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Determination Of The Efficient Production Plans For Al-Shaheed Public Company By Using Tatget Motad Model Under Risk And Uncertainty

The research aims to derive the efficient industrial plans for Al – shaheed public company under risk by using Target MOTAD as a linear alternative  model for the quadratic programming models.

The results showed that there had been a sort of (trade- off) between risk and the expected gross margins. And if the studied company strives to get high gross margin, it should tolerate risk and vice versa. So the management  of Al- Shaheed Company to be invited to apply the suitable procedures in the production process, in order to get efficient plans that improves it's  performance .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Rationalization the costs and improve seed quality under the application of biotechnology: An Applied Research in Ministry of Agriculture - the Directorate of Inspection &Certification of Seeds

The importance of this research has been to rationalize the cost of producing maize seeds through the followers of modern techniques and methods in agricultural activities such as genetic engineering for the purpose of increasing production efficiency of maize seeds as well as the importance of calculating seed cost rationalization through the ABC system and thus rationalizing government spending. The research is based on a single hypothesis that the use of genetic engineering on corn seeds works to:increase production efficiency of seeds and savings in agricultural inputs, calculation of rationalization through the cost system on the basis of activity ABC The research reached a number of conclus

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Manual proposal to audit the automated accounting system in accordance with the framework (COBIT): Applied Research in the General Company for Petrochemical Industries

The information revolution، the new language has become one for all the peoples of the world through handling and exchange and to participate in all key areas (economic، cultural and scientific) and Accounting episode of this revolution has turned most of the traditional systems (manual) in companies to automated systems، this transformation in the regulations summoned from the auditors that develops their traditional examination automated systems so had to provide tools for auditing help auditors to keep abreast of developments and as a result there is no evidence checksum Local Private audited automated systems came search to provide evidence helps auditors for guidance as part of COBIT، which provides audit procedures Detailed inf

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel

Attacking a transferred data over a network is frequently happened millions time a day. To address this problem, a secure scheme is proposed which is securing a transferred data over a network. The proposed scheme uses two techniques to guarantee a secure transferring for a message. The message is encrypted as a first step, and then it is hided in a video cover.  The proposed encrypting technique is RC4 stream cipher algorithm in order to increase the message's confidentiality, as well as improving the least significant bit embedding algorithm (LSB) by adding an additional layer of security. The improvement of the LSB method comes by replacing the adopted sequential selection by a random selection manner of the frames and the pixels wit

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Health insurance services in the sustainability of human resources: )Analytical study in the Iraqi insurance company)

Health insurance and its benefits are of great importance and impact on the employees who represent the human capital of each organization because they are related to the health reality. The study took into account the most important and the last of his writing of the concepts and literary reviews and enriched the theoretical part of the practical side has addressed the financial data and analysis for the period from 2013 to 2017 to know the impact and the relationship between the variables that They were reviewed on the theoretical side. The study came out with a number of results, on the basis of which practical conclusions were drawn and reflected what was observed on the basis of which the recommendations were formulated

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
A Vision to development the Islamic banks that operating under the financial system based on interest: (Iraq Case Study)

This paper aims to build a modern vision for Islamic banks to ensure sustainability and growth, as well it aims to highlight the positive Iraqi steps in the Islamic banking sector. In order to build this vision, several scientific research approaches were adopted (quantitative, descriptive analytical, descriptive). As for the research community, it was for all the Iraqi private commercial banks, including Islamic banks. The research samples varied according to a diversity of the methods and the data availability. A questionnaire was constructed and conducted, measuring internal and external honesty. 50 questionnaires were distributed to Iraqi academic specialized in Islamic banking. All distributed forms were subject to a thorough analys

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use the target costing in Decrease costing a practical company far AL-Amal Industries

The Target costing is an important modern techniques strategic managerial accounting.which is been shown active adoption to changes in contemporary business environments Inaddition,they had been adopted by the units as aresult of the growth in the strategic approach in the man agement..the goal of using target costing is to build and strengthen competitive abilities of economic units thvough introducing appropriate ways to decrease cost and improving quality of product The hypothesis reflects interest in achieving the goal of the research,ie.research question,The hypothesis use target costing to assist economic units to decrease cost and in the manner that leads to competitive advantages while surviving and flourishing in current busines

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 21 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Efficient computational methods for solving the nonlinear initial and boundary value problems

In this paper, three approximate methods namely the Bernoulli, the Bernstein, and the shifted Legendre polynomials operational matrices are presented to solve two important nonlinear ordinary differential equations that appeared in engineering and applied science. The Riccati and the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer moment equations are solved and the approximate solutions are obtained. The methods are summarized by converting the nonlinear differential equations into a nonlinear system of algebraic equations that is solved using Mathematica®12. The efficiency of these methods was investigated by calculating the root mean square error (RMS) and the maximum error remainder (𝑀𝐸𝑅n) and it was found that the accuracy increases with increasi

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The use of the methods of the lower squares and the smaller squares weighted in the estimation of the parameters and design of the sample acceptance schemesFor general exponential distribution

The acceptance sampling plans for generalized exponential distribution, when life time experiment is truncated at a pre-determined time are provided in this article. The two parameters (α, λ), (Scale parameters and Shape parameters) are estimated by LSE, WLSE and the Best Estimator’s for various samples sizes are used to find the ratio of true mean time to a pre-determined, and are used to find the smallest possible sample size required to ensure the producer’s risks, with a pre-fixed probability (1 - P*). The result of estimations and of sampling plans is provided in tables.

Key words: Generalized Exponential Distribution, Acceptance Sampling Plan, and Consumer’s and Producer Risks

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Murabaha in Enhancing the Profitability of Islamic Banks Using the (ROA) Index: Applied research in Al-Nahrain Islamic Bank

The banking sector of all kinds is the backbone of the economy in all countries, as it is the main financier of most economic projects in order to achieve economic development and achieve stability, which contributes to providing the necessary resources in return for obtaining a profit margin in exchange for giving up his money and bearing credit risks. Among the aforementioned banking sectors are: Islamic banks that invest their capital in several forms in order to obtain profits that enable them to continue and grow, and the most important of these formulas is the Murabaha formula, which is summarized by the bank selling a commodity after owning it and then selling it to the applicant for this commodity based on a prior request

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Chaotic behaviour of the Rossler model and its analysis by using bifurcations of limit cycles and chaotic attractors

The behaviour of certain dynamical nonlinear systems are described in term as chaos, i.e., systems' variables change with the time, displaying very sensitivity to initial conditions of chaotic dynamics. In this paper, we study archetype systems of ordinary differential equations in two-dimensional phase spaces of the Rössler model. A system displays continuous time chaos and is explained by three coupled nonlinear differential equations. We study its characteristics and determine the control parameters that lead to different behavior of the system output, periodic, quasi-periodic and chaos. The time series, attractor, Fast Fourier Transformation and bifurcation diagram for different values have been described.

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