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The importance of direct foreign investment on development of Iraqi oil industry for the period (2003-3010)
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Oil industry played a major role in delineating the course and type o development in both imported and exported Arabic countries alike where its revenues has perform an essential role in forming programs and plans of development on both national and international level in addition to anticipation of future consuming.

Iraq, as an oil producer country with a revenues –based economy depends on oil in building its economy totally including its infrastructure having a the greatest conformed reservoir which make the government budget depends largely on oil revenues where its strategic importance lies in funding all aspects of expenders as it is considered the prime source of foreign currency.  The challenges of deterioration in administrative and technical situations Iraq faces due to the years of war and economic sanction imposed which lead to its decline add new challenges represented in corroded oil wells that need huge money of development and increase its productions efficiency which require focusing on encouraging the foreign investments through oil permissions and contracts to be invested internally. But the current contacts in oil investments are the privilege contracts that guarantee exclusive rights for the contracting company in exploring and production which is unsuitable for Iraq, the joint operations contracts which guarantee the participation of the state with the contacted company in exploring and production as well and lastly the services contacts where the state owns all rights of exploring and production though all this type of contracts play a secondary role in serving wells but not for the purposes of investment or strategic development  of oil exploring and extracting that Iraq need currently.  

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2013
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
 The choices of Ibn Muqasim (354 AH) from the Qur’anic readings
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This research examines aspects of Imam Al-Qurtubi's efforts in matters related to the topics of faith that he dealt with in his interpretation (the provisions of the provisions of the Qur’an); and it has been shown that Imam Al-Qurtubi in most of the doctrinal issues dealt with in his interpretation approximates the doctrine of the Sunnis of Ash'aris, Maturids and people of impact. He had responses to some of the teams, such as stereoscopic, karami, and Mu'tazilite, reinforcing the responses with transfer and mental evidence.
    It was found that Imam Al-Qurtubi says that there is an increase in faith and a decrease in it, that the increase is through actions (so obedience increases and decreases in sin) and that the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Semitism and the allegations of the Jews Presentation, analysis and criticism
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he aim of the research is to clarify the meanings and connotations of (Semitic), and to identify the peoples that fell under this name according to historical data, biblical texts and Qur’anic news. International sympathy on the one hand and on the other hand controlling the land of Palestine and giving them international legitimacy to grow their entity according to global support and sympathy with their alleged slogan (anti-Semitism), which revolves around the oppression of the Jews.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of sohba when the Golden Imam Through his books
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Scientists were interested in the statement of the concept of companions and the definition of the companion in terms of his status or his novel or inherent to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and was for those who did not walk in the translations and the abundant share in this work, and among these scientists Hafiz Shams al-Din al-Dhahabi, which was translated to the companions His books, indicating their status and effort, and who had a novel of them - what we will see in the folds of the research, God willing -

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Astronomy Reports
Ionized gas in the circumgalactic vicinity of the M81 galaxy group
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Publication Date
Tue May 17 2016
Journal Name
J. Of College Of Education For Women
The Sufferings Of Afro-American Maids in Kathryn Stockett's The Help
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analytical Modeling of Stresses in the Wall 0f the Human Heart
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The mechanical function of the heart is governed by the contractile properties of the cells, the mechanical stiffness of the muscle and connective tissue, and pressure and volume loading conditions on the organ. Although ventricular pressures and volumes are available for assessing the global pumping performance of the heart, the distribution of stress and strain that characterize regional ventricular function and change in cell biology must be known. The mechanics of the equatorial region of the left, ventricle was modeled by a thick-walled cylinder. The tangential (circumferential) stress, radial stress and longitudinal stress in the wall of the heart have been calculated. There are also significant torsional shear in the wall during b

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Innervation of the pineal gland in the rat: A chromotolysis study
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Back ground: The innervations of the pineal
gland from the superior cervical ganglion have
shown some form of a chromatolysis reaction.
1-Tracing the innervations of the pineal gland by
removing the target tissue (the pineal gland in
this study) i.e. (pinealoctomy) and removal of the
superior cervical ganglion i.e. (ganglionectomy).
2- The localization and total number of the
neurons which project into the rat pineal gland
3-The effect of pinealoctomy on the SCG after a
different time interval.
Methods: Twenty five albino rats were used in
this study, Pinealoctomy was done, then after a
different time interval ganglionectomy was done,
in order to study the Chromatolysis in their cel

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Evaluation The Performance Geodetic of the Receivers Using Static Positioning Technique
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Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is considered to be one of the most crucial tools for different applications, i.e. transportation, geographic information systems, mobile satellite communications, and others. Without a doubt, the GNSS has been widely employed for different scientific applications, such as land surveying, mapping, and precise monitoring for huge structures, etc. Thus, an intense competitive has appeared between companies which produce geodetic GNSS hardware devices to meet all the requirements of GNSS communities. This study aims to assess the performance of different GNSS receivers to provide reliable positions. In this study, three different receivers, which are produced by different manufactur

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Trust Factor of Oman’s Diplomacy in the US-Iranian Conflict
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من أجل فهم دور سلطنة عُمان في المفاوضات الإقليمية والوساطة وحل النزاعات يجب تقدير سياستها الخارجية، والتي سيتم تقييمها من أجل فهم كيفية نشأتها وتشكلها وأثر ذلك على مواقفها السياسية طوال سنوات حكم السلطان الراحل قابوس بن سعيد. وتقع عُمان في منطقة مضطربة، وقد طُلب منها في عدة مناسبات أن تعمل كمفاوض أو وسيط في الصراعات الإقليمية. سيبحث هذا البحث في كيفية قيام السلطنة بالوساطة الدولية، خاصة في الصراع الأمريكي

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computing And Digital Systems
The Perception of Information Security Threats Surrounding the Cloud Computing Environment
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