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Requirements of talent management in high- containment organizations/ field study in Technology and Science Ministry
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Human resources constitute the most important recourses that the organization owned today, as it may have developed financial and technology resources to achieve their goals, but they are not able to use it with required efficiency and effective and quality desired unless there is human resources that have good skills, experiences and talents that able to directing and exploited ideally that compatible  with market requirements, where today's market and business organizations which compete naturally inherent talent, so the task is to attracting and developing talented resources and preservation these talented resources from the challenges that facing organizations. 

The research seek to achieve a set of  goals such as diagnosis the  requirements of talent management in high- involvement organizations as the research problem launched from the reality of organizations and their importance in light of increasing the competition on talents, and the only form that is strong and Inimitable in competitive advantage is the talent that organization can have through it culture and the attractiveness of strong values, open talent, intellectual bias and strong practices, will bring and preserve the best individuals  in the organization. 

Today's organizations took to achieve cultural change not by chance, but through adopting specific strategy of high- involvement and measurable action –plan. So , practicing the high- involvement  lies in finding the high-containment and talent and spread it among employees.

And that through testing a appropriate employees for organization and commitment to development and training the skills and adopting participation system in decision making and share information and also participation system in revenues

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Study the Effect of 12-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid Concentration on Preparation and Characterization of Floating Organogels using Cinnarizin as Modeling Drug
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This work targeted studying organogel as a potential floating system. Organgel has an excellent viscoelastic properties, floating system posses a depot property.  Different formulations of 12-hydroxyoctadecanoic acid (HOA) in sesame oil were gelled and selecting F1, F3 and F5 HOA organogels for various examinations: tabletop rheology, optical microscopy, and oscillatory rheology studies. Also, the floating properties studies were conducted at in vitro and in-vivo levels. Lastly, the in-vitro release study using cinnarizine (CN) was to investigate the organogel depot property. Based on the results, the selected concentrations of HOA in sesame oil organogels showed temperature transitions fr

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Morphological Study of Alumina Hollow Fiber Membrane
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Morphologies of ceramic hollow fiber membranes prepared by a combined phase-inversion and sintering method were studied. The organic binder spinning solution containing suspended Al₂O₃ powders was spun to a hollow fiber precursor, which was then sintered at elevated temperatures( 300 ˚C, 1400 ˚C, 25 ˚C) in order to obtain the Al₂O₃ hollow fiber membranes. The spinning solution consisted of polyether sulfone (PES), N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), which were used as polymer binder, solvent, respectively. The prepared Al₂O₃ hollow fiber membranes were characterized by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is believed that finger-like void formation in asymmetric ceramic membranes is initiated by hydrodynamically unstable vis

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
Histological Study on Bird Cerebellum of Pycnonotus leucotis
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Histological study of the cerebellum in a bird white cheeked bulbul Pycnonotus lecucotis, the result of the study showed that the cerebellum took the parts of the hindbrain, the histological study of the cerebellum revealed the presence of deep folds on its surface. The cerebellum consists of two areas, the cerebellar cortex, which is called the gray matter, which consists of three layers: the outer layer (the molecular layer), the middle (Purkinje cells) and inner layer (the granular layer). The second area of the cerebellum is called the medullary and the white matter.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2016
Journal Name
Case Studies In Surgery
Ameloblastoma: A clinical study of 25 Iraqi patients
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Objective: Geographic differences in clinical and pathological aspects of ameloblastoma have been suggested, therefore the purpose of this study was to analyze cases of ameloblastoma in terms of clinical and radiographic manifestations, histopathological types, treatment modalities and recurrence rate and compare them with reports from other parts of the world. Methods: The medical reports of patients diagnosed with ameloblastoma were reviewed and the data concerning the age, gender, chief complaint, the anatomical site of the lesion, radiographic appearance, histopathological diagnosis, treatment approach and recurrence were retrieved. Surgical treatment consisted of either enucleation with curettage and peripheral ostectomy or resection;

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison Study Demosaicking of Bayer Color Filter Array
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Image capturing in most still and  motion  digital  cameras  employs a charge  coupled  device  covered  with  a monolithic array  of color  filters such   that   each   pixel   samples  only   one  color   band.   Interpolation   is necessary   to  restore  the  missing  color  samples  in the  resulting mosaic, this process referred  to as demosaicking.

This  paper   gives  an  overview   of  demosaicking,  presents  few

methods   proposed   in  the &nbsp

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 18 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The study of nuclear structure for some nuclei
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An analytical form of the ground state charge density distributions
for the low mass fp shell nuclei ( 40  A  56 ) is derived from a
simple method based on the use of the single particle wave functions
of the harmonic oscillator potential and the occupation numbers of
the states, which are determined from the comparison between theory
and experiment.
For investigating the inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form
factors, an expression for the transition charge density is studied
where the deformation in nuclear collective modes is taken into
consideration besides the shell model space transition density. The
core polarization transition density is evaluated by adopting the
shape of Tassie mod

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 09 2022
Journal Name
Open Access Macedonian Journal Of Medical Sciences
Histopathological Types of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: Clinicopathologic Study
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BACKGROUND: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common type of thyroid carcinoma that represents a set of characteristic of nuclear features in which the diagnosis is depend. AIM: The study aimed to review different variants of PTC which has different malignant potential in correlation with many prognostic and clinical factors in Iraq. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Paraffin blocks of 227 cases of PTC were selected, subtyped, and grouped according to the malignant potential. The prognostic and clinical factors were studied. RESULTS: The mean age was (39.29 ± 12.17) years, with female predominance (86.3%), where (55.5%) of them below 40 years, conventional variant was most common (40.1%), followed by papillary microcarcinoma

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية
Study some virulence factors of Escherichia coli isolates
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Some Factors determining the virulence of Escherichia coli ( E. coli ) isolates were studied ,of 25 isolates , 17(group A) uropathogenic E. coli ,6 (group B) infected gastrointestinal tract , 2 (group C) infected wound , beside these group we use the standard strain E. coli HB101 as control group. The twenty five isolates were tested for adherence capability to human buccal cavity epithelial cells by in vitro experiment . The results showed that all isolates have different adhesion capability with mean ranging from (14.35±11.39) to (33.80 ± 22.68) bacteria / epithelial cell It was noticed that isolates EU9, ES6, EW17 displayed high adhesive capability with mean value (33.80 ± 22.68), (32.60 ± 21.19), (29.90±22.50) bacteria /epithelial

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 04 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fusion Reaction Study of some Selected Halo Systems
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The challenge in studying fusion reaction when the projectile is neutron or proton rich halo nuclei is the coupling mechanism between the elastic and the breakup channel, therefore the motivation from the present calculations is to estimate the best coupling parameter to introduce the effect of coupled-channels for the calculations of the total cross section of the fusion , the barrier distribution of the fusion and the average angular momentum ⟨L⟩ for the systems 6He+206Pb, 8B+28Si, 11Be+209Bi, 17F+208Pb, 6He+238U, 8He+197Au and 15C+232Th using quantum mechanical approach. A quantum Coupled-Channel Calculations are performed using CC code. The predictions of quantum mechanical approach are comparable with the measured data that is

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 03 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Palynological Study of the Genus Arabis l.(Brassicaceae)
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Pollen morphology of 4 species (A. aucheri , A. auriculata, A. caucasica, A. nova) belonging to the genus Arabis L. in Iraq was examined by light microscope and scanning electron microscope to determine the significance of pollen features as a taxonomic characters. The results showed pollen grains of the species were monades, homopolar, tricolpate, and with medium size, but the species varied in shapes (polar and equatorial view), colpus length and width, exine thickness and exine ornamentation. Pollen colors were brown convert to brownish yellow.