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High Synthetic Image Coding System
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Compressing an image and reconstructing it without degrading its original quality is one of the challenges that still exist now a day. A coding system that considers both quality and compression rate is implemented in this work. The implemented system applies a high synthetic entropy coding schema to store the compressed image at the smallest size as possible without affecting its original quality. This coding schema is applied with two transform-based techniques, one with Discrete Cosine Transform and the other with Discrete Wavelet Transform. The implemented system was tested with different standard color images and the obtained results with different evaluation metrics have been shown. A comparison was made with some previous related works to test the effectiveness of the implemented coding schema.

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Publication Date
Thu May 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Object Reconstruction From Fourier Magnitude Information Only
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Reconstruction an object from its Fourier magnitude has taken a great deal in the literature and there is still no obvious solution for the failure of this algorithm. In this paper, the frequent failure of the phase retrieval is discussed in details and it has been shown that when the object is cento-symmetric, the object support is vital element to ensure uniqueness while for asymmetric object; the asymmetric support of the object is not enough to ensure uniqueness but the reconstruction appear to include most of the information of the original object. This is also true for the reconstruction of a complex function.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compression of an ECG Signal Using Mixed Transforms
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Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important physiological signal for cardiac disease diagnosis. With the increasing use of modern electrocardiogram monitoring devices that generate vast amount of data requiring huge storage capacity. In order to decrease storage costs or make ECG signals suitable and ready for transmission through common communication channels, the ECG data
volume must be reduced. So an effective data compression method is required. This paper presents an efficient technique for the compression of ECG signals. In this technique, different transforms have been used to compress the ECG signals. At first, a 1-D ECG data was segmented and aligned to a 2-D data array, then 2-D mixed transform was implemented to compress the

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow and Slip Condition on Generalized Burgers’ Fluid with Fractional Derivative
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This paper investigates the effect of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) of an incompressible generalized burgers’ fluid including a gradient constant pressure and an exponentially accelerate plate where no slip hypothesis between the burgers’ fluid and an exponential plate is no longer valid. The constitutive relationship can establish of the fluid model process by fractional calculus, by using Laplace and Finite Fourier sine transforms. We obtain a solution for shear stress and velocity distribution. Furthermore, 3D figures are drawn to exhibit the effect of magneto hydrodynamic and different parameters for the velocity distribution.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Entropy Generation of Shell and Double Concentric Tubes Heat Exchanger
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Entropy generation was studied for new type of heat exchanger (shell and double concentric tubes heat exchanger). Parameters of hot oil flow rate, temperature of inlet hot oil and pressure drop were investigated with the concept of entropy generation. The results showed that the value of entropy generation increased with increasing the flow rate of hot oil and when cold water flow rate was doubled from 20 to 40 l/min, these values were larger. On the other hand, entropy generation increased with increasing the hot oil inlet temperature at a certain flow rate of hot oil. Furthermore, at a certain hot oil inlet temperature, the entropy generation increased with the pressure drop at different hot oil inlet flow rates. Final

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Review Study on Forgery and Tamper Detection Techniques in Digital Images
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Digital tampering identification, which detects picture modification, is a significant area of image analysis studies. This area has grown with time with exceptional precision employing machine learning and deep learning-based strategies during the last five years. Synthesis and reinforcement-based learning techniques must now evolve to keep with the research. However, before doing any experimentation, a scientist must first comprehend the current state of the art in that domain. Diverse paths, associated outcomes, and analysis lay the groundwork for successful experimentation and superior results. Before starting with experiments, universal image forensics approaches must be thoroughly researched. As a result, this review of variou

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Multifocus Images Fusion Based On Homogenity and Edges Measures
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Image fusion is one of the most important techniques in digital image processing, includes the development of software to make the integration of multiple sets of data for the same location; It is one of the new fields adopted in solve the problems of the digital image, and produce high-quality images contains on more information for the purposes of interpretation, classification, segmentation and compression, etc. In this research, there is a solution of problems faced by different digital images such as multi focus images through a simulation process using the camera to the work of the fuse of various digital images based on previously adopted fusion techniques such as arithmetic techniques (BT, CNT and MLT), statistical techniques (LMM,

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of Infrared Light to Improve Breast Sonographic images
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It is well known that sonography is not the first choice in detecting early breast tumors. Improving the resolution of breast sonographic image is the goal of many workers to make sonography a first choice examination as it is safe and easy procedure as well as cost effective. In this study, infrared light exposure of breast prior to ultrasound examination was implemented to see its effect on resolution of sonographic image. Results showed that significant improvement was obtained in 60% of cases.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Determination of some characteristics of comet’s gases by photometry method for comet Hyakutake
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The present paper focuses on the study of some characteristics of
comets ions by photometry method which represent by CCD camera
which it provide seeing these images in a graded light. From 0-255
when Zero (low a light intensity) and 255 (highlight intensity). These
differences of photonic intensity can be giving us a curve which
appear from any line of this image.
From these equations the focus is concentrating on determine the
temperature distribution, velocity distribution, and intensity number
distribution which is give number of particles per unit volume.
The results explained the interaction near the cometary nucleus
which is mainly affected by the new ions added to the density of the
solar wind, th

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
DeepFake Detection Improvement for Images Based on a Proposed Method for Local Binary Pattern of the Multiple-Channel Color Space
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DeepFake is a concern for celebrities and everyone because it is simple to create. DeepFake images, especially high-quality ones, are difficult to detect using people, local descriptors, and current approaches. On the other hand, video manipulation detection is more accessible than an image, which many state-of-the-art systems offer. Moreover, the detection of video manipulation depends entirely on its detection through images. Many worked on DeepFake detection in images, but they had complex mathematical calculations in preprocessing steps, and many limitations, including that the face must be in front, the eyes have to be open, and the mouth should be open with the appearance of teeth, etc. Also, the accuracy of their counterfeit detectio

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Sep 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Importance and Interaction Indices of Bi-Capacities Based on Ternary-Element Sets
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Grabisch and Labreuche have recently proposed a generalization of capacities, called the bi-capacities. Recently, a new approach for studying bi-capacities through introducing a notion of ternary-element sets proposed by the author. In this paper, we propose many results such as bipolar Mobius transform, importance index, and interaction index of bi-capacities based on our approach.

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