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Requirements of talent management in high- containment organizations/ field study in Technology and Science Ministry
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Human resources constitute the most important recourses that the organization owned today, as it may have developed financial and technology resources to achieve their goals, but they are not able to use it with required efficiency and effective and quality desired unless there is human resources that have good skills, experiences and talents that able to directing and exploited ideally that compatible  with market requirements, where today's market and business organizations which compete naturally inherent talent, so the task is to attracting and developing talented resources and preservation these talented resources from the challenges that facing organizations. 

The research seek to achieve a set of  goals such as diagnosis the  requirements of talent management in high- involvement organizations as the research problem launched from the reality of organizations and their importance in light of increasing the competition on talents, and the only form that is strong and Inimitable in competitive advantage is the talent that organization can have through it culture and the attractiveness of strong values, open talent, intellectual bias and strong practices, will bring and preserve the best individuals  in the organization. 

Today's organizations took to achieve cultural change not by chance, but through adopting specific strategy of high- involvement and measurable action –plan. So , practicing the high- involvement  lies in finding the high-containment and talent and spread it among employees.

And that through testing a appropriate employees for organization and commitment to development and training the skills and adopting participation system in decision making and share information and also participation system in revenues

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
HLA Typing in Iraqi Patients with Obesity and Primary Osteoarthritis.
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Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease. It is one of the major causes of disability in developed and developing countries. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) as part of immune system has a role in the disease process.Objectives: To investigate whether there is an association between HLA class II-DRB and OA.Methods: A case control study with 26 patients with osteoarthritis and 22 apparently healthy obese control persons matching in ethnicity were enrolled in this study during the period between October 2012 till March 2013. Direct interview was done with each patient and HLA typing was done by molecular method using Sequence Specific Primer (PCR-SSP) method using One Lambda Kit-USA. Results: The results showed that fem

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hypothyroidism and AMH in Iraqi Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
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This study was conducted to investigate thyroid function and Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in (Chronic kidney disease) CKD patients by evaluating their levels in CKD patients, 50 patients were diagnosed to have CKD stage-5, their ages ranged between 20-50 years (25 males and 25 females) who attended the Nephrology and Transplant Center in Medical City of Baghdad- Iraq, they were recruited from April 2018 to July 2018 and were enrolled into the study. The control group consisted of 20 healthy individuals, their ages ranged between 20-48 years (10 males and 10 females). The study showed non-significant (p>0.05) increase in AMH level in CKD patients compared to the control group. On the other hand, TSH was recorded a highly significant (

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Heavy Metal Pollution and Men Infertility in Al-Falluja City
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Infertilityis oneuof the most problemsathatufacingaadvancedunations. In the general, about halfof allacasesaof the infertility are causedby factors thaturelated toathe male partner. Propos educausesvofumalev infertility include evgeneticuand environmental factors. Blood samples from 64 infertileumen allawere living in urban its al-Fallujah city (30 azospermeiauand 34 oligospermeia) and 32 fertile men (asuthe control group) were collected. Heavy metal concentrations inusera of infertile and fertile groupswereumeasured by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Y- chromosomemicrodeletions were detected by using PCR techniques. Significantdifferences (P?0.05)uin the concentration ofucopper (0.0267±0.0147 and 0.0278±0.0273, for infertileua

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis and Characterization Graphene- Carbon Nitride Nanostructure in One Step
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Graphene-carbon nitride can be synthesized from thiourea in a single step at a temperature of four hours at a rate of 2.3 ℃/min. Graphene-carbon nitride was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), scanning electron microscopy, and spectrophotometry (UV-VIS). Graphene-carbon nitride was found to consist of triazine and heptazine structures, carbon, and nitrogen. The weight percentage of carbon and the atomic percentage of carbon are 40.08%, and the weight percentage of nitrogen and the atomic percentage of nitrogen are 40.08%. Therefore, the ratio and the dimensions of the graphene-carbon nitride were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and it was found that the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jul 16 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Business And Manegement
Causality Relation between FDI Inflows and Economic Growth in Qatar
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These years Qatar has emerged as an important regional destination of foreign direct investment (FDI), which demonstrates the recent success of several smaller economies in attracting FDI. This paper aims to investigate the causal relationships between inward FDI and economic growth in the particular case of Qatar featured as oil production country. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Impulse Responses and Granger Causality Tests were adopted as major research methods. Annual data set was used covering from 1990 to 2010. The main results demonstrated the bi-directional causality and long-run relationships between FDI inflows and economic growth in Qatar. And to attract FDI inflows into Qatar, the government shall continue its efforts in const

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Information hiding in digital video using DCT, DWT and CvT
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The type of video that used in this proposed hiding a secret information technique is .AVI; the proposed technique of a data hiding to embed a secret information into video frames by using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Curvelet Transform (CvT). An individual pixel consists of three color components (RGB), the secret information is embedded in Red (R) color channel. On the receiver side, the secret information is extracted from received video. After extracting secret information, robustness of proposed hiding a secret information technique is measured and obtained by computing the degradation of the extracted secret information by comparing it with the original secret information via calculating the No

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Scopus (17)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Science Issues (ijcsi)
Near Rough and Near Exact Subgraphs in Gm-Closure spaces
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The basic concepts of some near open subgraphs, near rough, near exact and near fuzzy graphs are introduced and sufficiently illustrated. The Gm-closure space induced by closure operators is used to generalize the basic rough graph concepts. We introduce the near exactness and near roughness by applying the near concepts to make more accuracy for definability of graphs. We give a new definition for a membership function to find near interior, near boundary and near exterior vertices. Moreover, proved results, examples and counter examples are provided. The Gm-closure structure which suggested in this paper opens up the way for applying rich amount of topological facts and methods in the process of granular computing.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Torque and Drag Forces Problems in Highly Deviated Oil Well
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Excessive torque and drag can be critical limitation during drilling highly deviated oil wells. Using the modeling is regarded as an invaluable process to assist in well planning and to predict and prevent drilling problems. Identify which problems lead to excessive torque and drag to prevent cost losses and equipment damage. Proper modeling data is highly important for knowing and prediction hole problems may occur due to torque and drag and select the best method to avoid these problems related to well bore and drill string. In this study, Torque and drag well plan program from landmark worldwide programming group (Halliburton Company) used to identify hole deviated well in Zubair oil fields named, ZB-250 selected for anal

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design
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The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Caries experience and treatment needs among footballers in Baghdad city
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Background: footballers may have poor oral health like elevated levels of dental caries. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and severity of dental caries in Iraqi footballers and to measure dental treatments needs. Materials and methods: 403 Iraqi males footballers aged from 18-32 years were included in the study. The cases were recruited from 18 clubs in Baghdad city. Results: the results of present study showed increased percent of caries experience according to age increase and decreased dental caries percent as education level increased among Iraqi footballers. Decayed component was found to be the largest of DMFS value compared to MS and FS among all age groups, Caries experience was found to be increased as age

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