) such that x  D<y, z >. Observe, by 3, that the element e  A whose existence is asserted by 2 is unique. Also, e  1 (since (1) = 1    X). Notice that for a  A, the set X(a):= {  X(a) = 1} is clopen (i.e. both closed and open) in X. Moreover, (a) = – 1  (– a) = 1 holds for any   X (by 2).

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The Composition of design according to norm renovation in the interior design space

The interior spaces represent a true reflection of the concepts and values ​​of humanity and requirements; were interested in current research ongoing changes that have occurred in those human values ​​and requirements over time, even pat each time warp its values ​​and its own requirements. Those changes, which receive Bdilalha the spaces linked by a renewal which guarantees the interior design of the spaces of sustainability and bio-coordinated. Launched search from an initial perception that those associated with the changes of the spaces through time that have not been subject to examination and supervision, they will constitute a continuing threat of losing the ties with the past under the pretext of modernization and mo

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Place Identity in Defining Urban Space of Border Rivers in Historical City Centres

In the city, building space could transform to be as place, because architecture does not include only traditional values such as housing, human protection, stability, etc, but could carry other dimensions beyond the housing or building occupancy or develop urban design. Rivers had vision in motion as a way to show dynamic processes in its flowing slowly, which are simply measured in time and the life of citizens. The research consider the river path in traditional cities as Alley connecting the spaces of the city ... old Baghdad was characterized by this property and it is look like Venice in the past, while traditional European cities were able to preserve this property till now, and capable to take transformation of the city with deve

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculations of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) for Free Space Optical Communication Systems

In this paper, we calculate and measure the SNR theoretically and experimental for digital full duplex optical communication systems for different ranges in free space, the system consists of transmitter and receiver in each side. The semiconductor laser (pointer) was used as a carrier wave in free space with the specification is 5mW power and 650nm wavelength. The type of optical detector was used a PIN with area 1mm2 and responsively 0.4A/W for this wavelength. The results show a high quality optical communication system for different range from (300-1300)m with different bit rat (60-140)kbit/sec is achieved with best values of the signal to noise ratio (SNR).

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On The Class of (K-N)* Quasi-N-Normal Operators on Hilbert Space

In this paper, we will give another class of normal operator which is (K-N)*
quasi-n-normal operator in Hilbert space, and give some properties of this concept
as well as discussion the relation between this class with another class of normal

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Existence and Uniqueness Theorem of Fuzzy Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations

     A fuzzy valued diffusion term, which in a fuzzy stochastic differential equation refers to one-dimensional Brownian motion, is defined by the meaning of the stochastic integral of a fuzzy process. In this paper, the existence and uniqueness theorem of fuzzy stochastic ordinary differential equations, based on the mean square convergence of the mathematical induction approximations to the associated stochastic integral equation, are stated and demonstrated.

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jul 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
On the Direct Product of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological d-algebra

we applied the direct product concept on the notation of intuitionistic fuzzy semi d-ideals of d-algebra with investigation some theorems, and also, we study the notation of direct product of intuitionistic fuzzy topological d-algebra.


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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Control of the AC Induction Motor by Using Fuzzy Logic

  The main aim of this research to study and recognize the specifications and main concepts of  (Fuzzy Logic) and its components and studying the practical experiments  of the (Fuzzy Logic)  techniques in the electrical engineering field through by using the (Fuzzy Logic) for controlling the three-phase AC induction motor by using (Matlab_ simulation_7) for modeling the system by using the computer

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation of Urban Planning Projects Criteria Using Fuzzy AHP Technique

In this research,  Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process technique is applied (Fuzzy AHP) which is one of  multi-criteria decision making techniques to evaluate the criteria for urban planning projects, the project of developing master plan of Al-Muqdadiyah city to 2035 has been chosen as a case study. The researcher prepared a list of criteria in addition to the authorized departments criteria and previous researches in order to choose optimized master plan according to these criteria. This research aims at employing the foundations of (Fuzzy AHP) technique in evaluating urban planning criteria precisely and flexible. The results of the data analysis to the individuals of the sample who are specialists, in this aspect.  The la

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some properties of finite dimensional fuzzy anti-normed linear spaces

            In this paper the definition of fuzzy anti-normed linear spaces and its basic properties are used to prove some properties of a finite dimensional fuzzy anti-normed linear space.    

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
Weakly and Strongly Forms of Fibrewise Fuzzy ω-Topological Spaces

This paper is devoted to introduce weak and strong forms of fibrewise fuzzy ω-topological spaces, namely the fibrewise fuzzy -ω-topological spaces, weakly fibrewise fuzzy -ω-topological spaces and strongly fibrewise fuzzy -ω- topological spaces. Also, Several characterizations and properties of this class are also given as well. Finally, we focused on studying the relationship between weakly fibrewise fuzzy -ω-topological spaces and strongly fibrewise fuzzy -ω-topological spaces.

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