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Measuring and analysing inequality in the Distribution of Economic Welfare in Suleimania Governorate during (2007):
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 The issue of inequality in distribution of income and / or consumption expenditure is related to economic welfare because there is an inverse relationship between the economic welfare on the one hand, and the degree of inequality, on the other hand. Despite the fact that inequality is considered as normal phenomenon in every society, but if it exceeded certain limits it will lead to undesirable economic, social and political consequences. Therefore, the availability of indicators about inequality is a necessary tool for planning and evaluation of economic development programs. So, current study is aiming at measuring and analyzing the degree of inequality in distribution of consumption expenditure within three geographic areas of Suleimania governorate, namely: the governorate center, other urban and rural area, using familiar objective measures like Gini Cofficient, Kuznets Cefficient, and Coefficient of Variation, sa well as measuring and testing inequality between them by using special measures called Economic Distance Ratios. As was expected, the study found that the degree of inequality in per capita expenditure distribution is relatively high in the areas under consideration, as well as found significant differences between them.The data wich have been used were collected by Iraqi Central Bureau of Statistics and Information Technology cooperation with the statistics of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq during (2007).Finally,the study suggested some proposals that may serve future studies related to inequality, or that assist in designing of programs that contract the living standards gap between individuls of the society.


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Publication Date
Mon Nov 15 2021
Journal Name
Studies Of Applied Economics
The Role of Market-Share Management Strategies in Explaining the Stocks Performance Variance of a Number of Industrial Companies- An Analytical Research
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The study aims to know the nature of the expected relationship between market share management strategies and the variation in the performance of the shares of a number of Iraqi industrial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange. For the period (2005-2018) in the light of both the monthly closing prices and sales volume during the research period, the (Panel Data) method was relied on through a stylistic test (fixed effects model and random effects model), and the results determined the need to adopt the fixed effects model method for sample data and test Assumptions, the results showed the positive impact of market share according to its strategies on the performance of stocks according to its studied indicators (Treynor index

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
Understanding the life applications of green chemistry among students of the College of Education for Pure Sciences, Ibn al-Haytham in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education
A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin
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This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of electronic payment systems on the effectiveness of monetary policy
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Information and Communication Technology  revolution has led to the emergence of electronic payment systems and their means And that the replacement of these modern means replace the traditional means (legal money) issued by the Central Bank has influenced the performance of monetary policy, especially that monetary policy is one of the most important policies used to achieve economic stability ,  The aim of the research is To know the impact of electronic payment systems on the tools of monetary policy as these means, such as cards and electronic money issued by credit institutions and companies, that is, the Central Bank is not responsible for issuance and spread And the lack of regulation by the Central Bank will lea

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Publication Date
Wed May 16 2018
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal I
Graphing skills of Chemistry students at Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad
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The aim of this research is to investigate the skills of the chemistry students from the Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad in understanding and constructing graphical representations of data. The research sample consisted of (101) male and female students in their fourth year of study during the 2016-2017 academic year. This sample represents 71% of the total number of students in this group.The research methodology used consisted of two parts relating to 19 issues. The first part is an objective multi choice type of test to measure the student’s skill in selecting the right representation of specific subject graph amongst many provided. The second part concentrated on measuring the student’s skill in construc

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
השירה החילונית לשמואל הנגיד בספרד Hebrew religious poetry to Shmuel Hnagad In Spain
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השירה החילונית  זו מיזגה בין התרבות היהודית והתרבות הערבית השלטת. התרבות הערבית השלטת  השפיעה על היהודים בשירה, בספרי פילוסופייה ועיון, בהגות דתית, ביצירה של פרשנות המקרא, במחקר בדקדוק עברי, ברפואה ועוד. ספרי המדע המחקר והעיון נכתבו כולם בערבית. זו היתה שפת הדיבור בקהילות היהודיות. אבל השירה שהתפתחה, שירה אשר קבלה את יסודותיה מן השירה הערבית, שהגיעה לשיא בתקופה זאת – נכתבה כולה בעב

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant Sudanese women attending The Military hospital using Nested PCR technique : Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant Sudanese women
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Background: Parvovirus B19 is a human pathogenic virus associated with a wide range of clinical conditions. During pregnancy congenital infection with parvovirus B19 can be associated with poor outcome, including miscarriage, fetal anemia and non-immune hydrops.  

Objective: The study aimed to determine the prevalenceof Parvovirus B19 DNA in pregnant women attending the Military hospital in Khartoum, demonstrating the association between the virus and poor pregnancy outcomes.

Subjects and methods: This study was a cross sectional study, testing pregnant Sudanese women whole blood samples (n= 97) for the presence of Parvovirus B1

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Arab Blogosphere and the Strategies of Self-Building and Diary
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Basically, media studies focused on the important role of the blogs in boosting the democratic process in the Arab States. Blogs also worked on creating an alternative media for the public that maintained freedom of expression. However, media studies ignored the status of the blogs in the social and cultural fields.
The current study tries to tackle the socio-cultural dimensions of the blogs by means of showing how the blogs construct the self. The researcher is going to conduct interviews with the bloggers. He will also carry out a semiotic analysis that may reveal the strategies used by the bloggers. Besides, he tries to identify the realistic and traditional frames in which the social relationships are buil

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitism and the allegations of the Jews Presentation, analysis and criticism
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he aim of the research is to clarify the meanings and connotations of (Semitic), and to identify the peoples that fell under this name according to historical data, biblical texts and Qur’anic news. International sympathy on the one hand and on the other hand controlling the land of Palestine and giving them international legitimacy to grow their entity according to global support and sympathy with their alleged slogan (anti-Semitism), which revolves around the oppression of the Jews.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
The International Scientific Conference For Nanotechnology And Advance Research’s
Effect of the annealing and compositional on the Morphological and electrical
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Nanocrystalline TiO 2 and CuO doped TiO 2 thin films were successfully deposited on suitably cleaned glass substrate at constant room temperature and different concentrations of CuO (0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2) wt% using pulse laser deposition(PLD) technique at a constant deposition parameter such as : (pulse Nd:YAG laser with λ=1064 nm, constant energy 800 mJ, with repetition rate 6 Hz and No. of pulse (500). The films were annealed at different annealing temperatures 423K and 523 K. The effect of annealing on the morphological and electrical properties was studied. Surface morphology of the thin films has been studied by using atomic force microscopes which showed that the films have good crystalline and homogeneous surface. The Root M

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